HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1998-01-14, Page 22Go figure!
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1998 Wedding Showcase
February 4, 1998 The Citizen
will publish a multi-page
insert featuring articles and
advertising geared
specifically to couples
preparing to wed.
To take advantage of this advertising
opportunity, please call
Les Cook or Jeannette McNeil at
(519) 523-4792 before January 31, 1998.
Brussels Public School news
Grade ls make snowflakes, read snow poems
By Amber Park-Shaw and
Nicole Mastnak
The Brussels Blazers had a safe
and happy holiday, and are glad to
be back at school.
The kindergarten classes are
celebrating Emily Kerhoffs fifth
birthday! Also Andrew Watson is
turning six. Happy Birthday! They
are currently practising their
initials. The kindergarten year of
1998 has started off very
Grade 1 was very disappointed
that there wasn't any snow. They
have written a large book called "I
Want Snow'', made snowflakes and
read poems and stories about snow.
In the Grade 2 class, they have
been busy decorating the school
walls with their wonderful winter
scenes. Chelsey and Evie told us
they interviewed their classmates to
find out what they like on their
pizza. The results said that most
people like bacon, yellow peppers,
and pepperoni. Not very many
people prefer olives and cheese.
Grade 2 is looking forward to a
new year.
Ms MacDonald's Grade 4 class
had to make a circle and draw
pictures to make the circle part of
the picture. They are also starting a
new unit on Old Order Mennonites.
To go along with the program they
are reading "Amish Adventure".
Happy 15th birthday to Ms
MacDonald (just kidding)! 1998
has been a great year for the Grade
4s so far.
Mr. Teall's Grade 5 class;is
looking back in time to learn about
"Stone Age Calendars". They have
to choreograph a dance to a French
song. They seem to enjoy it. Looks
like the Grade 5s are heading for a
great year in 1998!
Grade 6s in Mrs. Whyte's class
are starting a new unit in science on
"Endangered Species". The Grade
6/7s get to enjoy watching a movie
called Pit Pony. Nicole White and
Morgan Bishop told us that it is
about a pony forced to work in a
In math the Grade 7s are working
on dividing decimals. The Grade 6s
are multiplying decimals.
The whole class has been
working hard on book reports that
are done on computers. Grade 7
read 250 page books and Grade 6s
read 200 page books.
Beginning the new year, the
Grade 7/8 class started a new unit
on poetry. What is poetry? The
Grade 7/8 class has no problem
answering that question now!
In French, they are helping
Samantha Thomas and Kyle
Stephenson learn new ways, to
communicate since they are getting
ready for their French exchange.
That will be happening March 11 to
March 24.
Brussels Public School has got a
lot going on. The Grade 7/8 boys
and girls are really working hard to
make the school volleyball team to
go to F. E. Madill. Grade 6 - 8 get
to have a "Celebrate '98" dance.
We're all proud to be a Brussels
Grey Central Echo
Pupils welcome new principal to school family
Jason Snider, Joel Hemingway,
Katy Sproul, Cheryl Armstrong,
Chris Henry, Kevin Smith
Welcome back. We've all had a
nice, refreshing break from school
for the Christmas holidays. As you
may or may not know, we have had
a new principal since we came
back. Her name is Mrs. Helen
Crocker and she is replacing Mr.
Paul Statia, who retired before
Mrs. Crocker agreed to write a
short paragraph or so about herself.
"I am pleased to be a part of the
Grey Central Public School family.
I enjoy teaching and being a
principal in a rural school and I
look forward to continuing my
career at Grey Central.
"My husband Jim and I reside in
Seaforth where we raised four
children. I have taught for over 25
years in Huron County in six
schools and this is my second
school as a principal. I was a
curriculum co-ordinator (consul-
tant) for three years and vice
principal for one year.
"I have a BA and Master's of
Education which I achieved
through extension courses over a
period of years. I also have
qualifications to teach from Early
Years to OAC's. My interests
include boating, anything to do
with nature and the outdoors,
travelling and reading. I care about
all our children and welcome
parents as partners in their
By Yvonne DeWit
January is Alzheimer's month.
The Grade 4/5s at Grey Central
were visited by Shelly and Teresa,
(educators for the Alzheimer's
Society). We talked about what
Alzheimer's is, and if anyone in the
room knows someone who has
Alzheimers. Teresa showed a chart
of normal brains and brains with
Alzheimer's, so we could see how
different they look.
The teachers and students did
different activities that helped them
see what it is like to have a small
handicap, and how confusing
things might be for someone with
Alzheimer's. In one of the
activities, they had to pretend they
were working at McDonald's, and
take down an order. Teresa
pretended to be the person ordering
the food, and read the order. She
changed her mind many times and
asked for different things that she
decided she didn't want, and the
kids had to try to remember what
she had actually ordered.
Shelly read a story called."The
Memory Box". It was about a boy
who was visiting his grandparents
for the summer. His grandfather
was in the beginning stages of
Alzheimer's, and the boy described
how things had changed. They
decided to make a memory box,
filled with little stories and cards
that had the things they used to do
together written on. His
grandparents said this was for when
Grandpa could no longer remember
on his own, they could take the
memory box out and remember
At the end of the visit, the Grade
4/5s were invited to create posters
for the Alzheimer's Society. The
posters will be on display in the
school until the end of January. At
the end of January, the posters from
Grey Central and one other school
in Huron County will be sent to the
Alzheimer's Society, and 12 posters
will be chosen to make a calendar.
Money raised from the sale of the
calenders will go to the Alzheimers
The Grade 7s and 8s have been
playing intramural volleyball in the
gym, during their noon recess. For
the playoffs it was teams one and
three playing the best two out of
three games and teams two and
four, playing against one another.
Teams one and four advanced onto
the championship.
The first championship game was
won by team four. It all came down
the next game. If they won it they
would win the championship if not
they would play one more game to
decide the champions.
On Wednesday, both teams
played an intense game. Spectators
were seated on the stage cheering
for both teams.
Final Results: team four won by
a fair margin. Congratulations to all
the people who played in the
Intramurals on all of the teams!
Mr. park will be heading up the
Chess Club again this year. All
'mates' can 'check' the action on
Wednesday afternoons in the
library. We suspect he will have
quite a bit of help from his Grade
3/4 class. The club will be honing
their skills for the chess
tournament, and many will also be
playing other teams in the county,
using e-mail.
Ice skating begins as part of the
physical education program at Grey
Central. Friday, Jan. 16 at 10 a.m.
at the BMG Arena is the first big
day. As always, parents are always
welcome to come to the arena and
help tie skates.
On November 11, under the
direction of Mrs. Hood, Cheryl
Armstrong, Joel Hemingway, Chris
Henry, Kevin Smith, Jason Snider
and Katy Sproul, presented a
Remembrance Day Program for the
school honouring the brave soldiers
who defended our country so we
could live with peace and freedom.
The assembly included the
reading of In Flanders Fields, and
the entire school joining in for the
singing Turning of the World, Let
There be Peace on Earth, and 0
Canada. A special thank you goes
to Mrs. Whitmore for her expert
accompaniment on the piano.