The Citizen, 1998-04-08, Page 24.,*747/W.9.7.1",,,APY'//7 /,/.7.07,7/7,/, rri," ,se4•/ i'Mr<s/MCkt, if _44 4,t4,44-4, - ....- 4/0 .ese"dreAWSWM .ete".07.,"/".M.W2d -1"ZsreCOMMellegsraMMe... ,MMVIM=0157.4 '. -.assx %aa'aMV".IMIW AuT9-4:69AVAMI•Mo CARD OF THANKS A ARTICLES FOR SALE A AUCTION SALES A AUCTION SALES A AUCTION SALES Go figure! If just 0.. mom Canadians were physically actie annual savings in health-care costs could be as much as 512,000,000. Shoring a HeaMoer Future' ..-paRnapacnon FOR SALE A SUPPLY OF MORRIS TOWNSHIP SHIRTS T-Shirts $3.00 each Polo Shirts $5.00 each Various sizes for adults and children available. Available while supply lasts, at the Morris Township Municipal Office. FOR INFORMATION CALL 519-887-6137 4S PAGE 24. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1998. • -RATES- 20 words or less only $4.00. Additional words 150 each. 500 will be deducted if ad is paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday In Blyth Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114 ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT NEW LARGE ONE BEDROOM apartment available May 1, Wineberry Apartments. Phone 523- 9695. 14-tfn 3 BEDROOM COUNTRY HOUSE, 1 1/2 baths, near Londesboro. Phone 523-4207. 14-2 3 BEDROOM SEMI IN BLYTH, newly decorated, $475/month. Phone 887-9007. 14-2 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT IN Brussels, $350/month plus utilities. Inquire 229-8958. 08-tin LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartment. Newly decorated. Available now. Phone Brian, 887- 9830. 11-4 AVAILABLE MAY 1, QUEEN ST., Blyth - quaint, 2 bedroom, two bathroom, tastefully decorated home. Features a high efficiency gas furnace and water heater, air- tight fireplace in the living room, large shaded deck and landscaped garden. Commercial or residential $450/month plus utilities - 1 year lease. Phone 523-9825 or 523-4943 evenings. 13-tfn FARMHOUSE FOR RENT - 4 bedroom farmhouse located just north of Blyth. Monthly rent $600. For more information: 5 19-357- 3330 (weekdays 8-5). 13-2 HAY - LARGE ROUND BALES. Also fence posts and firewood. Phone 523-9528. 14-1 WE'RE MOVING AND HAVE the following items: John Deere LX188 lawn mower - used 1 1/2 seasons, roto tiller, hedge trimmer, weed eater, 18 cu. ft. utility dump trailer, push mower, Octagon picnic table, 1983 Oldsmobile 98 Regency, 523-4816. 14-2 STEFFEN COMPUTER SERVICES -Pentium II system complete with 17" monitor only $1,998. Unlimited 56k internet only $25/month. Free 5 hour/month intemet accounts. Call 357-3700. 14-4p 64 FOOT TV TOWER. BEST offer. 887-6817. 13-2 TREES FOR SALE - SPRUCE, pines, white birch, all sizes and shapes, 887-9083 after 5:00. 13-2p COMPUTER FACTORY SPECIAL 1 year - no payment or free scanner. Pentium 166 mmx, fully loaded with colour printer, software and much, much, more. Internet ready. $16/wk. 1-800-515-5545 (OAC). Free delivery. 13-5 RED CHIEFTAIN POTATOES, $5.00 for 50 lbs. Phone 887-9456. 13-2p SATELLITE SALE: ONLY $6.50/week (OAC). Includes 80 channels for 1 year. Free delivery and installation included. Call 1- 800-515-5545. 13-5 AUCTIONEERS JOSEPH ZEHR DOUG JACOB (519) 887-9599 (519) 271-7894 Farm Sales, Real Estate, Household, Antiques, Appraisals, Etc. UPCOMING SALES Sat., Apr. 11 at 12 p.m. - Auction sale of tractors, combine, bean equipment and machinery at the Tavistock Pork Yard, 3 1/2 miles east of Tavistock on Cty. Rd. 24 for Tim & Howard Roth & the estate of Glenn Bast. Thurs., Apr. 16 at 4:30 p.m. - Auction of furniture, antiques, tools & household misc. to be held at the Tavistock Memorial Hall in Tavistock for the Estate of Wi nni fred Strassburger & Woodstock home. Fri., Apr. 17 at 7:00 p.m. - Auction of horses & tack to be held at the Woodstock Fair Grounds in Woodstock for Bilyea Horse Auctions. Sat., Apr. 18 at 9:30 a.m. - Auction of horses, trailers & tack to be held at the Woodstock Fair Grounds in Woodstock for Bilyea Horse Auctions. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • 4.0. • • • • • • •4 1 6 To be held for Smith Farm and Garden Centre, 1 1/2 miles east of 1 1 Goderich on Highway #8 1 SATURDAY, APRIL 11 AT 9:00 A.M. • 1 TRUCK AND EQUIPMENT: 1 . 3 - Kenwood FM mobile two-way radios; Base FM with power 4 1 supply; Base FM aerial: 16 ft. x 6 ft. Tandem landscapers trailer; 1 • 6 1986 Ford 4 x 4 F250 - 3/4 ton diesel automatic with Fisher 7 ft. • • 1 snowplow (real clean - SUBJECT TO RESERVE); 1981 Ford 4 x 4 . • 1 one ton dually with Meyers 7 ft. snowplow, 1978 GMC 350 one ton • y 1 dually; 4 speed with 12 x 7 ft. box front mount pole hoist (350 miles • • 1 since last safety). Kubota 3 PTHitch 42 inch tiller; 7 ft. blade; 5 ft. . 1 rotary mower; Parker motorized lawn vacuum; 7 x 6 ft. electric road . • • sign; older portable sign with letters; 8 - 20 ft. street lights; 3 • • / chains; a few power tools; acetylene torch set. 1 1 STORE FIXTURES & STOCK: * 1 Steel shelving; peg board and hooks; 3 - electric cash registers; 3 . • • - Toledo counter scales; clothing racks; new clothing and boots; . • 1 gloves & mitts; pet supplies; pesticides; fertilizer; flower pots; bulk . • I garden seeds; lawn ornaments; plants & shrubs and all remaining . • 1 stock. 1 • SALE ORDER: Store Inventory 9:00 a.m. Trucks & Equipment at . • / 12:00 NOON. LUNCH BOOTH PROPERTY IS SOLD * * TERMS CASH OR CHEQUE WITH I.D. * 1 * 1 AUCTIONEER: Richard Lobb 519-482-7898 Clinton, Ontario FOR INFORMATION: Reg Smith 519-524-9522 • 1 / 1 THURSDAY, APRIL 9TH AT 11:00 A.M.: Tractors & machinery for * Arlene Falconer. Go 5 miles west of Holmesville on Cutline Road * I to Concession 4, turn right and go 2 miles. 524-6487. SATURDAY, APRIL 18TH AT 9:00 A.M.: Mechanics Tools - Snap On I & Mac; shop equipment; Case S tractor; air compressor; 3 wheel • ATV; 4 x 4 Bronco; 1984 Cadillac Seville; snowmobile; furniture and appliances at LOBB AUCTION, Clinton. For Christina DeBoer ., • * plus additions. www.auctionhotline.com ••-•.............40-40-,49.••••-•-•-.•-••••••••••48.1 AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery, Shop Tools and Household Effects will be held for TOM & SHEILA STULL Lot 3, Conc. 2, Elma Township 1 corner south of Listowel on Highway 23 and 3 corners west OR 3 corners west on Highway 86 and 1 corner south FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1998 AT 10 A.M. TRACTORS: 4835 Ford New Holland 4 wheel drive, 7310 Ford loader, 6 1/2 ft. bucket, tires 16-9-30, dual remotes, new in 1996. Approx. 400 hrs., bale prong. Nuffield 4-65, tires 16-9-30, approx. 3500 hrs., quantity of Nuffield parts. Massey Harris pony tractor (antique), new tires, rebuilt motor, 1 furrow plow fits pony tractor. Wheelhorse 20HP riding lawn mower, 48 in. cut, rear tiller, approx. 700 hrs., fertilizer spreader, 2 wheel lawn cart. MACHINERY: Glenco 14 ft. cultivator, New Idea rake, New Holland mix mill, Vic 5 ton dump trailer (good), Massey 3PH 7 ft. mower, New Idea 244 tandem manure spreader with double beater, 25 ft. heavy duty (double reach) bale wagon, Lucknow 7 ft. snowblower, IH 2 furrow 3PH plow (2-12), 12 ft. chain harrow. MISCELLANEOUS AND TOOLS: Wagon loads of miscellaneous, Precision 12 ft. cattle feeder, Tombstone cattle feeder, Epps 6300 pressure washer (diesel heated), Al semen tank, farm gates, waterbowl (blue), Super bowl, 3PH woodsplitter, 2 Husqvarna Model 61 chain saws, King drillpress, Torch & cart, Lincoln 225 welder, Trademaster 10 in. bench saw (new), Emery & vice, sump pump, air compressor, 20 ton hydraulic jack, 5 ton jack, floor jack, numerous electric drills & Skill saws, garden tiller, 2 come-a-long jacks, lawn roller (heavy), wire on roller, bicycles, cattle oiler, battery charger, numerous small items. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: York stereo system, 3 CD player, White Westinghouse almond fridge, Frigidaire Elite almond stove, Classic Kelvinator gold fridge, Corelle dishes for 12, dinner bell, sugar pot, Shepard barbecue, Roxten coffee table, round wooden end tables, magazine table, glider rocker, 3/4 size spool bed (refinished), several bicycles. Large antique dinner bell from old school. ATV, CAR & CAR PARTS: 1994 Suzuki quad-runner 4 x 4, approx. 3200 hrs., 1983 Olds Regency 98, 5.7 diesel, 92,000 miles, all original, loaded, mint condition, sells certified. Numerous Chev & Old car parts. Plan to attend. Lunch Booth. TERMS: Cash or acceptable cheque with proper I.D. day of sale. not responsible for accidents. Verbal announcements take precedence over advertising. Items listed as described by owner. For information about machinery call Tom Stull (519) 291-4867 For information about household effects call Sheila Stull (519) 356-1017 AUCTIONEER: BRIAN RINTOUL (519) 357-2349 THE BLYTH BRANCH OF THE Royal Canadian Legion would like to thank all the Branch members and the public for their support in making the Steak Barbecue a success. 14-1 BRIDAL SHOW '98. A big thank you goes to everyone who helped make Bridal Show '98 a success. A special thank you goes to the models, Calvin Kerr D.J., Peter Cook for lighting and Peggy Heffron for all her hard work. 14-1 CALDWELL. Once again I find myself overwhelmed with all the kindness and generosity expressed to me by relatives, neighbours and friends who sent cards, baking, get- well gifts and made phone calls and visits to the house during my recent accident and surgery. Special thanks to Dr. Gear, Dr. Omole and all the nurses and staff of Wingham and District Hospital for their extra special care and to Liz, my physiotherapist for her patience. Thanks to Don and Cliff Schultz, super neighbours, for their assistance in the barn, and to Bob Scott for being my chauffeur. A special thanks to my brother Steve for those early mornings and late nights spent doing chores and above all to my wife Evelyn and to Ian, Kristy, Tim and Mark for their love and dedication and time spent doing farm chores. It's during times like this that we learn just how much family really means to us. Thanks again. - Les. 14-1 DAER. The family of the late Bert Daer would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to relatives, friends and neighbours for cards, flowers, prayers, charitable donations and food brought to our homes. Special thank you to the doctors, nurses and staff at Clinton Public Hospital for the excellent care during his hospital stay. Thank you to Rev. Huntley for his comforting message, to Beattie- Falconer Funeral Home, and the ladies of the U.C.W. for a delicious lunch after the funeral. All was greatly appreciated. - Dorothy Daer and family. 14-lp HOWATT. We would like to thank all our neighbours who supported us after the loss of our sister by sending cards and gifts at the service. - Doug and Sherry and family. 14-lp HOWATT. Many thanks to our friends and relatives for cards, flowers and food brought to the house at the time of our daughter's passing. Everything was greatly appreciated. - Ferne and Edgar Howatt and family. 14-1 McNICHOL. Matt and I would like to thank Drs. Hay and Wenske and the 1st floor nurses at the Clinton Public Hospital for their care while Matt was a patient. - Michelle and Matt. 14 -1p Help protect the environment Reduce, reuse and recycle CLEARING AUCTION SALE