HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1999-12-01, Page 28PAGE 28. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1999. Court news Man j ailed for second drunk driving offense A second drunk driving charge in under two years, landed an RR3, Wingham man in jail. Kevin Benninger pled guilty in the Ontario Court of Justice, Wing­ ham division. Nov. 18 to over 80. Attorney for the Crown, Frank Cameron said that a police officer had observed a car in the parking lot of F.E. Madill Secondary School during the evening of April 30. The officer recognized the accused, who was seated behind the wheel and saw him drink from a beer bottle. He walked to the car and attempted to open the door. Cameron said Benninger looked at the officer and drove away. When the officer caught up with him in a private driveway, he found an open pack of beer behind the driver’s seat and detected an odour of alcohol. Failing the roadside test, Ben­ ninger was taken to the detachment, where his breathalizer readings reg­ istered 180 and 172. Benninger was found guilty on a drunk driving charge in January 1998 for which he received a $1,000 fine and one year prohibi­ tion. Defense said his client “acknowledges he is going to be doing some time”, but asked that it be intermittent to accomodate Ben- ninger’s employment. The Honourable Mr. Justice Hunter sentenced Benninger to 21 days to be served on weekends. He is prohibited from driving for two years. Break, enter and theft Three men will be sentenced on theft-related charges next month. Christopher Nicholson of RRI, Ethel pled guilty to two counts of break, enter and theft and one of possession of a restricted weapon. Chad Neville, also of RRI, Ethel, and Steven Patterson of Wingham, pled guilty to a charge of posses- Council supports Continued from page 14 management planning across the Province of Ontario. Morris Twp. was approved to snowplow the Humphrey Subdivision (Belgrave) for the sion of stolen property. According to Cameron, on July 25 a neighbour of Nicholson’s father followed tire tracks to a bush lot on the Nicholson property and discovered his stolen Honda. He called police who upon arriving found “remnants of what appeared to be a bush party,” said Cameron. They seized stolen property, including the Honda, an ATV and a rifle which had been taken in March from a Howick residence.. According to Cameron, it was Nicholson who entered the home and shed. Neville remained at the end of the drive. According to Cameron, while Nicholson removed the ATV, all took turns driving it. Of the three Patterson is the only one with no record. The pre-sentence report is to be prepared for the Dec. 16 court. Sentencing set for January A pre-sentence report is being prepared for a Wroxeter man, who will be sentenced at the Jan. 20 court for two assault charges and and one of threatening death. Cameron said, Michael J. Thompson had been involved in a dispute with his next door neigh­ bour, which erupted into a physical altercation. The victim’s daughter tried to defend her father. Thompson was cautioned that he have no further contact but later went back to the home. A visitor there tried to talk to him and Thompson punched him in the forehead. A second attack was launched at the father. Thompson then told the daughter that he was going to kill her. Defense counsel said Thompson had been drinking. His record was entered as an exhibit. Letters were submitted from his employer and a sponsor. He has been released on his own recognizance until the Jan. 20 date, safety program 1999-2000 season. Council supported the Personal Safety Program for children in Grades 3/4 in Huron County at $9.50 per child in the amount of $142.50+ $9.50 GST. which was set on request of counsel that he might “get his family life in order.” Stolen property An RR7, Lucknow man pled guilty to possession of stolen prop­ erty. John Frank VanDiepenbeek was charged Aug. 18 after items were found from a robbery at a Culross trucking business. Defense Counsel Ron Carey said that his client had given in to temp­ tation and had otherwise steered the straight and narrow. Hunter suspended passing of sen­ tence and placed VanDiepenbeek on 12 months probation. Fined Reagan T. Liebold of Wingham was fined $750 for drinking and driving and $500 for narcotics pos­ session. Leibold pled guilty to the charges which were laid July 17. Cameron said police stopped the accused when they saw him driving, as they had spoken with him earlier that evening and believed he would be impaired. There was an odour of alcohol and he showed signs of impairment A search uncovered three bags containing small amounts of mari­ juana. Leibold has no related record. In addition to the fine he was placed on 12 months probation. Over 80 An East Wawanosh man is off the road for awhile after pleading guilty to driving drunk. Patrick D. Hallahan, RR3, Blyth, was arrested in Brussels Aug. 14, after police saw a pickup do a po^er turn. When stopped he admitted to drinking. His breathalizer readings were 130. He has no similar record. Though prohibited from driving for one year, Hallahan, a farmer will be allowed to drive farm machinery after three months. He was also fined $750. Marijuana possession Peter John Irwin of Belgrave was fined $100 for marijuana posses­ sion. Cameron said that on Sept. 19, police stopped a carload of youths in Howick Twp. Searching the vehicle for liquor they found four plastic bags of marijuana which Irwin claimed. He has no similar record. 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