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THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 2001. PAGE 19. M-T, Howies discuss property rezoning By Lindsay Kulas Wingham Advance-Times Mr. and Mrs. Carl Howie attended the second March meeting of Morris-Turnberry council. Accompanied by their solicitor, Lynn Johnston, the Howies discussed their application for an official plan amendment and rezoning for an existing building on their property at Lot 4, Con. 12 in Ward T. Also attending the meeting were representatives of the Huron County Planning Department, Dr. Gary Davidson and Jennifer Ball, as well as Chief Building Official Byron Ellis. The couple is proposing to rezone their property to residential/commercial from its current status of AG1 (agriculture) and NE2 (natural environment). The Howies had attended a previous council meeting at which they had made an initial attempt for the OPA and rezoning. At that meeting, Davidson suggested that council deny the application. But the Howies asked council to defer the matter until legal counsel could be sought. At last week's meeting, Johnston brought to council's attention that it appears the Howies have done everything they had been asked for the rezoning. She said her clients had hired an architect and although they did have the building zoned for use as a toolshed/workshop, they claim they had been assured by Paul Josling, former Turnberry Twp. building inspector, that it would "be easy to The County of Huron and the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General announced Wednesday that the administration of Provincial Offence Act (POA) functions would transfer from the province to the county at midnight March 30. Administrator Lynn Murray said, the transfer should be seamless to the public, as the county offices are located in the courthouse adjacent to the provincial .court office which currently administers POA matters. The POA is a procedural law for administering and prosecuting provincial offences, including those committed under the Highway Traffic Act, Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act, Trespass Continued from page 14 Bob Bowman spoke to council about drainage in Century Heights. He expressed concern that water was seeping into several homes because the drain could not take the water away fast enough in high flow periods. Bowman was advised that residents could submit a petition for municipal work. Costs would be divided amongst affected landowners. Maitland Engineering Services was appointed drainage superintendent for the municipality. Clerk Bill Norris was authorized to obtain an estimate of the market value for Colborne and Melbourne -streets in Port Albert and to prepare a notice of intent for road closures and sale of the allowances. The intent will be circulated, posted and published. There were no objections from council for Lavis Contracting's application to the Ministry of obtain a rezoning". Carl Howie asked council why the health department, which inspected the building, had insisted that sinks be readily available and that the size of the septic tank be increased, when the building was meant to be used as a toolshed/workshop, at that time. The Howies and Johnston emphasized that in no way did the Howies intend to manipulate the legal process for the zoning of their building. Johnston informed council that the Howies propose to now use the building for their catering business, including food preparation, as well as holding public functions, such as weddings and anniversaries. Limitations would be put on the building, acknowledged Johnston, including that it be used mainly on weekends and the number of people in the building be restricted to no more than 100. The Howies said they would be interested in hiring a small staff, possibly five people. A parking lot is already established which can park 100 vehicles without inconvenience. Johnston suggested that the catering operation would boost the local economy, adding that the Howies would purchase as much material locally as possible. Council raised concerns about surrounding agricultural operations. Inquiries were made about neighbouring farms and the limitations that could be placed on them due to the minimum distance separation (MDS) for a public use building in their area. Johnston urged council not to deny the Howies' application without first to Property Act, Liquor Licence Act, municipal by-laws and minor federal offences. The POA governs all aspects of legal process from serving notice to a defendant, to conducting trials, including Sentencing and appeals. "This year has been a busy one for the county. On Jan. I the County assumed provision of ambulance services and the Huron County Housing Corporation", said Warden Norm Fairies. "Later this year, we will be assuming the administration of Social Housing subsidy programs from the province. This is in addition to the other provincial downloading, such as Ontario Works, public health, roads, etc. already assumed from the province." Natural Resources for a licence to draw additional gravel from their pit, an increase from 75,000 tonnes to 150,000 tonnes. Permission was given for all employees who required skills renewal to attend a first aid/CPR course April 3-4. A quote from McArthur Tire Service Ltd., in the amount of $14,800.50 for grader/truck tires and rims, was accepted. Plow/wing edges and shoes were purchased from Letco. Ltd, in the amount of $13,011.50. Ice teeth and other items were purchased from Valley Blades for $2,269.81 plus freight. Accounts payable, in the amounts of $25,034.58 for the former Colborne Twp.; $66,980.71, Ashfield Twp.; $78,820.43, Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh; $58,364.45, roads;$1,279.51, Lucknow tire board and $401.26, Lucknow medical board, were approved. holding a public meeting to further discuss the issue and allow time to gather the needed numbers for the MDS. But Davidson said it would be in the best interest of the municipality if the council does not proceed any further with the Howie property as many problems may arise. After a brief discussion in closed session, council agreed to hold a public meeting to hear any objections to the rezoning-OPA application of the Howies. Council may still choose to accept or deny the application. If denied the Howies may appeal the decision to The time and place of the public the Ontario Municipal Board. meeting has not been set. Cty. assumes POA job A-C-W staff take CPR