HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1998-02-25, Page 22•""*'''."""wr.'"""..'•'0''.v.ir•rt•Y • V".44,1..%. • • 'Rs •••••,•• "tifAMEOMiW. HURON COUNTY HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT 1998 Tenders for WINTER SAND AND GRANULAR 'A' SHOULDER GRAVEL SEALED TENDERS will he accepted until 12:00 noon local time on: Monday, April 6, 1998 for the following Contracts: HC-98-101 3.000 t Winter Sand HC-98-102 5.000 t Winter Sand HC-98-103 HC-98-104 HC-98-201 HC-98-202 HC-98-203 HC-98-204 5,000 t Winter Sand 5,000 t Winter Sand 20,900 t Granular 'A' Shoulder Gravel 5,500 t Granular 'A' Shoulder Gravel 5,100 t Granular 'A' Shoulder Gravel 10,700 t Granular 'A' Shoulder Gravel Forms (and envelopes) available upon request from the office of the undersigned. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Sandra Lawson, P. Eng County Engineer Court House Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 Tel: (519) 524-7412 T TENDERS TENDERS CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" AGRICULTURE WANTED: HARDWOOD LOGS. Prompt payment for hardwood logs, prepayment for timber stands. Veneer log prices. Provincially licensed tree markers and certified equipment operators. Special care taken in harvesting. Penni!! Veneer Co. Ltd, est. 1927, 340 Louisa St., Kitchener (519)742-5887. ANNOUNCEMENTS DONATE YOUR CAR. HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Tax deductible. Free towing. Need not run. Free phone card. Sponsored by AADCO. 800-463-5681. BUSINESS OPPS. AMAZING FACT. The Internet will grow by 2,700% in 24 mo's. Earn up to $15k/mo with Canada's fastest growing Internet Franchise. Full train- ing. Investment Req. 1-888-678-7588. CHRISTIAN BUSINESS: up to 81% profit for you or your ministry. No inventory. Home based servicing Christian Market. Complete training and support. 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Call 1-800-999-1346, Ext 449. CAREER OPPS. LEARN AUCTIONEERING. Classes held April 18-24, '98. For informa- tion contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. 1-888-866-7355. COMPUTERS THE BEST COMPUTER, the Best Price. Delivered right to your door anywhere in Canada! Just $69.00 per month, No Money Down. For Tymannus loaded 166MMX Multimedia Package: 166 MMX, Motorola 56.6 Fax/Modem, Stereo surroundsound, digital full-motion video, 3.2 GB HD, 24X CD ROM, full colour 14 inch monitor, loaded current soft- ware (list is too long for this ad, call us!!!) Instant credit approval avail- able right over the phone! Call 1-800-551-3434 - to order/more infor- mation. JUST 59.00 PER MONTH. Absolutely Complete!! NO Money Downll No Payments for Three Months!!! From the fifth largest PC manufactur- er in Canada: 200MMX, 24X CDROM, 2.0 GB Quantum, ATI 3D EXP Video, 33.6 full duplex, Intel MB and Processor, 16MB EDO 14 inch SVGA, 90 days FREE Internet Don't be fooled by other offers! Credit Approval available right over the phone! 1-888-860-9190 more info/to order. Fast FEDEX delivery, to your door anywhere in Canada. EDUCATIONAL OPPS.' BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with our great home-study course. Call today for your FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829. The Writing School, 38 McArthur Avenue, Suite 2983, Ottawa, ON K1L 6R2. EMPLOYMENT OPPS.. .‘ CHARLTON RESORTS, BANFF has immediate opening for room attendants. Subsidized accommodation may be available. Contact Dar- lene Sinclair 403-762-4485, fax 403-762-2744. Box 1478, Banff, AB TOL OCO. FOR •SALE $ATTENT1ON STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars. New products available. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1-800-383-3589. SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, planks, beams. 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To apply, call 1-800-314- 2288. FREE DETAILED INFORMATION for ordering important Bible-based books about 1) Hell, 2) Heaven, 3) Salvation, 4) Angels, send self- addressed, stamped envelope to Karl Kristensen, Ivujivik, Quebec, JOM 1HO. WHAT BLOCKS YOU from accomplishing what you want in life? Find out with Dianetics! Buy it! Read it! Use it! $8.99+GST. Call 1-800-561- 5808 today! . STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS...Final Clearance. Construction and Leasing avail- able. 20 x 14 x 30 $3,688.00. 25 x 14.x 30 $3,988.00. 30 x 14 x 40 $5,944.00. 40 x 60 $9,688.00. 40 x 80 $12,244.00. 50 x 100 $21,566.00. 60 x 120 $28,900.00. Others. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS. 1997 FACTORY Clearance Sale on Many Models and Sizes. Reserve your building now for spring delivery while quantities last. Call 1-800-668-8653 ext. 536. WANTED FARMERS wanted who are Paying too much tax or not using all the tax breaks available. Phone Farm Business Consultants Inc. (LONDON) today at 1-800-265-1002. • It's Affordable • It's Fast • It's Easy • One Bill Does It All • Northern Ontario $76 • Eastern Ontario $138 • Western Ontario $130 • Central Ontario $134 • All Ontario $390 • National Packages Available • Call this paper for details! Keep the "physical" in education! Researdi confirms that children who participate in daily physical education are more ft have better health habits, are less susceptible to stress, and perform better academically. Sharing a Healthier Future fiPaanaPacnon e THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1998. PAGE 23. 9 tables at euchre ranbrook The news from The hall board hosted nine tables at the euchre party last Friday. Winners were: high lady, Isabelle Brenner; high man, Lloyd Smith; low lady, Helen Gallop; low man, Jeanne Ireland; lone hand, lady, Lois Schneider; lone hand, man, John Subject; travelling hand, Ross Stevenson; and the 50/50 craw was won by Stewart Musgrove. The next euchre party will be held on March 6. The community extends sympathy to the Minielly family on the death of grandmother Audrey Chapelle, who often visited Cranbrook. rP. Hagedoorn, 887-6935 and M.Sacon, 887-9287 The news from thel Compiled by Margaret McMahon Phone 887-9250 Speaker wins contest Bowling scores Continued from page 9 Largaret McInnes, 102, 183; Evelyn Galbraith, 147, 106; Helen Underwood, 99, 117; Laura Johnston, 102, 145; Ivey Cloakey, 118, 115; Raymond Neill, 115, 117, 118; George Michie, 139, 140, 98. There were eight tables of euchre in play at the Women's Institute on Wednesday, Feb. 18. Prizes were awarded to: high lady, Jenn Pattison; second high lady, Marie Stewart; lone hands, Vera Falkoner; low lady, Ilene Sellers; high man, Dennis Leddy; second high man, Glen Sellers; lone hands, Lloyd Appleby; low man, Ed Stewart. There will be euchre again Wednesday, Feb. 25 at 8 p.m. Congratulations to Crystal Edgar, a high school winner of the Listow- el Legion's public speaking compe- tition. Congratulations to Grant Martin a recent graduate of the University of Guelph. Sympathy to Bob and Olive Cun- ningham on the recent loss of Bob's mother, Elsie Cunningham of Huronlea, formerly of Ethel.