HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1999-11-17, Page 3THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1999. PAGE 3.
Scouting off to busy start
Remembering his past
Blyth Legion member and veteran Clare Vincent was
among the many who gathered at Blyth Memorial Hall
Thursday morning to lay a wreath and remember those
who gave their lives in world conflicts.
Horticultural Soc.
hears guest speaker
By Lois van Vliet
The Blyth Horticultural Society
had its November meeting in the
form of a Christmas potluck supper
on Monday, Nov. 8. Approximately
39 people sat down to a delicious
Betty Battye, president, opened
the meeting welcoming everyone.
Special mention was given to the
Boy Scouts for doing such an
Congratulations to recent
graduates of the St. John
Ambulance Babysitting Course
held on Saturday, Oct. 15 at Blyth
Public School.
They are: Josh Albrechtas,
Jessica Aldrich, Amanda Bearss,
Brittany Cook, Darcey Cook, Josh
deGans, Jeff Elliott, Orie Falconer,
Angie Frazer, Allison George,
Alyssa Gross, Hailey Hulzebos,
Jenna Rinn, Jimmy Ritchie, Lisa
Root, Jacob Rouw, Stephanie
Sanderson, Brianne Schultz,
Rebecca Schultz, Jenna Taylor,
Kaitlyn Toll, Kerissa VanAmers-
foort, Donnie Williamson and
Emily Wood.
Winners of lost heir in Blyth
were: high gent, Charlie Bromley;
high lady, Elaine Snell; low gent,
Graeme McDowell; low lady,
Mabie Riley.
Lost heir will be played again
Nov. 17.
Skating Club
"99 Christmas Home Tour"
Friday, November 19 @ 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Saturday;November 20 @ 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Join us afterwards al the Blyth Memorial Hall
for refreshments and stroll through a
variety of home party vendor booths.
Tickets available by calling 525-9704 k 523-9725
& available at: Luann’s Country Flowers
Olde Village Accents
Black Creek Clothing
excellent job cleaning up the
Horticultural Park on Dinsley
Street last fall.
Harvey Snell introduced a special
visitor. Clarence Lane from
Chesley. He is a former director for
District 8 of the Ontario
Horticultural Association. This area
takes up Grey, Bruce and parts of
Mr. Lane is a man of many
talents being a poet, lay minister,
violinist, treasurer of the senior
citizens and more. He gave an
interesting talk on “laughter”.
Special musical entertainment
was provided by Rev. Ernest Dow
and family. He is the new minister
for Blyth United Church having
just come from Sault Ste. Marie.
He and daughters Allison and
Meredith accompanying
themselves on piano and guitar,1
delighted everyone by singing
some old gospel classics, In The
Garden, For the Beauty of the
Earth, All Creatures Great and
Small, Count Your Blessings and
This Is My Father's World.
Special guests were Leann
Crawford of Lucknow and Rhea
Hamilton-Seeger of Dungannon.
They gave a demonstration on how
to make dried flower arrangements.
Eucalyptus,"delphiniums, winter
berry and statice are popular for
drying, they said.
At the end of the season is a good
time for cutting flowers as the
seeds can be saved at the same
The evening concluded with door
prizes.rI ... .
Soccer Parents
& Fans
Thurs., Nov. 18
7:30 p.m.
Blyth Community
To discuss new
soccer facilities
Two months into the 1999-2000
Scouting year there are 60 youth
and 18 adults registered in 1st
The Colony has 14 beavers. Lisa
deGans, Betty Mallett, Tom Bailey
and Ron deGans are the Beaver
leaders. The Pack has 19 cubs, with
Alan Young, Henry Rouw1, Allan
Peel, Nancy Hakkers and Derrick
Rath as Cub leaders. Thete are 16
Scouts registered. Lavern Clark,
David Cartwright. Steve Root and
Dave Pattison are the Scout leaders.
Ten Venturers are in the Company,
with Mike and Arden Scott as
advisors. One lone Rover is
Group Committee Chair is Barb
Knox. Shari Cartwright is treasurer
and the secretary is Traci Radford.
Prior to registration three new
tents were purchased to supplement
the existing inventory. Because of
the rising registration numbers in
Blyth, the number of tents was
inadequate to serve the needs. More
tents will be purchased when funds
are available.
All Sections took advantage of
the excellent fall weather to get the
year off to a good start. Beavers
visited Blythe Brooke Orchards to
learn about growing, harvesting,
and making good use of apples.
They dressed up for Halloween and
are looking forward to the next
major event, Christmas. Seasonal
decorations, carrolling and snow
measuring sticks are some of the
activities planned.
In August, two second-year
Cubs, one Scout helper, and one
from Adult Learning Centres
Over the course of two evenings, you will
learn basic computer language, hardware and
software, installation procedures, Windows 95,
managing your system, step-saving tips and
learn about the world of wordprocessing.
Courses offered on November 18 and 25
from 6-9 pm.
Course fee is $50.
Learning for a Lifetime
Premiums Paid
Always on top. NKIMsoybeans.
Cub leader attended the Huron
District Cub Canoe Camp at
Attawandaron, near Grand Bend.
Oct. 16-17, six second and third-
year Cubs and three adults
participated in the Huron District
Sixer-Seconder Camp at Shady
Pines Campground near Ailsa
Nov. 6 there was a good turnout
to tour the Champion Road Grader
Plant at Goderich.
Scouts hiked along the Maitland
Trail from Auburn to the Little
Lakes on Oct. 9 and attended the
Atironta Regional Camporee at
Camp Goodyear Oct. 22-24. At this
camp there were 600 participants.
1st Blyth Troop won the prize for
construction of the1 best gate, and
first prize for the activity that the
youth enjoyed the most, cooking an
egg with a minimum of resources
They have raked leaves twice as
a community service and went on a
darkness hike Nov. 3.
1st Blyth Venturers helped at the
Goderich Airport Sept. 18 for
Aviation Day, visited Ray and Barb
Storey’s honey making operation
Oct. 18, and toured the Toyota
Plant in Cambridge Oct.20.
On the weekend of Nov. 5-7 they
travelled to Tobermory to camp
and hike on the Bruce Trail. As a
Christmas project they are again
planning to participate in
“Operation Christmas Child”.
Shoeboxes will be filled with
essential daily items and sent to
Third World Countries for
distribution to the under-privileged.
to register.
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All Sections have invested new
members who registered in
September. Those youth who
registered following a recent
School Recruitment talk by a
merfiber of the Regional Office will
be invested later.
Continued on page 24
Now Taking
Orders For
Phone Lois Van Vliet
Blyth 523-9477
The fourth instalment for
Residential property taxes
for the Village of Blyth is due
on Friday, November 26,
1999. Payment may be made
at the Blyth Branch of the
CIBC or at the Municipal
Office. Interest at 1 1/4% per
month or any part thereof
shall be charged after the
due date. Final tax bills for
Commercial, Industrial and
Multi-Residential properties
shall be issued shortly with
a due date towards the end
of December.
People who have acquired
properties and have not
received a tax bill should
contact the Municipal Office.
Failure to receive a tax bill
does not relieve a taxpayer
for responsibility for
payment of taxes, nor from
penalty for late payment.
John Stewart, CMO
Tax Collector
Village of Blyth
New skills in
seed innovation