HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1998-06-10, Page 17Compiled by Linda Campbell Phone 357-2188
The news from
WMS visits 34 shut-ins
Canada Cords
Two members of the Belgrave Guides received Canada
Cords, Thursday evening. The Cord, which is one of the
highest achievements in the Guiding movement were
presented by Maitee District Commissioner Dale Taylor.
From left: Taylor and Canada Cord recipients Vicky Black
and Christie Warwick. (Advance-Times photo)
24 gather for 75th birthday
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Calvin Brick marks 40th
Calvin Brick United Church was
decorated with purple irises, pink
peonies, carnations and mums for
its 40th anniversary celebration.
Flower arrangement in the
sanctuary was placed by the family
in loving memory of Mrs. Mel
On Sunday, June 7 a large
gathering consisting of visitors
from Belgrave United Church,
along with former members joined
with the congregation to celebrate
High winds, driving rain, no
hydro and no water threatened to
spoil the 40th wedding anniversary
planned at the home of Bill and
Muriel Coultes on Sunday, May 31.
Lawn chairs and tables were
rescued from the tent in the
backyard and set up in the garage
and throughout the house. All was
decorated and ready for 2 p.m. It
was a great celebration.
Over 175 neighbours, friends and
family visited during the afternoon
with 65 family members and
members of the wedding party,
staying for a potluck dinner.
Lia (de Jong) Snell, Exeter
brought her flower girl dress to the
celebration and it was modeled by
Sincere sympathy is extended
from the community to Brian and
Vicky Hoy and Sarah in the recent
passing away of Vicky's father
Gerald Belanger. May thoughts and
prayers be with them during their
time of sorrow.
A barbecued chicken dinner was
held to honour Clare Van Camp's
75th birthday on Sunday, May 31.
Twenty-four family members
gathered at Harold and Nancy
Jardin's home for the special
Mabel's Moms met at their
regular time on Wednesday, June 3.
the anniversary.
It was in 1958 the Brick
congregation purchased the Calvin
Brick Church building for $1. The
members of the Calvin Brick had
joined in worshipping with the
United Church, so the name
became Calvin Brick.
Jim McGee welcomed everyone
to the service and conducted song
time with Jessie McGee as pianist.
Dale and Marion Hussey of East
Wawanosh were introduced and
Nicole Robinson, a granddaughter
of Bill and-Muriefs, who was then
given the dress as a keepsake.
Friends of the bride and groom,
Myles and Phyllis Hartwig of
Killaloe, surprised the couple with
a visit. They had been almost two
weeks without hydro and water
during the January ice storm. They
thought it was a coincidence that
there was no hydro here that day.
Other friends visited from
Ancaster, Stratford, Waterloo,
London, Georgetown, Putnam,
Exeter, Tilsonburg, Port Elgin,
Ripley, Teeswater, Goderich,
Sebringville, Lucknow, Blyth,
Goshen, Auburn, Wingham,
Molesworth and Belgrave.
Those who attended were Karen
Rundle and Holly; Kim Higgins,
Laura, Ashley, and Jarrod; and Lila
Procter and Jessica. Their topic was
"First Aid".
Ashley Irwin of Ashfield Twp.
spent last weekend with her
grandmother, Betty Irwin. Also
visiting at the same home on
Sunday was Laura McConachie of
Sincere sympathy is extended
from the community to Alf Nicol
on the sudden passing of his wife
Mildred. May thoughts and prayers
be with Alf in his time of sorrow.
On June 6, at approximately 5:45
p.m. a complain was received about
people riding a Dune buggy on a
street in Blyth and in a field behind
the arena.
A 37-year-old Londesboro male
was charged under the Liquor
Licence Act and had his driver's
licence suspended for 12 hours for
registering a warning on the
alcotest according to a police
Help protect the environment
Reduce, reuse and recycle
conducted the worship service. The
call to worship was Psalm 28. The
scripture from Luke 4: 1-14
referred to the 40 days Jesus spent
in the Wilderness with Deuter-
onomy 8: 1-3 referring to the 40
years the Israelite people spent in
the wilderness.
During the service Dale made
reference to "Wilderness to
Wawanosh" the township history
book. He spoke briefly of his
youth; how his father worked in the
oil fields and how as a family they
were always on the move, only
staying a short time in one place. It
has only been the last 25 years that
he and his wife Marion have put
down roots on property on the sixth
of East Wawanosh. There they
have raised a family and committed
their lives to preaching the gospel
of Jesus, throughout the area, by
word and music.
Marion Hussey called the
children to the front for "A Time to
be Children". She also presented
the sermon, referring to a number
of passages from scripture for
guidance and meditation.
Music played a large part in the
worship service. Melina and Micah
Hussey sang two selections which
were much appreciated by all.
The WMS held its meeting at the
home of Alice Nicholson on
Monday, June 1.
Freda Scott read the call to
worship and then a prayer. All
Things Bright and Beautiful was
read. Freda read a meditation. Ivy
Cloakey read scripture.
Roll call was answered by 10.
Margaret Siertsema gave the
secretary's report.
The treasurer's report was given
by Ivy. Thirty-four sick and shut-in
calls were recorded.
"Growing Together" was read by
Freda who told how gleaning the
harvested fields still takes place in
some countries. The Canadian
Food Grain Bank is another very
good project that helps feed many
poorer countries. She told how the
women do most of the farm work
in Molsivi and how they get help
from church organizations.
They ladies are invited to a
meeting in Ripley on June 9. There
will be no meeting in July.
Rev. Campbell closed with
44 play
There were 11 tables of euchre in
play on Wednesday, June 3 in the
Women's Institute Hall.
Winners were: high lady, Marie
Merkley; second high lady, Ora
Bruce; lone hands, Alice
Nicholson; low lady, Viola Adams;
high man, Mary Taylor; second
high man, Dennis Leddy; lone
hands, Jane Grasby; low man,
Garner Nicholson.
There will be euchre again on
Wednesday, June 10 at 8 p.m.
Coulteses celebrate