HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2001-03-07, Page 174. Capital Assets 2000 1999 Cost Accumulated Amortization Net Book Value Net Book Value Land $ 43,260 $ $ 43,260 $ 43,260 7. Building 415,450 352,013 63,437 86,044 Computer 151,588 148,437 3,151 4,727 Equipment 276,101 236,106 39,995 48,983 Automobile 49,657 37,494 12,163 21,701 $ 936,056 $ 774,050 $ 162,006 $ 204,715 5. Unpaid claims 8. Scope THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 2001. PAGE 17. Women Today hires executive director Women Today of Huron is pleased to announce that Pam Hanington has been hired to fill the position of executive director of Women Today of Huron. A resident of Usbome Twp. Hanington brings more than 12 years of violence prevention, program development and research experience to the organization. She is also part-time faculty at the University of Western Ontario where she teaches third year honours, on- line courses on women and work. She has also taught sociology and community development in the social service worker program at Fanshawe College for the past seven years. Hanington received her formal education at the University of Western Ontario and the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. As a self-employed research and education consultant since 1992, she has designed and facilitated programs and conducted research on a variety of issues of interest and concern to women for many agencies and institutions including women's shelters, sexual assault centres, post-secondary schools, hospitals, school boards, research centres, community-based justice agencies and with diverse groups in both rural and urban communities. Her areas of expertise and interest include equity issues, the prevention of sexual violence and the particular barriers facing women with Continued on page 18 Continued from page 16 NOWICK MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Financial Statement as of December 31, 2000 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued) 5. Unpaid Claims (continued) Financial Instruments The company's financial instruments consist of accounts receivable, long-term investments, investments in related related companies and accounts payable. Unless otherwise noted, it is management's opinion that the company is not exposed to significant interest, currency or credit risks arising from these financial instruments. The fair values of these financial instruments approximate their carrying values, unless otherwise noted. Reinsurance recoveries Reinsurance premiums ceded and reinsurance recoveries on losses incurred are recorded as reductions of the respective income and expense accounts. Estimates of the amounts recoverable from the reinsurer on unpaid claims and adjustment expenses are recorded as accounts receivable. A contingent liability exists with respect to reinsurance ceded which could become a liability of the company in the event that the reinsurer might be unable to meet its obligations under the reinsurance agreements. 2. Accounts Receivable 2000 1999 Interest $ 83,364 $ 101,439 Agents' balances 508,744 487,473 Due from policyholders 626,750 584,658 Due from reinsurers 24,364 51,708 Amounts recoverable on unpaid claims 2,088,502 45,090 Amounts receivable on paid claims 19,181 93,605 Other 60,992 45,965 $ 3,411,897 $ 1,409,938 3. Long-term Investments 2000 1999 Book value Estimated fair market value Book value Estimated fair market value Bonds and debentures $ 8,762,037 $ 8,935,762 $ 8,607,158 $ 8,506,598 Equities 1,780,992 2,175,552 1,363,562 1,986,814 Guarantee fund 23,354 23,354 23,406 23,406 $ 10,566,383 $ 11,134,668 $ 9,994,126 $ 10,516,818 Maturity profile at December 31, 2000: Within Over 1 to Over Book 1 year 5 years 5 years Value $ 1,580,737 $ 1,946,698 $ 5,234,602 $ 8,762,037 The effective interest rate at December 31, 2000 for these investments was 6.2%. Investment in Related Companies The company held a 25% interest in HGGC Financial Services Inc. During the year it amalgamated with Farm and Town Financial Services Inc. and the company now holds a 1/7th interest in the amalgamated company. Activity of this company is accounted for using the equity method which resulted in a charge to investment income in the amount of $28,319 during 2000. The company also holds 1 share in a related investment sales corporation, known as Farm Mutual Financial Services Inc. (FMFS). FMFS is jointly owned by a majority of the farm mutuals in Ontario. The determination of the provision for unpaid claims and adjustment expenses and the related reinsurers' share requires the estimation of two major variables or quanta being development of claims and reinsurance recoveries. The provision for unpaid claims and adjustment expenses and related reinsurers' share are estimates subject to variability, and the variability could be material in the near term. The variability arises because all events affecting the ultimate settlement of claims have not taken place and may not take place for some time. Variability can be caused by receipt of additional claim information, changes in judicial interpretation of contracts, or significant changes in severity or frequency of claims from historical trends. The estimates are principally based on the Company's historical experience. Methods of estimation have been used which the Company believes produce reasonable results given the current information. Assumptions Claim development Uncertainty exists on reported claims in that all information may not be available at the reporting date, therefore, the claim cost may rise or fall at some date in the future when the information is obtained. In addition, claims may not be reported to the Company immediately, therefore, estimates are made as to the value of claims incurred but not yet reported, a value which may take some months to finally determine. In order to determine the liability, assumptions are developed considering the characteristics of the class of business, the historical pattern of payments, the amount of data available and any other pertinent factors. Future Investment Income The Company does not have a policy of spectfically matching its investment cash flows to claims payment patterns. Comments and assumptions for specific claims categories The ultimate cost of long settlement general liability claims is difficult to predict for several reasons. Claims may not be reported until many years after a policy expires. Changes in the legal environment have created further complications Court decisions and federal and provincial legislation may dramatically increase the liability between the time a policy is written and associated claims are ultimately resolved. For example, liability for exposure to toxic substances and environmental impairment, which did not appear likely or even exist when the policies were written, has been imposed by legislators and judicial interpretation. Tort liability has been expanded by some jurisdictions to cover defective workmanship. Provisions for such difficult-to-estimate liabilities are established by examining the facts of tendered claims and adjusted in the aggregate for ultimate loss expectations based upon historical experience patterns and current socio-economic trends. The Company assumes business from other insurers pursuant to quota share, facultative and excess of loss reinsurance agreements and there can be extended lags between the date of occurrence and the date the Company is notified of the claim. Further, the claims handling procedures of this book of business are not under direct control of the Company, thus the estimates of claims liabilities may fluctuate more than the average of the Company's own business. Line of Business Segmentation 2000 1999 Gross Ceded Gross Ceded General Liability $ 642,373 $ - $ 724,776 $ 22,500 Automobile 2,592,432 1,898,755 217,093 Property 967,045 189,747 631,364 22,590 Assumed businesses 99,705 -- 14,451 - Facility and residual pools 83,995 - 57,023 Total $ 4,285,550 $ 2,088,502 $ 1,644,707 $ 45,09u 6. Underwriting Policy The company follows the policy of underwriting and reinsuring contracts of insura, ce which, in the main, limit the liability of the company to the first $200,000 plus 10% of any excess and in the event of a property claim, and the first $125,000 plus 10% of any excess on any one claim in the event of a liability claim, and $110,000 plus 10% of any excess in the event of an automobile claim. In addition, the company has obtained reinsurance to protect itself against certa.n catastrophic losses. Its retention of lower level losses under such treaties was $300,000 for 1998. Requirements Under the Ontario insurance Act The Act in its measurement of the company's solvency position requires appropriation of members' surplus in respect of assets not admitted investment valuation reserve and other statuatory requirements. These appropriations are not considered part of surplus by the Financial Services Commission of Ontario. Income Taxes 2000 1999 Current income taxes $ (105,228) $ 219,196 Deferred income taxes 40,000 (35,000) (65,228) $ 184,196 9. Pension Plan The company participates in a multi-employer pension plan through the Ontarir Mutual Insurance Association. The plan is a contributory defined benefit pension plan whi,h covers substantially all of its employees. The plan provides pensions based on length of service and fi lal average earnings 10. Commitment The company has leased computer equipment under an operating lease which expires in 2001. Minimum payments under this lease are as follows: 2001 $ 22,136