HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1998-06-24, Page 15• . 1*.*.re'• -,,,,....:,-.2,..*::,...f.:.:::::,,,rx...,*:,..:..:,....,-.:::.....;„:..,....,.•;..„,.....--,:„.„,..x.,..,.........., ••••• :, -..;:,.-,-..-......,, vs:::.,:::::::•• :::., .,....z..> :, ....eb:?•,. ..... ........:*„.,.*:. ..,,- .. $.4 " „1 veA:, e ••: •' 1).• • ,ANS\ 1.1e,kw. HELP WANTED C CARD OF THANKS C COMING EVRNTS Pick Your Own or Fresh ricked Available Annual Pancake Breakfast June 27 - 8::50 - 1:00 pm dip eS I Hwy 86 • MOIT460n 130ITM Crop Info: 528-2900 THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1998. PAGE 15. -RATES- 20 words or less only $4.00. Additional words 150 each. 500 will be deducted if ad is paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday In Blyth Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, downtown Blyth, laundry, heat, hydro, stove, fridge included. References. Phone 482-9371. 25-tfn CLINTON, ATTRACTIVE, CLEAN 2 bedroom in well maintained building, featuring 4 appliances, control your own air-conditioning/ heat, laundry facilities. Secure adult building. Seniors special. 482- 7966, 482-5030. 16-tfn 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT IN Brussels, $350/month plus utilities. Inquire 229-8958. 08-tfn WEDGEWOOD APARTMENTS - large 960 sq. ft., 2 bedroom apartment, hot water heating, large windows and open concept, fridge and stove, heat and hydro included. heated sidewalk for winter safety. Post Office, Bank and Knechtel's - 1/2 block. Only $575/month. One left now. Phone 523-9695. 23-tfn WINEBERRY APARTMENTS - large 725 sq. ft., one bedroom apartments, fridge, stove, heat and hydro included, large windows and open concept. $550/month. One block from Post Office, Bank and Knechtel's. Phone 523-9695. 23-tin AVAILABLE JULY 1 - DOWN- town Brussels, 2 bedroom apartment, deck, good parking, $350 plus utilities. Phone 887- 9007. 23-tfn BLYTH -2 BEDROOM MODERN apartment, patio door. Phone 523- 9696. 24-3p TWO LARGE 3 BEDROOM apartments in Blyth. One available July 1 and one August 1. Carpeted. Stove and fridge included. $340/month plus utilities. Phone 523-9428. 19-tfn FARMHOUSE FOR RENT - 4-bedroom farmhouse located just north of Blyth. Monthly rent $600. For more information: (519) 357- 3330 (weekdays 8 - 5). 24-2 A ARTICLES FOR SALE COMPUTER FACTORY SPECIAL, 1 year no payment and free scanner. Pentium 200mmx loaded, internet, printer, software and more. $16/wk. (oac). 1-800-515- 5545, free delivery. 22-4 A ARTICLES FOR SALE 300 VARIETIES OF PERENNIALS and bedding plants open from April to October. Corry Sanders 887- 6306, west of Brussels on County Road 16. 18-8p SPECIALTY MEATS NOW AVAIL- able at Blyth. The low-fat, low- cholesterol red EMU meat at reasonable prices. Butchered at Ontario government inspected abattoir. We have roasts, steaks, ground meat and much more. We have also the famous EMU oil used for centuries by Australian aborigines. Adrian and Toni Vos, Auburn Road, one mile west of Blyth. Tel. 523-4294. 24-tfn B BIRTHS MCTAGGART. Dean and Anette are proud to announce the safe arrival of their new baby girl, Chelsea Anna Marie. Chelsea arrived at 12:48 a.m. June 13, 1998 at the Seaforth Community Hospital, weighing 8 lbs. 9 oz. Chelsea is welcomed home by her big brother, Adrian. Proud grandparents are Anna Siemon, Inez and Dale McTaggart, William and Vicki Siemon. Also welcoming Chelsea are great-grandparents Marie McTaggart, Lucy Siemon and Ralph and Helen Schellenberger. 25-lp WILTS. Raymond and Kendra thank God for the arrival of their daughter, Emily Joanne, born at home, Saturday, June 13, 1998 weighing 7 lbs. 15 oz. Grand- parents are Ken and Judy Shortreed and Henry and Susan Wilts. Thanks to midwives Susan, Maggie, and Rachel. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. 25-lp BAILIE. We wish to thank people for their expressions of sympathy, for cards and food. Thank you for words of comfort from Rev. Nancy Beale in the passing of our dear sister, Mary. Thanks to the A.C.W. for the lovely lunch. It was gratefully appreciated. - Quinn, Nesbit and Hunking families. 25-lp BJERG. I wish to extend a heartfelt thank you to family and friends for your comforting words, acts of kindness and support since the sudden tragic death of Jacob Anthon Douglas. Your caring helped us through this very difficult time and will never be forgotten. During a time like this we learn how much our family and friends really mean to us. Your expressions of sympathy will always be treasured. - John and family. 25-lp BRUSSELS MINOR BALL would like to thank everyone who supported the organization by attending the California Cuties game last week. Special thanks to the Tigers, especially Pork Chop, Humpty Dumpty and Lurch for being such great sports. 25-1 ENGEL. We wish to extend sincere thanks to everyone who remem- bered us on our 60th anniversary. Thanks to our family and friends who helped to make our special day so enjoyable. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. - Ross and Tillie Engel. 25-1 HAGGITT. I wish to thank my relatives and many friends who were so kind to me when I was laid up with my broken ankle. Thanks for the food brought in, visits and phone calls and all the car rides. I appreciated everything so much. Thanks again. - Marion Haggitt. 25-1p HAMILTON. Doug Hamilton and family would like to sincerely thank para-med and Home Care and all of the people who supported Norma during her illness. Thanks to our long-time friends Jack and Margaret Peebles for their care and guidance in our time of need. Spe- cial thanks to Rev. Virginia Brand. Your kind words and prayers have given us the strength to celebrate Norma's life. To the ladies group at the Atwood Presbyterian Church, the lunch after the service was greatly appreciated. To all our family and friends and neighbours thank you for the beautiful flower arrange- ment, donations, food and cards of support. Thanks to all. 25-1 [Help protect the environment Reduce, reuse and recycle A AUCTION SALES HASTINGS/NESBIT. We would like to thank everyone for coming out and supporting us at our Buck and Doe on Saturday, June 13, we had a great time! A special thanks to our wedding party for doing such an awesome job and being so organized. It was a party we'll never forget - especially the Birthday Cake! An extended thanks to Jeff and Dawn for the party afterwards. I think Howdy had a good time! 25-lp JARDIN. To all who in any way contributed to our 60th anniversary, a sincere thank you. The crowd of family and friends from far and near who came and showered us with good wishes was simply overwhelming. Thanks for a happy day. - Ruth and Tom. 25-lp NICHOLSON. I would like to thank everyone who called or sent cards while I was a patient in the Stratford General Hospital. I'd also like to thank Dr. Sorsdahl and the nurses on the surgical word for their excellent care while I was patient there. - Leona Nicholson. 25-1 SIDDALL. It's time to thank everyone for all their concern, help, and good wishes over the past three months. My co-workers kept everything at the office running as smoothly as possible. Linda, Jamie and Susan did such a fine job that I had to get back at it or they would have proved that I'm not indispensable. The cards and goodies made my hospital time easier. Their phone calls made me feel that I was still needed. Our wonderful neighbours, by helping Shirley wherever they could, and their kind thoughts and actions, made me want to get back home and back into the swing. Thanks to all of our friends, clients, and the people of Brussels for flowers, cards, calls and most of all visits to the hospitals to cheer me up when I thought that I would be there forever. The doctors all agree that I am now completely recovered. I am back to work, attempting to get as fit as I can, and golf is my next goal. With heartfelt thanks - Murray Siddall. 25-1p TAYLOR/HARDY. John and I would like to send out a sincere thank you to all who attended our buck and doe, it was great to see everyone. A big thank you to Kevin and Trish, our parents, and the rest of our wedding party for all of their hard work and support. It was a lot of fun. - Renay and John. 25-lp TURNBULL. I want to thank our grandchildren and everyone who helped arrange the party for my eightieth birthday. Thanks to Jane and J.D. for hosting the family lunch, to everyone who called on Sunday afternoon and those who came for a special visit before and after. I appreciate the tributes and all the cards and will review them again in the future. Many thanks for everything. - John Turnbull. 25-! DOUBLES BINGO, MONDAY, June 29, 7:30 p.m., Seaforth Arena. All prizes doubled. Doors open 5:30 p.m. $2,000.00 Jackpot. Spon- sored by Seaforth Minor Sports Council. Licence #M466606. 25-1 PLAN TO ATTEND GREY Township Firemen's Breakfast, Sunday, June 28, 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Grey Township Fire Hall, Ethel. Cost: Adults - $4.00, Children - $2.00, Pre-schoolers - Free. Proceeds to fire equipment. 2.5-1 PLAN TO ATTEND THE Memorial Service at Ball's Cemetery, Auburn, Sunday, July 5 at 3:00 p.m. 25-2p MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN Church, Brussels cordially invites you to a tour of local homes on Sunday, June 28, 1998 from 1 - 5 p.m. Come and enjoy an afternoon in five unique properties. From Victorian to modern, to a working farm, come and browse the house and gardens of our hosts. After an afternoon of touring, please join us for an informative look at our church home and a strawberry social. Tickets $10. Available at Brussels Variety or phone 519-887-9831. 25-lb SUMMER SWIM AND FITNESS program starts June 29 at Vanastra Recreation Centre, weekly or two week daily sessions for youth. Aqua aerobics and adult swim classes. Call 482-3544. 25-1 COME AND GO BRIDAL SHOWER for Renay Taylor, W.I. Hall, Belgrave, Sunday, June 28, 2 to 4 p.m. 24-2p It's Strawberry Time; Morrison Berries Country Market If just 1% more Canadians were physically active, annual savings in health-care costs could be as mud as $12,000,000. Sharing a Healthier Future41114 virPaRTICIPaL7/0/7 e 4......................................................4 . LARGE ESTATE AUCTION . to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Building In Clinton for 4 4 Clinton and area homes # SATURDAY, JUNE 27 AT 9 A.M. • SAILBOAT: 14 ft. sailboat, handyman's special. 9 MODERN PIANO: Mason and Mach low profile modern style piano * and bench, looks like new, sounds great. 1 ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, ETC.: electric organ, small spinning #, 9 wheel, electric sewing machine In stand, 3 drawer chest, 2 - 30 8 4 Inch stoves, Filter Queen vacuum with power head, teacher's bell, # 9 cedar chest, 28 framed needlepoint pictures, blanket box full of 9 9 needlepoint material, washstand, harvest gold fridge, chesterfield # . and chair, chesterfield with pull-out bed, two Chintz cups and # . saucers, 12 place setting of cutlery, large offering of dishes and 1 . glassware, silver pieces, cups and saucers, crocks, items far too 1 . numerous to mention, table saw, router, skill saws, etc. 9 9 TERMS: Cash or Cheque with proper I.D. 9 . AUCTIONEER: RICHARD LOBS 482-7898 CUNTON 9 Ae.,.....•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4