HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1998-10-28, Page 13Compiled by Patty Banks Phone 887-6156
The news from
Halloween party set
Doug and Marjory Fraser celebrated 50 years of marriage
recently. A family and wedding attendants dinner was
held on Saturday, Oct. 17 at the Brussels Country Inn.
There was also a gathering on Sunday at Duff's United
Church. Very active in the community, Doug is the former
reeve of Morris Twp. They are lifetime members of Duff's.
Doug volunteers in community groups and Marjory is a
member of the local UCW.
Frasers mark anniversary
The link to your community
Wedding jlinnouncement
Dorothy West
Raymond White
marriage vows
October 2, 1998
in Goderich
Godkin - Schmeltzer
Nancy Lynne Godkin and Richard Lewis Schmeltzer were
united in marriage on August 29, 1998 at Duff's United Church,
Walton, Ontario, with Rev. James Murray officiating. Nancy is
the daughter of Marion and Lavern Godkin of R.R. #1, Walton
and Richard is the son of Juanita Schmeltzer and Richard
Schmeltzer of Florida.
The maid of honour was Mary Lou Stewart of Great
Yarmouth, England, friend of the bride. Bridesmaids were
Dianne Godkin of Edmonton, Alberta, Sharon Godkin of
Walton, and Donna Godkin of London, sisters of the bride.
Best man was Patrick Fenneran of Orlando, Florida, friend of
the groom. The groomsmen were Ron Godkin of R.R. 1,
Kirkton, brother of the bride, Travis Schmeltzer of Orlando,
Florida, nephew of the groom, and Kris Krake of St.
Petersburg, Florida, friend of the groom. The flower girl was
Brittany Schmeltzer of Orlando, Florida, niece of the groom
and the ring bearer was Scott Godkin of R.R. 1, Kirkton,
nephew of the bride.
The organist was Glenda Carter of St. Jacobs, and the
soloist was Graeme Craig of R.R. 1, Walton.
A wedding dinner and reception were held at The Victorian
Inn On The Park, Stratford.
The wedding couple now reside at Davenport, Florida.
Nancy and Rick wish to thank everyone who shared in
making their day so special.
housed cobwebs and books with
spooky stories.
The Grade 1/2s continued their
study of different materials by
brainstorming three lists: a Fall Fair
ride, materials that they could use
to make one of the rides, and a
fastener that would hold the
materials together. They made a
plan and created a design project
each. The finished projects are out
in the hall if anyone is interested in
seeing them.
Grade 2/3 continues with creative
and Phil Blake, Cheryl and Glenn
Mader and Carolyn and Gerry
Sullivan, children and their spouses
of Doug and Marj, planned the
celebration and set up and
decorated the basement of the
Lunch was prepared by the ladies
of the Walton church.
Friends from all over came to
help the couple celebrate, with
Ruby Bergstrom-Knorr coming the
farthest, all the way from Bashaw,
Walton school was well
represented in the Midget girls
category at the cross country run at
Hullett last week as they placed
third overall.
The Walton boys did their best
The kindergartens were busy
studying the letter 'P' this week.
They made pumpkins and jack-o-
lanterns. They began decorating in
Spooky ways to get ready for their
Halloween party. Mrs. Scott pulled
out her spooky old trunk which
They met at Young Peoples at
Duff's United Church 50 some
years ago. Doug Fraser and
Marjory (Hackwell) Fraser
celebrated their 50th wedding
anniversary on Oct. 18.
After being asked how they made
it for all those years they both said
it meant dancing every Friday
night, going to church on Sunday
and loving for the rest of the week.
The couple held their celebration
at Duff's United Church. where
they had been married, by Rev.
On the day of the wedding,
Shirley Bennett, wore a mauve
dress fashioned after Marj's
wedding dress and stood up for
Marj and Cecil Cameron, decked
out in his blue suit was Doug's best
man. Both attendants were able to
be at the party.
Shirley (Bennett) Walters and her
husband from Hanover, said that
she remembered it being a beautiful
day and she was very excited about
being a bridesmaid.
Cecil and his wife now living in
Holstein remembers Doug being as
calm as usual. But what he
remembers the most is the chivaree
that they gave them when they got
back from their honeymoon.
Clayton and Bev Fraser, Dianne
writing working on 'Why I'm
looking forward to Halloween.'
Some said they loved to decorate
while others like to carve the
pumpkin, get dressed up and trick
or treat.
Some of the reading groups are
reading about the mysteries of
animals, such as 'How an Eagle got
his good eyes', 'How zebras got
their stripes' and 'How the elephant
got its nose'. There are some very
good explanations for all of them
and if you meet someone from
Grade 2/3 make sure you ask them
about it.
Reporters for Grade 3/4 were
Laura Elligsen and Andrea
VanderVeen. They said that on
Friday they made some rip and
paste pictures of animals and
On Thursday the school kids got
to see a video about Unicef and
why it is important to give to the
cause. On Halloween they will be
coming around trick or treating and
collecting for Unicef.
In finishing up with their animal
projects they got to use the
overhead projector and put their
final work onto bristol board.
MADD ties it on
Continued from page 12
Project Red Ribbon — Tie One On
For Safety campaign. Messages
from MADD Canada's President
Susan MacAskill and from
Chapters across Canada relate the
importance of the campaign."
"MADD Canada hopes that
through the internet campaign and
the local Chapters' red ribbon
campaigns we can get to as many
people as possible during the
holiday season with our message to
not drink and drive."
MADD Huron/Bruce Chapter
will be officially launching its 1998
Project Red Ribbon on Thursday,
Nov. 12 at 7 p.m. at Cameron's
Food Market, 911 Queen St., in
Kincardine. The general public is
invited to drop by the display
between 4 and 7 p.m. MPPs, mayor
and local police have been invited
to attend the kick-off, so the public
will have a chance to discuss local
efforts to make roads safer.
Alvin and Vera McDonald were
greeters at Duffs United Church on
Oct. 25. With Marion Godkin,
filling in for Glenda Carter, at the
organ and Phyllis Mitchell playing
the fiddle some lovely pre-service
music was provided.
Rev. James Murray. opened the
He announced that the annual
Craft and Bake sale will be at the
Walton Hall Oct. 31. For more
information contact Barb Durrell.
Admission is one non-perishable
food item for the food bank.
There will be a youth Halloween
party for Grades 7 - 9, starting at
7 p.m. If interested phone Patty
Next Sunday the Melville Crew
will be musical guests. It will also
be a special service as Neil
McGavin will be honoured as the
Brussels and surrounding area,
Congratulations to first prize
euchre winners Eileen Sellers and
Marie Stewart who played at the
Walton Hall last week. Second
prize winners were Glen Sellers
and Ed Stewart. Third prize went to
Lloyd and Lillian Appleby. Sherri
McLaughlin took the ladies' lone
hand prize and Wayne Robinson
'Citizen of the Year'. There will be
tea and goodies served after the
A reminder that the Walton
unified board will meet Nov. 1 at 8
The turkey supper is Wednesday,
Nov. 4.
The junior choir sang God Sees
the Children. The adult choir sang
God of the Sparrow.
Rev. Murray called the young
worshippers forward and asked if
they noticed anything different in
what he was wearing. Not noticing
anything Rev. Murray lifted his
gown to show his feet clad in
runners. His story was about
running the race like Paul talked
about. It wasn't important to be
winning the race but to be
completing it and at least trying to
do your best.
His sermon was called, 'The
Crown of Righteousness.'
won the men's.
The next euchre game will be on
Nov. 12.
The Walton Sports Club held a
very successful Beef Supper Oct.
25. In fact it was so successful that
they are holding and another one on
Nov. 22.
Walton Public School news
Midget girls earn third
Sellers, Stewart win euchre