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The Citizen, 1998-02-04, Page 32
Avon DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD ‘. Maitland Learning for a Lifetime Headquarters Site Review - Public Meeting The Board will host a consultative meeting regarding possi- ble sites for the relocation of the Education Centre at the Community Centre in Dublin on Monday, February 9th at 7:30 p.m. Interested groups and individuals are invited to submit ideas and solutions to address the need for a permanent headquar- ters location. If you or your organization/group wish to make a presentation at this public meeting please call Wendy Francis at (519) 271-0930 or 1-888-834-5891 for a scheduled ten minute time slot on the agenda. Written presentations are acceptable. Parameters for headquarters location are defined as: • along the Highway # 8 corridor from Stratford to Clinton • in existing board owned facilities. Purchase or construction of facilities is not a viable option. For more information, please contact: Paul Carroll, Director of Education and Secretary Treasurer at (5198) 482-3496 Ext. 111 or (519) 271-0930 Ext. 211 or paulcarr@avonmaitland.on.ca Abby Armstrong, Chair at (519) 565-5361 Colleen Schenk, Trustee (519) 357-1066 Leslie Wood, Trustee (519) 393-6796 PAUL CARROLL ABBY ARMSTRONG Director of Education Chair Convert To Natural Gas NOW We Make It Easy With 0% Financing 12 equal payments over one year or No payments until October '98* Convenient billing options* MONTGOMERY'S COMFORT CENTRE LTD. LENNOX Complete 4dit*41.4mil -7;711111111 PAGE 32. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1998. Internet access for Avon Maitland schools By Michele Greene Special ro The Citizen All Avon Maitland schools will soon be 'connected' via the intemet. But some trustees questioned the merits of bringing intemet access to Perth County schools at last week's meeting of the District School Board in Stratford. Janet Baird-Jackson, superinten- dent of corporate operations and information technology, explained the plan to bring the Wide Area Network system into Perth schools by March break. The network, which already The January meeting of the Auxiliary to Wingham and District Hospital opened with 22 members in attendance. Members led by Honorary President Doris Michie held a minute of silence and prayer in remembrance of Margaret MacLeod, president of the Auxiliary for the past two years. Her tireless efforts and leadership on behalf of the Auxiliary will be greatly missed. Helen Daughterty will resume duties as president. Guest speaker was Barbara Major-McEwan, director of Nutrition and Food Services for Wingham and District Hospital. Major-McEwan spoke on the new bulk rethermulization system to be implemented in April 1998. This cart holds hot and cold food for 30 patients at a time. It is brought to patient's bedside where meal selection is made. Two carts would be needed at Wingham hospital. A number of carts will be tested on Feb. 18 at a session attended by representatives from each of the eight hospitals. The Huron Perth Regional Food Services was started last April to investigate opportunities for exists in Huron schools, will allow teachers and administrators to send information electronically and provide intemet access to students. Marks, enrolment numbers and other information can be quickly transferred between schools and the board offices. "Why are these things happening when we have shortfalls?" asked Trustee Atje Tuyten. Trustee Wendy Anderson said she was concerned money had been spent although a budget for the plan wasn't authorized. Baird-Jackson said extending the wide area network doesn't require spending new money. The Huron consolidation and cost saving while maintaining quality service. The Food Service Directors along with union, non-union and human resources investigated many options. These options were evaluated in detail and the team was able to reach a consensus on the selected option. The evaluation was completed Using financial, customer, internal business process and learning and growth indicators. Over the next year the other seven sites will also have this bulk rethermulization system imple- mented. Marie Phillips thanked Major- McEwan for her informative talk. The fundraiser "Sick But Not Scared" books has proved a success raising over $1,300 with the help of local businesses. Upcoming events include the blood donor clinic, March 12; spring rummage sale, April 16 and 17; spring conference, April 27 in Stratford and Canada Health Day, May 12. . • The next meeting is the annual meeting on April 20 with the installation of officers. New members are welcome. schools have saved one-third of their photocopying costs and reduced their long distance bills by sending information electronically. "We're not sending paper out. What is harder to measure is how quickly principals are getting responses. They can't be waiting for a message to be faxed. We can Innovation and initiative has once again put Seaforth Communi- ty Hospital in the forefront of serv- ing the community. The facility announced the estab- lishment of a formal relationship with the Bachelor of Health Sci- ences Midwifery Education Pro- gram offered by Laurentian, McMaster and Ryerson universi- ties. The five-year partnership will provide the Ryerson students an opportunity to use Seaforth as an be much more efficient," Baird- Jackson said. Phone lines and routers, which allow multiple users to get on the intemet, have to be added to Perth Schools. Baird-Jackson said routers were most recently installed at South Perth Centennial Public School. Also 1,000 licenses for education site and resource. Beginning Jan. 19, a student was placed under the supervision and guidance of Susan Wilts, who holds active midwifery staff privileges at Seaforth Community Hospital. The student will follow the pre- natal, intrapartum and postpartum care of the women and their new- borns in the instructor's practice group. As hospital-based deliveries are an important part of the service provided by midwives, the student secure e-mail addresses for teachers have to be purchased. St. Marys District Collegiate Institute will continue to use a satellite dish to get on the internet. Listowel schools have an agreement with a local internet provider, with which they will continue to work. will accompany Wilts when a client enters the hospital for a delivery and will interact with staff. Bill Thibert, chief executive offi- cer at Seaforth is very pleased with the partnership, saying, "this agree- ment adds a further dimension to the hospital's expanding obstetric program." The only facility in Huron Coun- ty to offer in-hospital midwifery services, a second • midwife, Madeleine Clin, was granted privi- leges in May. .1•1•MIr miongas energy for you Wingham Aux. hears of new system Terms and Conditions Deferred payments available to Union Gas residential customers on approved credit financed through Union Gas and Participating Member Union Gas Fireplace Dealers. All other offers not applicable. Offer valid from Jan. 19 to Mar. 7, '98. There are no set-up fees or early payment penalties for financing. © Union Gas Limited 1998. 'D' Seaforth Hosp. gets new partner Hwy. #4 South, Wingham - 519-357-4300 Port Elgin - 519-832-2026