HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1998-11-04, Page 16Drop off for DEER HIDES Atlas Tanning Blyth Will exchange Hats for Hides - As in Past Years Custom Tanning Available Call 519-t23-4595 Atlas Tanning - 1 mile south of Blyth on Hwy#4 behind The Old Mill - Leather & Woollen Spacialists BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES B - RATES - 20 words or less only $4.00. Additional words 150 each. 500 will be deducted if ad is paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday In Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114 A ARTICLES FOR SALE CUSTOM SILK ARRANGEMENTS for Xmas gifts or anytime call Linda Wilson in Goderich at 524- 2765. I will be carrying fresh flowers for December with a special day free delivery to the Blyth area. 43-2 ALMOND WHIRLPOOL DRYER, works great! Call after 6:00. Christine Workman (519) 887- 9226. 43-1 ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT A 7 FOOT LUCKNOW SINGLE auger snowblower with hydraulic hood, $700. Phone 523-9371. 43-lp PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1998. BRUSSELS - TWO BEDROOM apartment, large kitchen, deck, good location. Phone 887-9083. 43-2p 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, TOTALLY renovated, Auburn, along Maitland River. Wood/oil combination furnace - 1 1/2 year's supply of wood included, 4 appliances, $500/month. References. Phone 565-5607. 43-tfn BRUSSELS - COMPLETELY renovated one bedroom apartment for rent, $350 a month, heat included, 372 Turnberry Street. Call 291-9625. Available immediately. 43-tfn BRUSSELS, 3 1/2 BEDROOM house, available December 1. First and last. References required. Phone 887-6883. 43-2p BLYTH - GYPSY LANE Apartment - 2 bedroom, ground level apartment in a clean, quiet, adult building, fridge and stove included, laundry facilities on the same floor. Available now. Phone 482-9823 or 482-7197. 28-tfn TWO BEDROOM HOUSE IN Blyth, newly decorated, hardwood floors. Available in December. Phone 523-4740. 39-tfn BLYTH ONE BEDROOM apartment, downtown Blyth, fridge and stove included, ground floor, $425.00/month includes utilities. Available Nov. 1. Phone 523-4840, 523-9448. 39-tfn CLINTON, ATTRACTIVE, CLEAN 2 bedroom in well maintained building, featuring 4 appliances, control your own air-conditioning/ heat, laundry facilities. Secure adult building. Seniors special. 482- 7966, 482-5030. 16-tfn IN CLINTON - NEWER, 2 BED- room, quiet 4-plex, controlled entry, 4 appliances, laundry facilities available. Ideal for seniors, $450.00 plus. Call 519- 685-2264. 35-tfn BLYTH - LARGE 3 BEDROOM semi-detached, newly renovated, excellent location, gas furnace, available immediately. Rent plus utilities. Phone 523-4929. 42-4 Help protect the environment Reduce, reuse and recycle COMPUTER FACTORY AMAZ- ing Christmas special - 1 year no payments, free scanner, 266 mmx loaded, internet, printer, software and more. $16/wk (oac) 1-800-515- 5545, free delivery. 43-4 COMPUTER FOR SALE Pentium 90, Dos 6.22, Windows 3.1, 1.0 GB hard drive, 3.5 floppy drive, trackball, Colorado 250 MB internal tape backup, Samtron 14" NI 28 mm SVGA monitor, Brother HL 660 laster printer - 6 ppm, 2 MB, 600 DPI, Year 2,000 compatible. Both the printer and computer are in excellent condition. This machine has been used for a small business and would be ideal for a business or personal computer. Asking price $1,000 firm. Call Jacquie 887-9248 for more information. 43-1 FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Blake's Orchard, phone 887-6972. 42-2 HEART HEALTHY EMU MEAT, low fat, low cholesterol, and Emu oil. Adrian Vos 523-4294. 24-tfn APPLES, WIDE SELECTION, including Tolman Sweets, Russets, Snow. Sweet cider, apple butter, honey. Maitside Orchards, County Rd. 16, west of Brussels. Phone 887-6883. 42-2p Canada has one of the highest rates of multiple sclerosis in the world. Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada 1-800-26.8-7582 A AUCTION SALES AUCTIONEERS JOSEPH ZEHR DOUG JACOB (519) 887-9599 (519) 271-7894 UPCOMING SALES Wed., Nov. 4 at 4 p.m. - Auction sale of furniture, antiques, tools & misc. household items to be held at the Tavistock Memorial Hall in Tavistock for the Estate of Dorothy Carrothers & the Estate of Walter Schlueter. Wed., Nov. 4 at 6 p.m. Fundraising auction of donated items and services to be held at 90 Greenwood Dr., Stratford for the Avon Mennonite Church Building Fund. Sat., Nov. 7 at 9:30 a.m, - Auction of 88 acre farm with buildings known as Part Lot 21, Conc. 4 of North Easthope Twp.; travel trailer, implements & household effects held 2 mi. north of Shakespeare for Virginia Sherlock. Tues., Nov. 10 at 1 p.m. - Estate auction of 100 acre farm known as Lot 21, Conc. 15 of Ellice Twp. & farm equipment held 2 1/2 mi. north of Rostock for the Estate of the Late Erlin Diehl. Thurs., Nov. 12 at 3 p.m. - Auction of appliances, antiques, & household effects at the Jacob Auction Centre, 185 Herbert St., Mitchell for several area estates. SUPPLEMENT YOUR INCOME with Chinchillas. Start in basement, garage, shed, barn. We provide animals, supplies, marketing, financing. Excellent income tax benefits. Canadian Chinchilla, PO Box 1684, St. Marys, Ontario. N4X ICI, 519-229-6117. Fax 519-229- 6622. 43-2 CARD OF THANKS BLAKE. I wish to thank all family and friends for the surprise birthday party on Sunday,- Nov. I. What a surprise! Thanks again. - John Btafttf 43-1p DRAPER. My thanks to friends and neighbours for cards, flowers and calls at the time of my mother's death. It was all much appreciated. - Julenia and Bob. 43-1p FINCH. I had a Wonderful time at the community shower which was hekt for me this past week and I would like to thank everyone for all the beautiful gifts I received. A special thank you to Mary Jane Pearson and the ladies who organized my showers, Agnes Ten Pas for the beautiful corsages and Shirley Wheeler for the lovely decorations. Last but not least, Shelley Smith, Dawn Johnston and Ange Jardine-Finch for their help and friendship. - Tracy Finch. 43-1p FRASER. We wish to thank our relatives and friends who came to help us celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary. Thanks for the many cards, gifts and donations to the Canadian Diabetes Association and a special thanks to our family for their love and support in arranging a memorable 50th. - Doug and Marjory Fraser. 43-1p KOLKMAN. The Kolkman family would like to thank the Champion employees, businesses and citizens of Goderich, Clinton, Blyth and Londesboro for their sponsorship for the United Way Grader Pull. It was very much appreciated. Also thank you to our ambitious leader John. 43-1 MALSKAITIS. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all of the cards, gifts and best wishes at our wedding. Also special thanks to the ladies who organized and helped out at the community shower. Everything was much appreciated. - Dianne and Chris Malskaitis. 43-1 McKAGUE. Thank you to the generous, thoughtful person who blessed me with an act of kindness. In deep appreciation - Lana. 43-1 MICHIE. The last time I wrote a thank you for the paper was the first week in March and I was back in hospital before the paper was printed. I hope that will not happen this time. I wish to sincerely thank everyone who helped me through the last six months. I came in contact with many doctors and nurses and I have nothing but praise for all of them. I wish to thank Dr. Gear who looks after Doris and I. She got me to see Dr. Lucas in London who then put me in the charge of surgeon Dr. McKenzie. I spent three weeks in University Hospital, London. I wish to thank all the doctors and staff there. Then I got home for three days and went back to good old Wingham hospital for six more days. This was on the advice of Dr. Hanlon. Since then I have been under the care of Community Nursing Services. They assure me I am going to be o.k. I wish to thank all my relatives and neighbours who helped Doris and me through this trying time. Thanks everyone for all the cards, phone calls, muffins and even raisin pie. Thank you all. - George Michie. 43-1p MITCHELL. I would like to thank my relatives, friends and neigh- bours for cards, phone calls, prayers, flowers, food and visits during my time in Listowel Hospital this summer and after I came home. Special thanks to Rev. C. Campbell and Rev. C. Johnson for their visits. Thanks to Lillian Beer, Phyllis and Emerson Mitchell for their care and support when I came home. I would also like to thank my friends for the lovely birthday party at the Brussels Inn. Thanks to Rev. Cam and Barb for the delicious cake. It was a big surprise. Thanks again. - Luella Mitchell. 43-lp PEARSON. Wow! Thank you to everyone who attended my recent birthday party and also to those who couldn't be present. A great time was had by all. I am thoroughly enjoying my cards, gifts and beautiful flowers. To Laurie Trower - what a feast! Thank you for creating such delectable dishes and for your help during the evening. Thank you Dan and Rosemary for all the thought, work and love you put into my birthday celebration. Everything is very much appreciated. I wonder who Petula Pig will visit next? Sincerely - Mary-Jane. 43-1p PEARSON. I would like to thank my family and friends, who have prayed for me, offered rides, flowers and wished me well through my eye problem. - Edna Pearson. 43-1p WILSON. I would like to thank my family, friends and neighbours for the cards, phone calls and visits during my stay in Victoria Hospital, London. Special thanks to Rev. Cathrine Campbell, Rene Richmond and Jean Davidson. Your thoughtfulness will never be forgotten. - Jim Wilson. 43-1p CARD OF THANKS LARGE AUCTION SALE to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Building in Clinton for Mary Davis Hawthorne of Goderich plus good additions SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 AT 9 A.M. # APPLIANCES: Maytag washer and dryer, Hot Point almond 30" electric stove - like new with black glass oven door, 2 older 24" stoves, annex stove, 3 microwave ovens, RCA XL 100 remote XS stereo TV - 1995 # model, floor model TV, RCA VCR, Beaty antique wringer washer, dehumidifier. ANTIQUE FURNITURE, ETC.: Bell upright piano, piano stool with glass ball feet, modern 4 piece bedroom suite with Queen size box spring and mattress, double mattress like new, 3 piece antique bedroom suite, 2 antique settees, antique dresser with tear drop pulls and spooled mirror, drop-front secretary desk, library table, several trunks, antique jam cupboard, grandfather clock, old floor model radio, folding rocker, round oak dining table with centre pedestal - 6 matching chairs - buffet with mirror (nice set), 9 piece dining room suite, rocking chairs, washstand, dresser with mirror, 2 antique sleighs, fainting couch, old wooden planes and tools, garden tools, dishes, glassware, bedding, old pictures plus usual large offering of items far too numerous to mention. Another good auction. Plan to attend. 2 auctioneers selling starting at 9 a.m. #AUCTIONEER: RICHARD LOBB 519-482-7898 www.autionhotline.com SAT., NOV. 14 AT 9 A.M.: appliances, furniture, woodworking tools, 4 van, riding mower at Lobb Auction, Clinton for the Estate of Joseph Eckert of Dublin.