The Citizen, 2001-04-04, Page 16PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 2001. From the Minister's Study Death not the end, says Rev. By Rev. Cathrine Campbell Melville, Brussels, Knox, Belgrave Presbyterian Churches All who hdve experienced the death of a loved one know the black hole of despair that seems to open. Whether the loved one was young or old, in the peak of health or wracked with the pain of disease there is a feeling of profound loss and no amount of "It was for the best" or "He/she is at peace" will negate these feelings. Yet, in the Christian religion we celebrate a death! In fact it is the first half of the bedrock of our under- standing of our whole faith. How can this be? How can the death of a beloved son be the cause of happy lives 2000 years, and more, later? How can the God who understood Abraham's anguish over the request- ed death of Isaac not apply that same graciousness to himself and let his own son live? His Son was doing well, He was doing God's will and many had already come to ask for healing and salvation. Many had been baptized, many had now understood what a true life in the Creator meant so why - in modern terms - "mess with suc- cess"? _ - These are the questions that humans ask - the answer is God's. "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that who- ever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John. 3:16). Jesus death on the Cross is an affir- mation that God understands our very human reality. God knows of our sins, our suffering and the pains of loss. God also knows that these are not to be our eternal state. For God knows that His ways are ways of growth and creation. In the death of Christ we have that powerful reminder of the hurt and anguish that humans experience but also we are told that this is not the end, it is the beginning! In the R,:surrection of Christ we have the powerful message that no matter how horrible, how distressing or how sad things are in our lives there is Hope that there can be renewed life and that hope comes through faith in God "who doeth all things well". And so we come to Easter as a time of thanksgiving for we know that God cares, God cares deeply, and so his Son tells us "In my Fathers house there are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you (John 14:2) and He fur- ther reassures us "Peace I leave with your; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid" (John 14:27) We have much to learn and much to celebrate and I hope that during the time of Holy Week in Brussels you will be able to attend at least one of the Ecumenical services that are listed in the advertisement on this page. In this time of Easter we are called to celebrate Life! Please join with us in the Celebration. Beautiful music Blith and area residents were treated to the sounds of music when Ann Marie Sparling, far right, performed at Trinity Anglican Church, Blyth, March 31. Accompanying her were Susanna Lyman on flute, Barb Bosman on piano and Sharon Johnston on piano and harp. MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BRUSSELS April 13, 2001 11:00 a.m. - Good Friday Service April 15, 2001 8:30 a.m. - Sunrise Service at the home of Marguerite Krauter 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. - Easter Breakfast at Melville (Proceeds to support Geni our sponsored child in Africa) 11:00 a.m. Easter Celebration Service There is no Belgrave service on the 15th Wheelchair accessible Nursery care available We welcome you to come and worship with us. Rev. Cathrine Campbell - 887-9831 Yteatte join aa fa* utaicaliip did Sunday Palm Sunday - Morning Worship Service -10 a.m. Evening Worship Service 7:30 p.m. "The next day the great crowd that had come for the feast heard that" Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. They took branches and went out to meet him, shouting: "Hosanna! "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Bkssed is the King of Israel!" —John 12:12 & 13 BLYTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. Adrian A. Van Geest it\ Hwy. 4, Blyth 523-9233 Wheelchair accessible HURON CHAPEL EVANGELICAL MISSIONARY CHURCH Auburn - 526-7555 PASTOR DAVE WOOD - 523-9017 Sunday 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Friday 7:30 p.m. • Family Bible Hour • Morning Worship Service - Evening Worship • Family Night - Youth THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA 'Wu wie welcome tlib, Sunclail TRINITY, BLYTH ST. JOHN'S, 9:30 A.M. BRUSSELS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE 11:15 A.M. BLYTH UNITED CHURCH Corner of Dinsley & Mal Street 11:00 a.m. Worship & Sunday School "Women's Day Out" THIS SATURDAY! April 8 Palm/Passion Sunday: "Kingdom Cost" Pastor: Ernest Dow 523-4224 Check us out, Live or Online www.tcc.on.cai-dowfamichurch.htm Cornerstone Bible Fellowship Ethel Communion - 9:45 - 10:30 Family Bible Hour and Sunday School - 11:00 - 12:00 Prayer & Bible Study - Tuesday 8 p.m. Adventure Club for children ages 4-12 Third Friday of each month - 7:15 - 9:00 p.m. Ladies' Time Out - Last Thursday of each month -. 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Guest speakers, special music & interesting features. All ladies invited. John 14:6 - Jesus said, "I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, no one comes to the Father, but through Me." Everyone Welcome For more information call 887-6665 You are Welcome at the BLYTH COMMUNITY CHURCH OF GOD 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School - for ages 3 to adult 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship Bible Studies - Wednesday morning 10 a.m. Wednesday evening 7:30 p.m. Phone 523-4590 308 Blyth Rd., Blyth BRUSSELS - ETHEL PASTORAL CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Joan Golden - Diaconal Student Minister Church Office 887-6259 E-mail - bepc@wcl.on.ca Palm Sunday. April 8th, 200) Ethel United Church 9:30 am Worship Service & Sunday School Breakfast following the Service - donations supporting the Canadian Foodgrains Bank Brussels United Church 11:00 aril Worship Service & Sunday School Pancake Breakfast - 8:00-10:00 a.m. ALL are welcome to come and worship with us. Brussels Community erf Ecumenica l eek Services Monday, April 9 to ilitop Holy m Wednesday, April 11 12:05 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. at Brussels United Church Lunch following each service Maundy Thursday, April 12 8:00 p.m. at St. John's Anglican Church Donations to Brussels Ministerial Benevolent Fund gratefully accepted (Services sponsored by Brussels Ministerial with all denominations assisting) Sanderson greet Greeters at Blyth United Church on Sunday, April 1 were John Uyl, Fred and Deb Hakkers. Ushers were Maria, Elmer, Jonathan and Stephanie Sanderson. Barb Bosman was the organist. Deb Hakkers read the gospel les- son: Luke 12:13-21. The worship song was More Precious than Silver. The theme of the sermon was Kingdom Values: Don't Be Fooled! Rev. Ernest Dow spoke about the fact for many people, what's valu- able is how much they have; but to Jesus, what's valuable is how much they've given away." He talked about how the world's wealth is fleeting. Rev. Dow said, "For the Christian, it's all God's money any- way. We're just stewards." Referring to the fact that it was April Fool's Day, Rev Dow told two parables about fools. In Luke 12:13- 21, it's explained that life is richer for sharing, not just having. The man in the story was a fool for not realiz- ing "my" goods don't guarantee security," Rev. Dow said. In Luke 16:1-13 Jesus told another story that teaches that people are smart to barter what they can't keep for what they can lose." The Sanderson family collected the offering.