HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1999-12-08, Page 24PAGE 24. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1999. TENDERS A HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY REFERENCE#: P.Q.(HC)2000-01 (General Building) P.Q.(HC)2000-02 (Electrical Maintenance) P.Q.(HC)2000-03 (Plumbing, Heating & Drainage) Invitations are extended for a pre-qualified list of licensed contractors for the above trades for 2000. Work is on an ‘as and when required” basis following a rotational system established by Huron County Housing Authority. Submissions will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, December 15, 1999, by the Huron County Housing Authority, c/o Huron County Health & Library Complex, Hwy #4 South, R.R. #5, Clinton, Ontario N0M 1L0, (519) 482-8612, from whom specifications and details may be obtained. Please quote specific reference number as above. ALL SUBMISSIONS NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" WANTED - HARDWOOD LOGS and timberstands. Veneer log prices. Licensed tree markers and equipment operators take special care in harvesting. Company established 1927. Pannill Veneer (519)742- 5887. NO MONEY DOWN. Complete computer package. State-of-the-art computer, monitor. Free printer. Ideal for children's education, busi­ ness and entertainment. Limited quantity. $49 per month O.A.C. 1-888- 855-5527 GENERATORS AT COST. Overstock and cancelled orders. Must clear 2,000W to 100KW Gasoline and diesel. Honda, Vanguard, Mitsubishi, Deere engines. Neil. 1-888-509-6990. Powerpro. Winnipeg 204-633- 5566. Osteoporosis strikes 1 in 8 men over 50 years old. Osteoporosis Society of Canada Call 1-800-463-6842 for more information. Woman tells of Taiwan Continued from page 21 Feb. 8 in St. Andrews, Stratford. Jean Sangster introduced the guest speaker Lillian Sparling who spent two years in Taiwan where she assisted English students. She described the staple food there as rice with some fish and pork but very little beef. There are tea plantations but tea is considered more a man’s drink. She spoke of meeting there with other workers Joy Randall and Dr. Landsborough and also expressed her thanks to all who wrote her letters while she lived there. Helen Dunseith expressed appreciation for her informative pictures and description of her time in Taiwan. Evening vespers were based on verses from 1st Corinthians with readings from A basket of stones, remind how each member is one of the main group and a very needed part. A skit about the Jericho Wall was presented by Jean Sangster and Eunice Bissett. A second skit was acted by Madeline Edward and Eunice Bissett. Courtesy remarks were expressed by Nancy Schneider of Listowel Wallace group. Citizen posts loss WE HAVE TWINNED 241 PIZZA® & MRS. POWELL'S Cinnamon Rolls™ under one roof and the results have been incredible. To leam more about our Small-Town strategy and how you can be part of it, call TOLL FREE 1-877-241-0-241.241pizza@aftonfood.com ATTENTION...POTENTIAL BUSINESS OWNERS. We are currently interviewing for select individuals, wishing to create a huge residual income, working from home. PLEASE CALL TOLL-FREE 1-877-549- 9495. EARN BIG $ in Imports exports. It's easy. Worldwide contacts, prod­ ucts, manufacturers, agents, brokers available. Cost of manual and course only $39. Toll free 1-877-296-4067. Agency of the future - THE TRAVEL EDGE! Turn your passion for trav­ el into a profitable business. Training, technology, marketing systems. Personalized internet site & exceptional support, let you build A suc­ cessful home business based on personal service. Tax deductible investment, financing available. 416-535-9908 or 1-800-419-4435. www.traveledgebiz.com CASH IN/CASH OUT Coke, Pepsi, Hostess, M&M. Re-stock establish­ ment unique vendors in your area. No selling. Full-time, part-time. Mini­ mum investment $13,980.1-888-503-8884 24 hours. WANTED. Motivated Self-Starter to help me introduce Swedish break­ through in cleaning technology to households and businesses in your area. Earn extra income with hours you control. SMART Microfiber Systems 1-888-331-6392. ARNOLD BROS. TRANSPORT LTD. Our trucks have numbers, Our drivers have names! We require company drivers, single and team. Owner Operators (check out our fuel prices!) for our Dry Van Reefer and Open Deck Divisions. 1 year min. OTR experience. Good Abstract. U.S. Ability. Call 1-800-567-3656. $$CHOCOLATES$$ Attention students. Make lots of money selling chocolate bars. New products available, fast delivery. Fund Raising available. Call now 1-800-383-3589 INCORPORATE On line, over the Phone or by fax from your Home or Office - No Muss, No Fuss. We walk you through it. Safe Payment. Service to and from your door. 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CALL NOW: Karonanna, $4.99/min, 18+, 24 hours/day, 1-900-451-9602 OR if pay­ ing VISA/MASTERCARD CALL 1-800-735-2067 & get 10 min. FREE. NEW YEAR, NEW YOU! WANTED - 33 people to lose weight. Brian has lost 55 pounds and 26.25 inches. Doctor formulated, safe, natural and easy! Call 1-888-513-8699. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT. Order the best videos by mail and pay less. FREE Video Offer! FREE Catalogue. Discreet. HMC Video 5288 Parc, 101-C, Montreal, Quebec, H2V 4G7. - Do we unconsciously act out past painful moments? - Chapter 3 DIA­ NETICS by L.Ron Hubbard. Find out - order the Dianetics Self Improvement Package $52.88. Call 1-800-561-5808. STEEL BUILDINGS NEW STEEL BUILDINGS....GO Direct and Save. 4:12 roof pitch. 25 x 30 $3,900.00. 25 x 40 $4,900.00. 30 x 40 $6,500.00. 35 x 50 $7,600.00. 40 x 60 $10,800.00. 45 x 80 $18,400.00. Others. Pio­ neer....!-800-668-5422. VACATION/T RAVEL TIMESHARE RESALES. To buy, sell or rent worldwide. World's Largest Reseller. ERA STROMAN SINCE 1979. Buyers call 1-800-613- 7987. Sellers call 1-800-201-0864. Internet www.stroman.com. • It's Affordable • It's Fast • It's Easy • One Bill Does It All • Northern Ontario $76 • Eastern Ontario $138 • Western Ontario $130* Central Ontario $134 • All Ontario $390 • National Packages Available • Call this paper for details! Nov. bad month for deer November was another bad month for deer collisions in Huron County. Motorists were involved in another 48 accidents involving deer in the county bringing the total for the year to 209. Most of the deer collisions took place in the north section of the county with some in the central zone between Clinton and Seaforth. The Huron OPP are asking motorists to take special care during the early morning hours just before dawn and again during the hours just after dusk when 90 per cent of the collisions have been occurring. Remember when you see one deer there are1 more since they usually travel in groups. Areas where you are most likely to come across them are where bush comes up close to the road on both sides, swampy areas and low areas near rivers. North Huron Publishing Compa­ ny Inc., publisher of The Citizen, reported a loss of more than $15,000 when shareholders of the community-owned newspaper held their annual meeting, Nov. 25 in Bly th. President Keith Roulston report­ ed that all the company’s publica­ tions suffered from declining advertising revenues in the past year. Advertising makes up 82 per cent of the company’s income. Hardest hit was The Citizen which saw a drop of nearly five per cent in advertising revenues. The continuing loss of business to big box out of town competitors by main street merchants in Bly th and Brussels is affecting the profitabili­ ty of the newspaper, Roulston said. The Rural Voice, the company’s monthly farm magazine suffered a small loss for the year much of it due to the unexpected costs associ­ ated with a subscription drive. The magazine lost its second class postal subsidy when the federal government changed the qualifying rules and was forced to restructure, trying to get more subscription rev­ enue to offset postal costs that increased nearly 300 per cent. The new Rural Voice subscribers should help the company become more profitable in the future, Roul­ ston said. The company’s tourism publica­ tion, Stops Along the Way also saw an advertising drop of 4.4 per cent. The company’s loss represents a severe drop from the company’s $13,000 profit for the year earlier. There were good accomplish­ ments for the year. The company re-equipped during the year with state-of-the-art computer equip­ ment which will slash production costs in the future. The current board of directors including Sheila Richards and Rene Richmond of Brussels and Diane Radford and Jill and Keith Roul­ ston of Blyth was returned for another year. Falling tree strikes man A Morris Twp. man was taken to hospital after a tree-cutting accident on Dec. 2. Police said that Sid White, 48 of Morris Twp. and his brother Brian had been cutting trees in a bush on Cone. 5. The former had just cut a tree when it fell forward striking another tree forcing it back into the tree cutter. A large limb broke off and was catapulted back striking White in the upper body and knocking him to the ground. Brian White who had been pulling logs out with a skidder saw the accident and went to help. The victim sustained a broken collarbone and rib. Police said the Ministry of Labour has been called to assist in the investigation.