HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2001-05-09, Page 28766 QUEEN STREET HWY. #4 NORTH '14 1111 IIMETEMED CLETE DALTON INTERNATIONAL REAL ESTATE AUCTION BLYTH TUESDAY, MAY 15' AT 1:00 P.M. (ON SITE) We have been favoured to offer this commercial property, land and building formerly AJ's Auto Centre, Restaurant with freshly updated 2 bedroom apartment, 4 pc. both. Present owner has relocated his business to Seaforth: THIS OFFERING MUST BE SCLD. FEATURING: 7500 sq. ft. commercial 150' x 132' lot, restaurant pizza at front. car sales yard payed to Hwy. #4, 500 amp. service 3 phase, 2 restrooms, taxes only. $1,962.32. MULTIPLE Highway commercial (C3) zoning allows. automotive, retail, restaurant, USES: farm related, kennel, feed store, sports establishment. recreational, clinic. bed & breakfast, assembly hall, gas bar, garden supply. retail wholesale. TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO BUY AT YOUR PRICE! TERMS: I. Cash Sale-subject to tens of offer to purchase and acceptance 2. $1000.00 cash bond required on registration at the Auction. 3. Deposit to be increased to 109 at Auction, closing May 29, 2001 109 buyer premium in effect. Real Estate Auction, Anything Else Is Just For Sale ALL INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE ACCURATE BUT NOT GUARANTEED BY THE VENDOR OR AGENT WEB SITE: cletedaltoninternational.com Email: clete.dalton@odyssey.on.ca Clete Dalton Sales Represent:RR e/ Auctioneer Tel. 519438-2222 Fax 519-438-1886 utts.c Sutton group - preferred really Inc Broken Realtor 181 Commissioners Rd.. W.. London ON N6J1X9 ...ACCELERATED MARKETING ACCELERATED MARKETING... ...ACCELERATED MARKETING...ACCELERATED MARKETING... „` 1 V N I (M IN NA 1 3 3, ) 9 N 1I 3 ,1 1 3V 11 1 4 3 I VI 1 4 '1 3 3 PAGE 28. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 2001. Classified Advertisements Cards of thanks Cards of thanks Coming events — RATES 20 words or less only 54.00. Additional words 15C each. 50c will be deducted if ad is paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114 A ccommodation for rent JUST DECORATED. TWO BED- .room apartment overlooking down- town Brussels. $375 plus utilities. Phone 887-9007. 18-tfn IN CLINTON. NEWER TWO bedroom apartment. quiet four plex, controlled entry. four appliances included, laundry facilities, parking and close to downtown, $475 monthly plus utilities. Call 519-685-2264. 1 1-tfn Articles for sale FOR MOTHER'S DAY - Remember When ... Special gifts for your special Mom, 184 Dinsley St. W.. Blyth, 523-9554. 19-lp LARGE SELECTION OF perennials and bedding plants. Open until October. Riverside Perennials, 40825 Morris Rd. 16, 10 km. west of Brussels, 887-6306. 19-4 MEDIUM SIZE FREEZER IN excellent condition $75, 33 gallon aquarium with stand and. fish $100, Hoosier cupboard, good condition $800. 523-9271. ' 19-1 Samsung Syncmaster 550S, Intell, brand new scanner - S/W3300U - Webscan H.P. printer - Deskjet 600c, stereo speakers and micro- phone. Sharpe FF7300 photocopier with cabinet. 3 month old 10.5 h.p. snowblower. Power bed head and foot raise, vibrator on timer, no heat, single, just like an Ultramatic. John Bjerg Sr., 523-4495. 19-1p Auction sales Births HOWSON. Morgan is excited to announce the safe arrival of her little brother, Colin Jeffrey on April 18, 2001. He weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces. Colin is a son for Diane and Jeff. Grandson for Bob and Ruth Canipbell, Seaforth and Doug and Barb Howson of Blyth. Great- grandparents are Beatrice Camp- bell, Seaforth and Fred and Mary Howson, Goderich. Special thanks to Dr. Hay and the O.B. staff at Clinton Public Hospital. 19-1 B usiness opportunities RAISE CHINCHILLAS AS A profitable full or part-time. business. Obtain a tax deduction for 2001. We provide animals, supplies, instruction, insurance, delivery, market, financing. Consignment herds available. Start in basement, garage, spare room or barn. Excellent home-based business. Canadian Chinchilla, PO Box 1684, St. Marys, Ont. N4X ICI. 519-229-6117. Fax 519-229- 6622. 18-2 Cards of thanks CAMPBELL. We would like to thank our neighbours, friends and family for making our 25th anniver- sary celebration an enjoyable afternoon. Special thanks to Rob and Angie, Steve and Melissa for their work. Thank you again. - James and Marilyn Campbell. 19-Ip GROPP-RUTLEDGE. Thank you to those who demonstrated their - friendship, love and support at our Buck and Doe. Special appreciation to our families and bridal party - Dave, Ashley. Sam and Mike. You epitomize the true meaning of friendship. Love - Nic and Chad. 19- I p Auction sales AUCTION SALE - MAY 12, 9:30 J.J. Fehr, R.R: #1, Clinton, one mile out of Kinburn on Summer Rd 6 and 7. Farm machinery, roof tin. fence posts, 45' house trailer, 2 regular trailers 20' double axle, miscellaneous items. 19-1 BUTTON. We would like to express our sincere thanks to Jerrod. Hope. Jody, Kevin and our families who put on a wonderful party for our 25th wedding anniversary. Special thanks.to all who helped out and attended, also for all the lovely cards, gifts; flowers and calls. To the Blyth Legion, our favourite bartender. Brenda and Alex, the guitar man, "A Huge Thank You". It will be remembered in our hearts forever. - Jim and Jette Button. • 19-1 • MARSHALL. I would like to thank my guardian angel Alicia for taking control of the vehicle and going for help, my husband Dave for-all his support. the Blyth Fire Department for their assistance, family and friends for looking after the children while I was in the hospital, Cathy and Dianne for their assistance before, during and after with watching the boys and the many calls, to neighbours, the community of Blyth for the many calls, cards, food donations and also for the many prayers and floWers. I would also like to thank Jan Raczycki for his assistance and concern. - Belinda Marshall. 19-1 STEPHENSON. I would like to thank my friends and family for all their kindness before and since my surgery. The cards, treats, plants and food were greatly appreciated. A special thanks to Jim, Mike and Ann for their great care. Also to Max, Jim and Darlene thank you for all your support. - Kathy. 19-1 p VANDER HEYDEN. We wish to thank all the neighbours and friends tor the warm send-off and potluck supper held for us at Westfield: Special thanks to Mike, Arden'and everyone who was involved. It wa3 nice to visit with everyone and hope to see you all again. - Gerald and Anna. 19-lp McDOWELL. Thanks to friends and neighbours for their cards and gifts helping me celebrate my special birthday. Special thanks to my wife Carol and family and a special neighbour for preparing the cakes and food and decorating the hall. - Gerald. 19- 1p ROUW/GUSSO. Thanks to all of our friends and family for supporting us at our Stag and Doe and to our wedding party for throwing such a successful bash, We sincerely appreciate all of your hard work. — Sarah and Peter. 19-1 Coming events COMMUNITY SHOWER FOR Becky Davidson - May 12 (Saturday) from 2 - 4 at Brussels United Church. Everyone welcome. 19-1 VISION FOR A NEW CONGRE- gation. An information meeting for all those interested in forming a new Christian Fellowship will be held at Blyth Public School Thursday, May 10 at 8:00 p.m. For more information contact Harvey Snell 523-4711 or John Uyl 523- 9892. 19-lb MAYTIME SUPPER, SUNDAY, May 27, 2001, 4:30 - 7 p.m. in Melville Presbyterian Church. Brussels. Adults $9.00: ages 6-12, $4.00: 5 yrs. and under - Free. 19&21 4 EUCHRE TOURNAMENT: Londesboro Hall, May II, 8 p.m. Admission $5, over $100 in prizes. Proceeds for Halllmbrovements. 19-lp AUBURN HORTICULTURAL Society Annual Plant Sale, Monday, May 18, 8 p.m., Community Hall, Auburn. Everyone welcome. 19-1 ORGANIC FARM OPEN HOUSE. Bring the kids to see baby animals, take a horse-drawn wagon ride, get herbs, cut flowers, and heirloom tomato plants from our greenhouse, or find out about organic farming, our community garden and organic meats. Mother's Day weekend, Saturday, May 12, 10-5 and Sunday, May 13, 1-4. Off Highway 86, Creek Line, east of Lucknow. For more details call Fran McQuail, 528-2493. mcqufarm@hurontel.on.ca 18-2 MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF Directors of the Clinton Public Hospital are open to the public and are held on the fourth Monday of each month.e(except July and August). Meetings are held in the hospital's boardroom, and begin at 7 p.m. Individuals or groups who wish to address the Board or make a presentation must submit a written request at least seven days in advance of the meeting. 19-I FOR INFORMATION ON Schizophrenia and early treatment of psychosis hear Ian Chovil, patient educator, Homewood, Guelph at Central Huron SS Clinton, Room 107 at 7:30 p.m. Monday, May 14. Huron Chapter, Schizophrenia Society of Ontario 357-326E- 19-lp THE OLDE SHED IN HOLMES- ville is closing. 50% storewide, excluding some in Arts and Crafts section. We are selling shelves, 'walls, light fixtures - everything must go! Come out to our final two days - May 19 and 20. 519-482- 1740. Reg. hours Wed.-Sat. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. or by appointment. 19-2 BLYTH FESTIVAL SINGERS go Canadian Eh! — May 12, Stanley Complex, Varna. Full- course dinner, musical entertain- ment and silent auction. Bar opens at 5:30 p.m. Dinner at 6:30 p.m. Tickets $20.00 each. Usual outlets or Blyth Festival box office .523- 9300. 18-2 1ST BLYTH SCOUTING FUND- raiser, May 12. Beavers' bake sale in front of Memorial Hall, 9 a.m. until noon. Cubs selling hot dogs and pop, parking lot across from the Blyth Post Office, 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Scouts' rummage sale, Blyth Veterinary Clinic, 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. All proceeds to be used for scouting activities. 18-2b MOVING SALE FROM FARM, Saturday, May 5 and Saturday, May 12. Furniture, electric lift- chair, treadle sewing machine, wardrobe, -maple round coffee table, 3 furnace fans with motors, 3 claw-foot bathtubs, 47 Ford 8N tractor with drag-behind blower, lamps, dishes, crafts, deck panels, books, knitting machine, fridge, humidifiers, feeders and much more. Everything must go. East on Walton Road from Walton Church. Watch for signs. For info phone 887-9126. 18-2p YOU'RE INVITED TO ATTEND Blyth Horticultural Society's Spring Invitational, Monday, May 14, 7:00 p.m., Blyth Memorial Hall. Guest speaker: Jamie Rogers. Topic: water gardens. Entertainment by the clowns, Boonie and Bugsy. Refreshments to follow. Plus we'll have door prizes. 18-2 fle.- LARGE AUCTION SALE # to be held at Lobb Auction Building in Clinton for the Estate of Betty Feagan and the Estate of Joe Corey plus good additions SATURDAY, MAY 12 AT 9 A.M. CAB - 1988 Ford LTD TRACTOR - Farmall 504 gas tractor w/narrow front end & 2 row scaler. TRAILER - 8 X 16 steel deck tandem trailer CANOES - One Nova Craft, One Coleman, 2 paddle boats made by + Pelican - 1 yr. old. LAWN MOWERS - Yardsman LT 12-38 riding mower, gas push mowers. OTHER - Craftsman snowblower, garden tiller, portable air compressor, 2 7 aluminum extension ladders, chainsaw, electric welder, table saw, scroll # saw, 3 wheel scooter, wheelchair, fax machine, 5 packing blankets, hand # tools, log doll house, extension cords, etc. ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, ETC. - 2 pianos, piano stools, piano bench, drop front secretary, oval parlour table, antique treadle sewing machine, 111 washstands, antique dressers, china cabinet, round wooden kitchen table and 4 chairs, wooden dining table, 4 chairs and buffet, hall tree, antique settee and Victorian side chair, trunk, cedar chest, rocking chairs, bedroom suites, beds, oak barrels, 2 old wooden wall phones, i butter boxes, sectional chesterfield - 5 yrs. old, oak barrels, chairs, sad 7 irons, milk cans, Goderich milk bottle collection including Bisset signs + +and calendars, oil lamps, chesterfield and chair, crocks and jugs, very large offering of glassware including antique pieces, salt and pepper shakers, cups and saucers, bedding and linens, plus our usual large • offering of items too numerous to mention. "A very large auction." APPLIANCES - McClary fridge - 1 yr. old, 2 other fridges, washers and dryers, colour TVs, chest freezer, gas dryer, vacuum cleaners, air T conditioners, etc. Two auctioneers selling starting at 9 a.m. Come early. Viewing 3 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. Friday, May 11. AUCTIONEERS: RICHARD AND BEN LOBE 482-7898 CLINTON www.auctionhotline.com Auction sales Auction sales