HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2001-04-25, Page 13Generational success
It was a day of triumph for three generations from one Brussels family when Lori Vader. left,
Joan Wissler and Jane Draper graduated together from the XSmokers program, at a ceremo-
ny held in Goderich on Sunday. The trio have a combined 70 years as smokers.
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Farmers pack hall to hear about Foot and Mouth
The level of concern over the poten-
tial for Foot and Mouth Disease
(FMD) to enter Canada was in evi-
dence when a standing-room-only
crowd packed the Elmwood
Community Centre, April 17 to hear
speakers give the latest information
on the disease.
About 300 farmers attended the last
of a series of six meetings across the
province that drew more than 2,000
people, far more than the expected
attendance of 800, said Cathy Lennon,
general manager of the Ontario Sheep
Marketing Agency who chaired the
John Forsyth OMAFRA program
manager of cattle and swine, pointed
out FMD is much more widespread
than just the current outbreak in Great
Britain and Europe, affecting most of
Asia and Russia, large parts of Africa
and major countries in South America.
With modern travel it takes only six
hours to get from some infected coun-
tries to North America instead of ,a
lengthy boat trip when FMD last
affected Canada in 1952, he said.
As well, many Ontario farmers
have close. ties to European countries
that are affected by the current out-
Dr. John Derbyshire, who taught
virology at the University of Guelph
explained the virus that causes the dis-
ease is among the smallest of viruses
and is more resistant to environmental
conditions, making it perhaps the
most contagious of all animal viruses.
It takes only 20 particles of the virus
to infect an animal.
It's RNA-based instead of DNA-
based, which means it changes more
rapidly, .Derbyshire said. Indeed the
virus at the end of an epidemic may be
different than the virus that began it.
Infected animals start shedding the
virus before they show any of the
symptoms, which makes it hard to
prevent the spread of the disease.
Animals are infected by inhaling or
ingesting the virus, Dr. Derbyshire
said. (Pigs usually get the disease
through feed, cattle and sheep by
inhaling.) The virus multiplies in the
throat and spreads through the blood
stream. It causes blisters in the mouth
and between the toes.
Sheep and goats have relatively
mild versions of the disease so it's
often hard to tell they have it, but they
can multiply the virus and give it to
other animals. In Britain the disease
was spread by the shipment of sheep
from infected parts of the country to
non-infected areas.
Dr. Rob Tremblay of Boeringer
Ingleheim added that cattle are most
infected by the disease with pigs next
most susceptible. Cattle will show a
loss of milk production, a high fever
and depression. They develop blisters
in their mouths that burst, turning to
painful sores that make them salivate.
They can have blisters on the teats.
On their feet they develop blisters
and sores between their toes and
around the coronet with soreness out
of proportion to the size of the sores.
More than 90 per cent of cattle sur-
vive, but FMD is so debilitating it
makes raising the animal uneconom-
Pigs suffer a sudden fever and
depression with blisters on their snout
and tongue. The sores on their feet
may make it too painful for them to
get up. They may be squealing and
Sheep show more subtle symptoms
though they may have a sudden onset
of lameness and be reluctant to get up,
choosing to "dog sit" on their haunch-
es instead. There may also be blisters
in the mouth but they are less conspic-
Sheep in Britain showed a listless-
ness and were off their feed. Sudden
death of lambs from heart failure was
also experienced.
With FMD so widespread around
the world, farmers need to be vigilant
against the spredd from more than just
Britain and European countries,
Tremblay said.
The FMD virus is unusual in that it
can survive for long periods without a
host. It can live for up to 20 weeks in
stored hay, for instance, which is one
reason why feed and hay are also
destroyed on a farm where there has
been an outbreak.
It can survive 14 days in a cattle
stall, for 39 days in urine and for
weeks to months in manure (longer in
a pit, shorter in a manure pile). It can
survive from a few days to a few
weeks in soil and survives freezing
and refrigeration, but not heat, which
means it can be killed by pasteuriza-
Infected animals shed the virus in
all bodily fluids and it can be carried
in the meat of infected animals. It can
spread up to 60 km overland in the
wind and 300 km by sea.
Yet for all this hardiness, it can be
killed by weak alkaline or acidic solu-
tions like a 1:1 ration of vinegar and
Farmers should protect their farms
by increasing biosecurity, Tremblay
advised. "The first line of defence on
your farm is you," he said. Post warn-
ing signs asking people to check with
you before entering your property.
Tell people where they can contact
you if you need to do business so they
won't enter your premises.
Don't be afraid to ask all visitors if
they have visited a country where
FMD has been found. If the answer is
yes, ask people to come back in two
weeks. That way the low possibility
the person might actually have been in
contact with the disease in another
country will be reduced even lower.
Visitors should have clean boots
and coveralls. It's probably best to
keep overalls and inexpensive rubber
boots for such occasions, Tremblay
said. You might consider using a foot-
bath but it's really more a statement
about your concern for biosecurity
than it is an effective solution, he said.
While the prime focus of biosecuri-
ty now is FMD, it will also help pro-
tect your farm from other diseases that
are known to exist in Canada, he said.
If FMD is found on your farm, don't
leave the farm, he said. If you call
your vet and he diagnoses the disease,
he shouldn't leave your farm either.
You or the vet must call the Canadian
Food Inspection Agency's Animal
Health and Production Program.
Dr. Anne West of the program
explained how CFIA would then
react. Agency personnel, along with
counterparts in the U.S. and Mexico,
have already practised their response,
she said.
An area emergency response team
would be mobilized if the disease was
identified. The infected farm would be
isolated by quarantine. The process of
tracing all animals that had left the
farm or where animals entering the
farm had come from would begin.
CFIA officials have the power to
order destruction of animals infected.
All animals infected and any other
animals on the farm would be
destroyed because it's likely even
healthy animals have been exposed. In
Britain the policy has been to destroy
all animals on the infested farm with-
in -24 hours and animals on adjacent
farms within 48 hours.
If animals are ordered destroyed,
farmers are compensated. A panel
made up of a CFIA official, a repre-
sentative of the commodity in ques-
tion and the farmer, evaluate the loss.
Compensation is at market value and
depends on the type of animal with
the top values being: cattle, up to
$2,500; bison, $4,000; sheep, $600;
goats, $800; swine, $800. If farmers
don't think these compensation limits
are high enough they should take up
the issue with their commodity associ-
ations and local MPs, West suggested.
There can also be compensation for
the destruction of property such as
feed. The cost of transportation and
disposal of animals can also be paid.
Nothing in the Health of Animals Act
mentions coverage for the cost of
cleaning and • disinfecting the barn,
West said.
After all animals and feed on a farm
have been destroyed, the barn is disin-
fected and left vacant for a period of
time. Sentinel animals are then intro-
duced and monitored for a further out-
There is no government compensa-
tion for business interruption, West
said and this is an area that commodi-
ty associations may want to address.
More information on the disease is
available by calling a CFIA toll-free
telephone number at 1-877-277-0677.
There are also several good websites:
www.inspection.gc.ca for the CFIA
site; www.pighealth.com ; and
www.maff.gov.uk for extensive infor-
mation the British outbreak.