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Full train- ing. Investment Req. 1-888-678-7588. CHRISTIAN BUSINESS: up to 81% profit for you or your ministry. No inventory. Home based servicing Christian Market. Complete training and support. Select territories. 1-800-663-7326 $140,000ryr potential as an Information Broker. Profit Magazine says "Best Business to go into '98..." Revolutionary interactive systems gen- erate substantial profits. No inventory, low overhead. 1-888-679-2201. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN AN AMAZING SECOND INCOME? One that won't affect your present job or income? Does an extra $500 to $5000 a month sound exciting? Call Toll Free1-888-876-6 650 for a short recorded message. If you could help MUHAMMAD ALI feed hungry children and earn sig- nificant income, would you? Homebased business; investment required. Call Mr. Kaplan (519)642-4714. PLEASE MUM - You already know about our quality kid's clothing that's sold in home across Canada. Become a Please Mum Independent Home Party consultant and savour the exciting rewards. We've given hundreds of women like you the opportunity to make new friends, made money in an easy-to-start career and earn discounts for your own kid's clothes with our exclusive in-home line. Call us at 1-800-665-9644. With proven success we'll guide you every step of the wayl CAREER OPPS. LEARN AUCTIONEERING. Classes held April 18-24, '98. For infor- mation contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. 1-888-866-7355. COMPUTERS THE BEST COMPUTER, the Best Price. Delivered right to your door anywhere in Canada! Just $69.00 per month, No Money Down. For Tymannus loaded 166MMX Multimedia Package: 166 MMX, Motorola 56.6 Fax/Modem, Stereo surroundsound, digital full-motion video, 3.2 GB HD, 24X CD ROM, full colour 14 inch monitor, loaded current soft- ware (list is too long for this ad, call us!1!) Instant credit approval avail- able right over the phone! Call 1-800-551-3434 - to order/more infor- mation. JUST 59.00 PER MONTH. Absolutely Complete!! NO Money Down!! No Payments for Three Months!!! From the fifth largest PC manufactur- er in Canada: 200MMX, 24X CDROM, 2.0 GB Quantum, ATI 3D EXP Video, 33.6 full duplex, Intel MB and Processor, 16MB EDO 14 inch SVGA, 90 days FREE Internet. Don't be fooled by other offers! Credit Approval available right over the phone! 1-888-860-9190 more info/to order. Fast FEDEX delivery, to your door anywhere in Canada EDUCATIONAL OPPS. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with our great home-study course. Call today for your FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829. The Writing School, 38 McArthur Avenue, Suite 2983, Ottawa, ON K1 L 6R2. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. WANTED!! 50 JOURNEYMAN TECHNICIANS. For information: Refer to the EMDA Website@www. emda.ab.ca. Send resume to: Edmonton Motor Dealers Association, 9249-48 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2R9. Phone: 403-468-9552, Fax: (403)465-6201. 2-year contracts overseas for organic agriculture and community work- ers, minimum 2 years experience. Info: wvirw.cuso.org. SEND RESUME BY FEB. 13: Brenda Doner, CUSO, 123 Woolwich Street, Guelph, N I H 3V1, fax: (519)822-7089, e-mail: cusoguel@web.net For TEACHERS/EDUCATORS. North American School Association requires Teachers, Educators, Tutors, Professionals, Parents, Stu- dents, Health Care Workers, Office Staff, etc. work at home. N.A.S.A., 512 Cambridge Street, Peterborough, Ont., K9H 4T4, or (705)742- 0344. Enclose self-addressed, stamped envelope. FOR SALE $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars. New products available. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1-800-383-3589. SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, planks, beams. Large capacity. Best sawmill value anywhere. Free information 1-800-566- 6899. Norwood Sawmills, R.R 2, Kilworthy, Ontario POE 1GO. FREE ESTIMATES. Let FM make changing your windows and doors a pleasure! Enjoy comfort NOW! Pay next year! WORKMANSHIP fully guaranteed! Our twenty years experience, thirty locations, ensures you get your job done right the first time! Pick up the phone and CALL NOM!! Toll FREE 1-888-738-0738. SALES HELP WANTED CLUB K.O. - KIDS ONLY CLOTHING - wonderful clothing for whole family - Kids Only business is fun, easy, flexible, rewarding! For new catalogue/information (905)829-4713. Cheryl LabbettInd. Consultant. PAY TELEPHONE SERV. PROFESSIONAL PSYCHICS as seen on television tell all; love job, money, compatibility, lucky numbers. Call now 1-900-451-3389, 1-900- 677-2288 $3.99/m in, adults only. 1-268-404-6088 LD apply. ADOPTION WANTED TO ADOPT BY LOVING COUPLE: healthy infant or child under four years of age. Approved homestudy. Please write to Tina c/o Box 24032, 275 Second Line West, Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6C 6G7. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS...Final Clearance. Construction and Leasing avail- able. 20 x 14 x 30 $3,688.00. 25 x 14 x 30 $3,988.00. 30 x 14 x 40 $5,944.00. 40 x 60 $9,688.00. 40 x 80 $1 2,244.00. 50 x 100 $21,566.00. 60 x 120 $28,900.00. Others. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS. 1997 FACTORY Clearance Sale on Many Models and Sizes. Reserve your building now for spring delivery while quantities last. Call 1-800-668-8653 ext. 536. WANTED I BUY GUITARS made before 1970. Paying $400 to $10,000 + for cer- tain models by Gibson, Fender, Martin, Gretsch, Epiphone and Nation- al. Call Steve, anytime 1-800-964-3544. • It's Affordable • It's Fast • It's Easy • One Bill Does It All • Northern Ontario $76 • Eastern Ontario $138 • Western Ontario $130 • Central Ontario $134 • All Ontario $390 • National Packages Available • Call this paper for details! THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1998. PAGE 19. Blyth council briefs Village has $61,000 in outstanding taxes Clerk-Treasurer John Stewart reported to Blyth council at the Feb. 2 meeting, that there is still $61,000 in outstanding property and business taxes. Collected taxes account for 88 per cent of the levy. "It is not bad," said Stewart, "as the province requires 75 per cent collection." *** With the deadline for purchasing dog tags set for Feb. 16, council looked over the fee schedule. Tags for neutered males and spayed females is $20; additional neutered males and spayed females, Grey .Twp. council held its regular meeting on Feb. 2 and accepted the insurance proposal. from Frank Cowan Company for 1998. The total premium of $27,508 is the same as 1997. Council received four tenders on the 1990 4 X 4 truck and accepted the high tender of Bill's Auto Wrecking at $2,655. Council accepted the quote of The Brussels knitters held their fourth meeting. It began with the 4-H pledge. After the business part of the meeting members went on to finish samplers and start a tension swatch for projects. They worked on this for two hours. On Monday, Jan. 26, The Sheepish Knitters met at the home of Kathy Bridge. They discussed the achievement program which will be a trip to Spinrite factory in Listowel. Members talked about how to dye wool. Kathy took cold tea and put it in a bowl so they could try to dye different kinds of string and material. For the last bit of the meeting they worked on swatches and projects. The Brussels 4-Hers met for the $25; males or females, if one per household, $30; additional males and females, $40 and pitbulls or pitbull crosses, $100. *** In discussing a November acci- dent involving a village employee, council agreed that the PUC should be asked to split the insurance deductible cost as the employee worked for the village and the utili- ty. The total cost to repair the car involved was $7,949. *** Council approved a special occa- McGavin Farm Equipment for a five-disc Kvernland mower at $5,950 plus taxes. Howard Hackwell was appointed as the Grey Twp. representative to the Seaforth Hospital Board. In other business, council approved for payment, accounts totalling $93,582.57. The next regular meeting of council is scheduled for Feb. 16 at 9:30 a.m. last meeting before the Achievement Program. They answered questions and did activities from their book. Then they knitted projects for this club and while they were doing this they watched George of the Jungle. Walton school Continued from page 8 slaves trying to escape into Canada. They are also learning how to use WordPerfect on the computer. Mrs. Vandendool attended a math workshop where she learned different ways to implement the new Ontario math curriculum Mrs. Crane said that the Grade 4 class have just finished their projects on continents. The Grade 3s did theirs on Canada and a province. sion permit request from the Blyth Lions for a summer dance, June 27. *** Stewart will attend a seminar and workshop series in London to obtain a municipal human resources certificate. Offered by the Association of Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario, the five-session course will cost $888.10. The PUC will be asked to split the cost. *** A motion was passed stating council's agreement that the Clin- ton Public Hospital area is under- serviced by physicians. A similar motion was passed last year in support of Wingham and District Hospital. a** Councillor Jeff Howson, report- ing on a meeting of the Bluewater Recycling board, said the operation was very well run and appears to be the most cost efficient organization of their type. *** It was resolved that Chief Build- ing Official Paul Josling be paid 35 cents per km. mileage. *** Josling and Steve Bearss attend- ed the meeting to discuss the requirement for a hedgerow or fence along the north and west boundaries of property soon to be under development. It was agreed that several trees from the property could be moved to the west boundary as the barrier and would be recorded on the site plan. 4-.H knitters plan achievement Grey accepts Cowan premium