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For Teens, By Teens
Taste for horror flicks makes one wonder
By Erin Roulston
I've never been much of a fan of
horror films. I haven't been able to
grasp the concept of finding fun in
having the life scared out of me.
My introduction to horror films
was Alien. I was about five years
old, watched it in the middle of the
day and had nightmares about that
stomach thing for two weeks, or so
my mother says.
I remember watching Candyman
when I was 12 or so with three of
my best friends. The movie scared
By Ashley Gropp
In this world filled with various
forms of self expression including
tattoos, body-piercing, clothing and
music, there is one form of expres-
sion that seems to be really under
used by today's youth. This form
can heal and teach as well as
express. This form is journal writ-
Complete freedom of expression
is one of the reasons to keep a
diary. In a private journal, a person
is able to express his or her feelings
on a subject or on another person
without it becoming public knowl-
edge. Even freedom of the press
does not compare, because no mat-
ter what is put into a private jour-
nal, a person runs little risk of
being sued for slander.
Anything that a person feels that
they need to say can be said_ in their
When a person has thoughts that
they want to keep to themselves,
they can keep them safely, under
lock and key if they wish, in their
Cappy and me to death and our
friends thought it was great fun to
make fun of us.
If you've ever seen this move
you'll know that the legend is that if
you say the name Candyman five
times into the mirror a man with a
hook for a hand will come and kill
you or whomever else may be in
the area. Well, our friends would
say the magic words and watch me
squirm. They stopped of course
when I set an umbrella hook on
their shoulders and they, mistaking
diary. And absolutely nobody has
the right to see what is inside.
The privacy that is allowed in a
private journal is amazing. Even
those diaries which are kept in
notebooks and other unlocked
books are usually left alone. Par-
ents generally regard these as pri-
vate and personal and make sure
that siblings do as well.
By keeping regular journal
entries, a person becomes much
more accustomed to writing. Writ-
ing assignments at school, especial-
ly opinion-type essays, become so
much easier. For that reason they
serve as practice for writing—why
do you think journals are such a
major part of school right up to,
and even including, the high school
Really, when you think about it,
journal entries are merely miniature
essays involving personal opinions
and experiences.
A journal will also never embar-
rass. If a person writes something
they could never say aloud, a jour-
.A hobo knocked on the door of a
farmhouse. When the owner
it for Candyman's hook, screamed.
loud enough to wake the dead.
I haven't seen many horror
movies since. I saw Scream and
after the first scene I was ready oo
leave the theatre.
The thing is I just don't like to be
scared. While I watch a horror film
and the suspence is building I just
don't want to see it.
This weekend I watched
Halloween. It was made 20 years
ago, stars Jamie Lee Curtis, and is
an independent film, meaning it
nal will not laugh, tease or mock
like friends or family might. This
unconditional acceptance of every
flaw and blemish in a person is the
reason people would sometimes
rather write than talk to others.
Journals also serve as a reeord.
Any dreams or facts that a person
has that they want to remember can
be stored there where they cannot
be forgotten. If there was a certain
day to remember, or a certain
event, diaries preserve these
records better than memory.
Conversely, diaries can be easily
destroyed after venting. If a person
never wants to read about some-
thing that happened ever again,
they only need to throw the page
into the fire and be done with it.
Journals fill a void sometimes
forgotten with some of the other
forms of expressions. They45ecome
a best friend when nobody else is
around and they hide every secret
they have ever been told.
What more could anybody ask
for in a friend?
answered the hobo asked, "Please
sir, could you give me something to
The owner said, "I have made a
fortune in my lifetime by supplying
goods for people. I've never given
anything away for nothing. If you
go around the back you will see a
gallon of paint and a clean paint-
brush. Paint my porch at the back
of the house and I will give you a
good meal."
So the hobo left and a while'latel
again knocked on the door.
The owner said, "Finished
already? Good. Come in, sit down
and the cook will bring your meal."
The hobo said, ''Thanks very
much sir. But there's something I
think you should know. That's not a
Porsche you got 'there. It's a
had a very small budget.
Halloween helped me learn
something about horror films: They
are absolutely ridiculous. First of
all, the bad guy just does not die.
I'm assuming this is because the
laws of nature aren't scary.
Secondly the heroine, and it
always seems to be a woman, is
generally an idiot. The movie
Scream brought forward this point.
The heroine is always some big-
breasted blonde who runs up the
stairs when she should be going out
the from door. Jamie Lee Curtis
was not blonde in Halloween but
she did have a tendency to hide
herself in a closet when she could
haVe gone outside.
Another fact 'about horror films
that I remember from Scream is
that a character is guaranteed to be
killed if they a) are not a virgin or
b) say "I'll be back"
In Halloween the boyfriend left
his girlfriend to get her an after-
sex-beer with that exact phrase. He
died in the kitchen.
One other thing that I noticed
about horror films. In 1978 their
idea of what was frightening was
much less graphic. Strangely a
person, or stabbing, was very
frightening then, whereas now, in
our desensitized world it is
necessary to disembowel a
character to deliver the chills. Some
of the methods of death used in our
modern slasher flicks are
tremendously disturbing.
It really makes me wonder about
this generation. Especially when
see how much money Scream
Four expectant fathers were in a given birth to quadruplets.
Minneapolis hospital waiting room, Stunned, he could barely reply.
while their wives were in labour. "Don 'l tell me. Another coinci-
The nurse arrived and announced to dence?" asked the nurse.
the first man, "Congratulations, sir. Regaining his composure, he
You're the father of twins." replied, "I don't believe it. I work
"What a coincidence," the man for the Four Seasons Hotel."
said. "I work for the Minnesota After hearing this, everybody's
Twins." attention turned to the fourth guy,
The nurse returned in a little who had just fainted. The nurse
while and turned to the second rushed to his side. When he was
man. "You 'are the father of finally able to speak, they could
triplets." hear him whispering over and over
"Wow, That's an incredible coin- the same phrase, "I should never
cidence," he answered. "I work for have taken .that job at 7-UP. I
the 3M Corporation." should never have taken that job at
An hour later, while the other 7-UP. I should never have taken
two men were passing out cigars, that job at 7-UP. "
the nurse came back. This time she
turned to the third man, who had
been quiet in the corner. She
announced that his wife had just
Journals form of self-expression
Sharing jokes found on Internet