HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1998-02-11, Page 12
The news from
Compiled by Linda Campbell Phone 357-2188
Church plans family skate
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Looking for local heroes
There are so many people out there who do
so much to improve their community.
Now you have a chance to say thanks.
Nominate that special person for the 12th
Annual Citizen Citizenship Awards.
Each year a committee chooses an outstanding citizen from
each of the Blyth and area and Brussels and area communities
to receive an award for contribution to the community. If you
know someone you think should be honoured, please fill in the
ballot and send it in. You may attach a longer explanation of
why you think your nominee should win, if you like. If you
have nominated someone before and he or she didn't win,
please feel free to try again.
I nominate
as Citizen of the year for
I feel she/he deserves this award because
& area
Nomination Deadline March 31, 1998
Name and phone number of nominator
UCW discusses solidarity
Ashley Irwin of Ashfield Twp.
spent last weekend at her
grandmother's, Betty Irwin, and
celebrated her 12th birthday with
her father, Kevin and her
grandmother, Betty.
Ray and Cindy Nicholson,
Victoria and Alexandra of Elmira
visited last Sunday at the home of
Gamer and Alice Nicholson.
The Belgrave Girls' hockey
teams are hosting a fundraising
breakfast on Saturday, Feb. 14 at
the Belgrave arena. There will be
two hockey games, the first to
begin at 9:30 a.m. and the second at
11 a.m.
On Saturday, Feb. 21 Belgrave
Pastoral Charge is having a family
skating party from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Edgar of
Petrolia visited last Saturday
afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Last Sunday, Mrs. Audrey
MacKay and Mrs. Thelma Pletch
called on their uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse.
Gary and Donna Leitch of
London and George and Mary
Johnston of Ilderton spent the
weekend with Bob and Jane
Sunday visitors at the home of
Laura Johnston were George and
Mary Johnston of Ilderton.
The seniors bowl each
Wednesday afternoon at the
Wingham Bowling Lanes. Their
scores last week were: Helen
Underwood, 50, 89; Alice
Nicholson, 93, 94; Ivy Cloakey,
128, 130; Doris Michie, 123, 144;
WI draws 48
A travelogue was featured at the
Feb. 3 Women's Institute pot-luck
and program afternoon.
The crowd of 48 friends and
neighbours enjoyed a delicious
meal together. Guest speaker, Ross
Procter, was introduced by Isabelle
Craig. Mr. Procter began his topic
with slices of France; in particular
Vimy ridge, and told of the action
that took place there during World
War I. He also read from Pierre
Burton's book titled Vimy. With a
slide presentation he showed the
other areas of world where he and
his wife Mary have visited. These
include Argentina, Australia, New
Zealand, the Canadian Arctic,
several African countries, Cuba,
England, Russia, China, Ireland
and Finland. This enjoyable and
enlightening program was received
with a round of applause.
The next event will be another
potluck on Tuesday, Feb. 17 at
noon. It is the curator's meeting
with Ada Taylor in charge of the
WMS meets
The Belgrave WMS held its
meeting on Monday, Feb. 2 at the
home of Irma Mason. The hymn
More Love to Thee was sung.
Roll call was answered by a
verse on love. The secretary's
report was read by Margaret
Continued on page 13
Eleanor Neill, 93, 147; Marj
Coultes, 70, 120; Jean Walker, 142,
123; Evelyn Caslich, 102, 111;
Doris Remington, 102, 151; Mabel
Wheeler, 107, 143; Largaret
McInnis, 128, 165; Mal Louttit,
107, 143; Laura Johnston, 188,
146; George Michie, 156, 134, 130;
Raymond Neill, 146, 95, 163; Ross
Anderson, 86, 142, 120; Lorne
Campbell, 165, 260, 172.
There were 12 tables of euchre in
play on Wednesday, Feb. 4 at the
Women's Institute Hall. Prizes
were: high lady, Jane Grasby;
second high lady, Laura Johnston;
lone hands, Janet Mathers, low
lady, Kay Rich; high man, Nell
Johnston; second high man, Jack
Taylor; lone hands, Harvey Edgar;
low man, George Michie.
The next euchre is Wednesday
Feb. 11 at 8 p.m.
The Evening Unit of the UCW
met at the home of Barbara
Anderson with 15 members
present. Barbara welcomed every-
one to her home and began the
meeting with a poem "God's
Loving Hand".
Mabel Wheeler led in worship.
Give Me Oil In My Lamp and
Where Charity and Love Prevail
were prayer hymns. A reading
from the book Love Adds a Little
The February meeting of the
Belgrave Community Club was
held on Feb. 6 with 30 members
The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and adopted.
The financial report was given by
the treasurer. A thank you letter
was read from the Community
Centre board for the financial
donation made by the Club. A reply
was received from the Blyth
seniors accepting an invitation for
the April 3 meeting.
A $500.00 donation was sent to
the Ice Storm Disaster Fund.
Murray Vincent and Paul McKee
Character was entitled
Guest Appearance".
Irene Lamond read the scripture
from I Corinthians 13:1-13.
The minutes were read and the
roll call was answered with ways
members can make a difference in
the lives of shut ins by showing
love and concern. The roll call for
next month will be to name a "sea"
found in the Bible.
Mabel's Moms met at their
regular time on Wednesday, Feb. 4.
Those who attended were: Rev.
Mary Jane Hobden and Stephen;
Linda Hess and Judith; Kimm
There will be a skating party and
social time for the Calvin-Brick
and Knox congregation on Feb. 21.
Muriel Coultes introduced the
programme "In solidarity with
Uprooted People" and a discussion
followed. The meeting closed with
the benediction.
Lunch was served by Mildred
Yuill and Ruth Johnston followed
by a social time.
Higgins, Laura, Ashley and Jarrod;
Lila Procter and Jessica; 'Alison
Wightman and Autumn; and Karen
Rundle and Holly.
Their topic was "Day Care".
Club donates to disaster fund
attended the meeting on behalf of shoot parties will be Feb. 27,
the Belgrave Kinsmen to present March 13 and 27 and April 17 and
their proposal for the development 24.
of a park on the old hotel property Wilma Scott spoke on growing
and to get further ideas and input. garlic and the advantages of using
The new USCO flag was garlic in meal preparation.
displayed for everyone to see. Arnold Bruce and Alf Nichol
There will be a dessert shoot played several musical selections.
party on Feb. 13 at 1 p.m. Other The next meeting is March 6.
Moms talk of day care