HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1998-04-08, Page 11Excelling ,
East Wawanosh Public School
students displayed their award-
winning scientific endeavors,
March 31.Top left photo-Grade
7 biology winners, back row,
from left: Matt Cowan, Paul
Garniss, first; Kerri Meier, third.
Front, from left: Scott Folkard,
Ryan Moran, second. Top
Centre-Grade 7 physical, back
row, from left: Ashley North,
third; Michelle Nixon, Jenni
Hopf, first; Jody Machan
(North's partner), third. Front:
Sherri Ross, second. Top right-
computer, Paul Walker. Bottom
left-Grade 8 biology, from left:
Heather Black, second; Kristyn
Gerth, first; Amanda Palmer,
third. Bottom right-Grade 8
physical, back row, from left:
Dan Mullin, Matt Walker, Kevin
Pattison, third. Front, from
Ieft:Garrett Knight, first; Laura
Meier, second. Advancing to
the regionals, in Goderich, April
6/7 were Cowan, Garniss, Paul
Walker, Gerth, Black, Palmer,
Knight and Laura Meier.
100 gone:;; I
The news from
e rave
Grade 8s plan fundraiser
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E. Wawanosh students experience science fair
Youths prepare to join church
The Grade 8s at East Wawanosh
Public School are hosting a ham
and scalloped potato supper on
Thursday, April 16 in the Women's
Institute Hall with sittings at 5 p.m.
and 7 p.m.
Tickets are available from any
Grade 8 student or by calling
Donna Wattam at 357-3069 or
Laurie Procter 887-6443.
This is a fundraiser for their
upcoming trip to Quebec.
Mabel's Moms met at their
regular time on Wednesday, April
1. Those who attended were Alison
Wightman and Autumn; Rev. Mary
Jane Hobden and Stephen; Kim
Higgins, Laura, Ashley and Jarrod;
The seniors bowling scores for
Wednesday, April 1 were: Largaret
McInnes, 164, 157; Alice Nichol-
son, 86, 130; Evelyn Caslick, 101,
167; Helen Underwood, 115, 126;
Al Myers, 139, 118; Louise
Bosman, 113, 187; Jean Walker,
137, 123; Ivy Cloakey, 169, 113;
and Doris Remington, 140, 127.
There were nine tables of euchre
in play on Wednesday, April 1 in
Linda Hess and Judith.
Their topic was "Our Health Care".
On Friday, April 24 East
Wawanosh Public School in
conjunction with the Belgrave
Kinsmen and Optimists will be
holding a talent service auction.
Any donations would be appre-
ciated. The proceeds go towards
new playground equipment.
For more information, contact the
school at 357-2960 or Doug
Walker at 357-3555.
The Sunday supper will be held
at Knox United Church on Sunday,
April 26 with sittings at 5 p.m. and
7 p.m. with tickets available from
any Knox Steward.
the Women's Institute Hall.
Winners were: high lady, Freda
Scott; second high lady, Kay
McCormick; lone hands, Marj
Coultes; low lady, Ilene Sellers;
high man, Dennis Leddy; second
high man, Ross Taylor; lone hands,
Garner Nicholson; low man, Ruth
There will be euchre again on
Wednesday, April 8 at 8 p.m.
On Palm Sunday, April 5, Freda
Johnston greeted worshippers at
Knox United Church.
Rev. Mary Jane Hobden
welcomed everyone.
The mixed senior choir sang The
Palms, accompanied by Elizabeth
Procter at the piano. The old
testament reading was chosen from
Isaiah 50: 4 - 9a and the gospel
lesson from Luke 22: 14-65.
The youth joining the church
next Sunday took part in a drama
entitled "Trials, Trials, Trials".
Scene one was "The chamber of the
High Priest." Scene two was
Pirates' Palace and scene three
Herod's Palace.
Michele Burr and Jennifer Cook
were in charge of nursery. Taking
up the offering was Paul Walker
and Joyce Vincent.
The flowers in the church were
placed by the Vincent family in
loving memory of Shannon, who
passed away April 4, 1997.
The confirmation class consisting
of Shawn Cottrill, Vicky Black,
Courtney McGee, Tania Pletch, and
Amy Barnes along with their
parents, members of the session
and Rev. Hobden enjoyed a potluck
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Seniors go bowling
dinner and social time following Church.
the service. The official board will meet on
On Friday, April 10 there is a Tuesday, April 14 at 8 p.m. in the
Good Friday service at 11 a.m. at Sunday School room.
Knox United Church. Easter On Wednesday, April 15 there is
services is on Sunday , April 12 a Christian Education meeting at
with confirmation and communion 7:30 p.m. in the Sunday School
at Calvin Brick and Knox United room.
Women enjoy Day Out
The program included "The Line
Dancing Clowns", motivational
speaker and author Gisele Ireland,
Patti Robertson, speaking on
classic interiors, fashion show and
special music with Kim Souch as
Many women from the well as a delicious lunch and
community attended the Women's demonstrations.
Day Out on Saturday, April 4 at the Many came home with a prize.
Blyth Memorial Community Hall. Richard and Norma Moore
It was sponsored by the Blyth returned home last Wednesday
United Church Women with the night, April 1 after their winter stay
theme "Live, Love and Laugh". in Florida. As they stayed in the
central part of Florida they escaped
major storms and floods.
They were about 40 miles from
the area that was hardest hit.
Mrs. Howard Zettler of RR 4,
Walkerton spent a day visiting with
her mother, Beth Procter.