HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2001-03-28, Page 121 Combs of Seaforth plus additions from Goderich and Exeter homes SATURDAY, MARCH 31 AT 9 A.M. CANOES: 2 cedar strip fibre glass covered canoes plus 3 other canoes sell at 11:30 a.m. APPLIANCES: Modern Maytag washer and dryer (good ones), almond i fridge and stove, White Westinghouse washer, G.E. dryer, 2 microwaves, T Jenn Air built-In stove, G.E. built-in oven (both good ones). FURNITURE: Sectional chesterfield (new), chesterfield with pull-out bed, large china cabinets, other chesterfields, three piece bedroom suites, walnut drop leaf goteleg table (real nice), folding rocking chair, I upholstered chairs, spool bed, washstand, French Provincial coffee T table, fancy end tables, other tables, odd chests of drawers, spring and mattress, floor model hi fi, fancy gold lamps, plus other furniture, dishes and glassware Including antique pieces, 2 drawer filing cabinet, golf clubs, fishing poles, snow shoes, some tools, Benmiller blanket, brass + easel, accordion (needs repair), electric lawn mower, bedding, drapes, office desk, Clinton and Goderich souvenirs, Elmira woodstove, treadle sewing machine, garden tiller, plus our usual large offering of items too I T numerous to mention. , Term: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. AUCTIONEERS: RICHARD AND BEN LOBB 519-482-7898 Clinton www.auctionhotline.com -.Ow- t -.11111.---.S.- AUCTION SALE rtobe held at Lobb Auction Building in Clinton for Cleave and Peggy Auction sales Auction sales - AUCTION SALE of Tractors, Combine, Machinery and Miscellaneous will be held for Gerald and Anna Vander Heyden Lot 33, Con. 4, East Wawanosh Township Fire No. 39033, 2 corners north of Blyth (Westfield Road) and 3 corners west - second farm west of Westfield Snell Elevators (watch for signs) SATURDAY, MARCH. 31 AT 11:00 A.M. TRACTORS: 8030 Allis Chalmers Diesel FWD, cab, air, power shift, 540 and 1,000 RPM, fully equipped, 5,500 hrs. 14.9 x 28 front and 20.8 R38 back tires (new rub- ber). Duals sell separate, XT 190 Allis Chalmers Diesel 2WD, 3,100 hrs. 18.4 x 34 tires (no cab), D15 Allis Chalmers gas loader/backhoe with 2 buckets, IH W4 gas (running) COMBINE & HEADS: 1980 Allis Chalmers F2 Diesel combine, cab, air, with straw chopper, 2,182 hrs., 23.1 x 26 tires (good condition) 13 ft. flex head 430 corn head, dummy head with Sund pickup (Heads sell separate) STRAW: Approx. 350 small square bales of Barley Straw MACHINERY (To sell at approx. 12 noon): 5100 White Seed Boss planter with splitter unit, 6 x 30 in. corn and 13 x 15 in. soybean, dry fertilizer with No. 3000 monitor (good condition), IH 510 16 run seed drill with grass seeder (single disc), Willrich 26 ft. cultivator with walking tandems and cylinder, Hardy 300 TR sprayer with 35 ft, self levelling boom, IH 720 5 furrow 18 in. semi mount plow, MF 9 shank 3 PH chisel plow, Vibro Crop 4 row corn scuffler, Market Easy Glide 14 ft. brush auger (all plastic) new in 2000, Kraus 40 plate wheel disc, Lely fertilizer spreader on wheels, Maur 4 row bean puller, Innes bean windrower with cross conveyor, Flail type stalk chopper 11 ft. Crowfoot land packer, 8 ft single auger snow blower, hydraulic chute, NI PTO manure spreader, 15 ft. wick weeder, Two Bruns 350 bushel grain boxes on 10 ton Horst wagons, 10.00 x 20 tires, Three smaller grain boxes on wagons, 7 ft mower fits International H tractor. 'NEIGHBOUR'S CONSIGNMENT: 22 ft. IH cultivator. MISCELLANEOUS: Morridge 400 bushel batch dryer for parts, two grain aerators, hand transfer pump, 5 HP power washer, 3 HP transfer pump with 1 1/2 in. hose, 3/4 HP air compressor, 2 feed carts. Wagon load of farM-related items. Farm is sold. Plan to attend as this is a good clean offering of machinery TERMS: Cash or acceptable cheque with proper I.D. day of sale. Not responsible for accidents. Verbal announcements take precedence over advertising, items listed as described by owner. For more information call Gerald Vander Heyden at (519) 523-9310 AUCTIONEERS: Brian Rintoul (519) 357-2349 Bill Horst (519) 595-2626 PAGE 12. THE CITIZEN. WEDNESDAY, MAlicti zd, 2001. Classified Advertisements - RATES — 20 words or less only $4.00. Additional words 150 each. 500 will be deducted if ad is paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114 A ccommodation for rent AUBURN AREA, 4 BEDROOM farmhouse, $500/month, first and last month's rent. Call 523-4538. 13-2 BLYTH, CLEAN, SPACIOUS, 2 bedroom upper apartment with balcony, fridge and stove included, washer and dryer on premises. Phone 482-9823. 48-tfn IN CLINTON, NEWER TWO bedroom apartment, quiet four plex, controlled entry, four appliances included, laundry facilities, parking and close to downtown, $475 monthly plus utilities. Call 519-685-2264. 11-tfn Articles for sale MAPLE SYRUP — FRESH Canada #1 light. 4L - $34, 2L - $18, IL - $10. Edward Gingerich, 37823 Belfast Rd., RR 2, Lucknow, 1 mile east of St. Helens. 13-3p PURPLE BIRDHOUSE, WISH- ing well, little kid's barn, wooden lawn chairs. Call 523-9450. 13-lp READY TO LOSE WEIGHT LIKE crazy and feel great? I lost 10 pounds and 10 inches in just 25 days. Call 519-524-4571 or 877- 418-1738 now. 13-5 COMPUTERS! NAME-BRAND! Refurbished Pentium multimedia systems including 15" monitor, will get you started at just $449.00. Call 519-524-4571 now. 13-3 SNOWMOBILE - 1994 FORMULA Z, 2 up seat, electric start, comes with cover, $3500. Phone 887-6027 after 4:00. 12-2 PURE, CLEAN WATER patented carbon-block filter system reduces more than 140 contaminants, including lead and chlorine. Safer, better-tasting water for less than 10 cents a litre. GTB International, 523-9796. 12-2p Babysitting FULL-TIME B AB YSITTER available in my home in Brussels. I am a non-smoker with a lot of experience. References available. Call Holly 887-9209 anytime, if no answer leave a message. 13-2p Healthy eating... regular physical activtty Births BARBOUR. It's a boy! Marc and Tricia (nee Zehr) are very pleased to announce the arrival of Colin Kenneth Frederick on March 12, 2001 weighing 7 lbs. 11 oz. First grandchild for Joe and Sandy Zehr and sixth grandchild for Ken and Laura Barbour. First great- grandchild for Mervin and Freda Zehr and Rosemary Fishback and first great-great-grandchild for Elizabeth Zehr. Special thanks to Dr. Martin and the OB nurses at Stratford General Hospital. 13-1 DOERR/RILEY. Shelly and Butch are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their daughter, Derriane Hope on March 16, 2001. Proud grandparents are Doug and Diana Doerr of Blyth, Floyd and Lynda Riley of Centralia. Aunts and uncles are Derick, Noreen, Doug and Tina. l3-lp Check out our WEBSITE at www.northhuron.on.ca Cards of thanks THE ORGANIZERS OF THE 2001 WOAA PeeWee Girls Hockey Tournament would like to thank all the individuals and organizations who assisted in putting together a great weekend of competitive hockey. Special thanks goes to Ryan Ashcroft, Nick Cameron, Dave and Derek Cook, John Craddock, Shanna Dunbar, Linda Espensen, Dustin Horton, Bruce Griffin, Corey Macharl, Kristen Palmer, Pete Quennell, Ashley Ritchie, Elaine Shropshall, Bruce Skillen, Adam _Skinn, Marilyn Nolan and Nicole Whitfield, Paul Wilken and Wingham Minor Hockey Mother's Auxiliary. 13-1 DONALDSON. We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone — friends and family for the cards, flowers, food and donations. Special thanks to Dr. Antoniadis and nurses at the Wingham and District Hospital, to Rev. Ethel Miner Clare for your prayers and lovely service. Special thanks to Blyth Lions, Blyth Legion and Blyth Lodge for their service_and Blyth Legion Ladies for the lunch after the funeral. Also thanks to all our neighbours for all their help, kindness and support. — Marg and Logue family. '13-lp DRAPER. A big thanks' to everyone who was there to help me after my truck-pedestrian accident on March 12. John Lowe, for his medical aids' and Willis and many others for their concern. Thanks for the many phone calls, cards, flowers and visits from family and friends. I received great medical care from the ambulance attendants and Dr. Marshall from Wingham Hospital; Dr. Veer and Dr. Yee from the Seaforth Clinic and also the Glassier Clinic, Wingham for my physical therapy on my knee injury. I'm on the mend and feeling very lucky because the results from my accident could have been more serious. Thanks again everyone and especially Lorne and Lori for all your extra time given to me at home and driving me for my medical care. My family and friends are great as always. Anthony, your little song was special too - "Grandma got run over by a pickup truck". I'm sure your mommy was behind your song. --Jane. 13-1p MCLEOD/PILATZKE. We would like to thank our family and friends for braving the bad weather to come to the surprise shower and stag on Saturday night. Our hearts were overwhelmed with the cards, gifts and best wishes from everyone. We would also like to thank our children Mark and Lori, Corey and Stacey and Brian and Tanya for all their time and hard work in organizing both parties. Our sincere thanks. — Ruth and Derek. 13-1 SCHULTZ. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to our friends, relatives and neighbours, for the cards, flowers, food, phone calls and memorial donations. We also thank Rev. Cathrine Campbell for her special message, Aubrey Toll and Elva Brown for the music and the Beattie-Falconer Funeral Home. Special thanks to the ladies who prepared and served the lunch. Everyone will be remembered in our prayers. — Irene, Don and Cliff. l3-lp TOPHAM/BRIDGE/BOTT. the family of Bob Topham would like to thank all our "great" friends for the visits, support, cards, donations, and food sent in both before and after the funeral. Special thanks to Reverend Cathrine Campbell and the Peebles Funeral Home. To each friend, your kindness and support will always be remembered. — Helen Topham, the Bridge, the Topham and Batt families. 13-1p Check out our WEBSITE at www.northhuron.on.ca WALTON HALL BOARD Annual meeting Tuesday, April 3 at 7:30 p.m. at Hall. Everyone welcome. New board members needed. 13-1 CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL Auxiliary meeting, Monday, April 2, 2001, in hospital board room, 9:30 a.m. regular meeting; 11:00 a.m. annual meeting (committee chairs - include reports in triplicate). Come along, bring a friend or contact Freda 482-9163. 13-1 OPEN COFFEE HOUSE JAM Saturday, May 5, 2001, 72 Mill St., Brussels. Music by the Melville Crew. Special guests Dan and Trish with harmonica Jimmy. Doors open 7:30 p.m. Free Admission. Donations to Melville Presbyterian Church. Call for more information 887-9181. 13-2 GOSPEL SONGFEST, LONDES- boro United Church, Sunday, April 8, 2001, 7:30 p.m. Featuring choirs, soloists, instrumentalists, etc., etc. 13-2p SHOW DOG HANDLING Seminar, presented by Joe and Janet Lobb, experienced breeders, handlers and judges, Saturday, April 7, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Registration fees: $15/dog, at the Seaforth Agriplex (Seaforth Fairgrounds). Sponsored by Bluewater Kennel Club. Contact Florence Pullen 519-233-7896. 13-1 BLUEWATER KENNEL CLUB is sponsoring Dog Obedience Training. Instructor: Ruth Oesch. Eight weeks beginning April 25. Beginning level: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Advance level: 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Seaforth Agriplex (Seaforth Fairgrounds). Registra- tion Fee: $80.00. Contact Florence Pullen 519-233-7896. 13-1 ROAST BEEF COUNTRY SUPPER at Auburn United Church, Wednes- day, April 4, 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. Adults $8.00, elementary children $4.00, kindergarten and preschool free, family rate $25.00. Advance tickets preferred. Available from Heather Durnin 529-3294, Shirley Andrews 526-7762. Proceeds to Sunday School. 12-2p LEGION LADIES AUXILIARY Annual Daffodil Lunch and Tea, Blyth Legion; Thursday, March 29, 2001. Baking available from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Luncheon 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Tea 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Daffodils available. All proceeds to the Canadian Cancer Society of Huron-Perth. 12-2p HURON COUNTY BEEF Producers Association beef barbecue and dance Saturday, March 31, 2001, Brussels, Morris and Grey Community Centre, Brussels. Music "Cactus Jam". Tickets: $12.00/person. To purchase tickets contact your local director or Jacquie Bishop 887- 9379. 12-2 SEAFORTH ROLLER HOCKEY registration (youth, ladies, boys 14 - 18 years). Wednesday, March 28 and Thursday, March 29, 7 -.9 p.m. both nights, Seaforth and District Community Centre. 12-1 Cards of thanks Coming events