HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1999-10-27, Page 20PAGE 20. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1999.
June Olive Fothergill passed
away quietly at her home in Lon-
desboro. Friday, Oct. 22, 1999. She
was 74.
A homemaker, she was very
active at Londesboro United
Church of which she was a mem
ber, the Canadian Cancer Society,
IOOF, Kinburn and with many
other senior activities in the com
munity and surrounding area. Mrs.
Fothergill was a correspondent for
The North Huron Citizen for more
than 10 years as well as for the
Clinton News-Record for some
She was born in Maryborough
Twp., Wellington County, Aug. 6,
1925, to Colonel Marks and Amet-
ta Keeso.
Mrs. Fothergill was the beloved
wife of Edwin Fothergill, whom
she wed in 1957, and dear mother
of Heather and Eric Maddeford of
London, Dennis Fothergill of
Blyth, Nancy Fothergill of Exeter
and Kevin Fothergill of Walkerton.
She is survived by three sisters,
Marion and Jack Simpson of Wing
ham, Carol Gilmore of
Gowanstown and Dianne Palmer of
London and two brothers, Jack and
Janice Marks and Jim and Dorothy
Marks of Wingham. She was pre
deceased by her sister Helen.
Friends were received at Beattie-
Falconer Funeral Home, Tasker
Chapel, Blyth, Monday, Oct. 25.
The funeral service was held on
Tuesday at 11 a.m. Rev. Paul Ross
Honorary pallbearers were Lome
Dale, Murray Lyon, Gordon Shob-
brook and Bert Lyon.
Interment was al Blyth Union
As expressions of sympathy,
memorial donations to Breast Can
cer Research, Londesboro United
Church or the Arthritis Society
would be appreciated.
Duncan James Baker of
Belleville, passed away as the
result of an accident on Monday,
Oct. 4, 1999. He was 31.
Mr. Baker was the dear son of
Dick and Janet (Dryburgh) Baker
of RR1, Carrying Place and the
beloved husband of Pamela
Alcock. He was the loving father of
Kendra, Alexandra and Charlotte
and dear brother of Karen Baker
and her husband Wayne Reid of
Trenton, Bradley Baker and his
wife Maria of Oshawa and Dean
Baker and his wife Lisa of
Mr. Baker was the dear grandson
of Mrs. Marion Dryburgh of
Unionville and Mrs. Isabel Alcock
of Brussels. He was the dear son-
in-law of Ken and Carolyn Alcock
of Goderich. Mr. Baker will be lov
ingly remembered by his sister-in-
law Angela |McBeath and her
husband Glen of Goderich as well
as nieces and nephews, Matthew,
Mark, Eric and Abigail Reid,
Madeline and Avery Baker, Jack
and Shawn McBeath.
Predeceasing him were a niece,
Hannah Baker, grandparents Jack
and Jessie Dryburgh, Richard and
Edith Baker and Jack Alcock and
grandparents-in-law George and
Ethel Williams.
The funeral services was held on
Friday Oct. 8, followed by the
interment of ashes at Albury Ceme
tery. Rev. Dr. Harold Wilson offici
ated, assisted by Rev. Maggie
Donations to the Children’s Wish
’Foundation would be appreciated
as expressions of sympathy.
Mr. And-ries Gerrit Van Oenen,
formerly of Goderich, passed away
peacefully at Huronview, Clinton
on Sunday, Oct. 17, 1999. He was
Mr. Van Oenen was a member of
Trinity Christian Reformed Church,
Goderich. He was bom in Emmen,
The Netherlands and farmed in
Ingersoll before moving to
He was the loving husband of
Janna (Dina) Van Oenen, who pre
deceased him July 23, 1999. He
was the dear father of the late Ger
rit Van Oenen, who passed away in
1980. He was the dear father-in-law
of Winnie Paauw and grandfather
of Matthew Van Oenen Paauw of
Fremont, CA. Mr. Van Oenen was
the dear brother of Grace (Mrs.
Ralph) Lubbers of Auburn, Kaatje
(Mrs. Jan) Oosting, Jantinus and
his wife Jan Van Oenen all of The
He was predeceased by his broth
er John Van Oenen of Goderich
and by one brother Gerrit and one
sister Annechien, both of The
The funeral service was held on
Oct. 20 with Rev. Jack Quartel offi
ciating. Interment was in Maitland
Cemetery, Goderich.
Pallbearers were Gary Van
Oenen, Bill Van Oenen, Bill
Klomps, John Reinink, George
Lubbers and Henry Lubbers.
Donations to Trinity Christian
Reformed Church, Goderich, or to
the charity of one’s choice would
be appreciated as expressions of
changes mind
After receiving numerous nega
tive letters and phone calls,
Goderich Mayor Deb Shewfelt said
the town has deferred its call for a
restructuring commissioner.
Goderich had threatened to bring
in a commissioner after talks to set
tle a boundary issue between the
town and Goderich Twp. were
Stating his call for a commission
er had been taken out of context,
Shewfelt said he had wanted some
one to look at the boundary issue
only. “It was never (the town’s)
plan to interfere with other plans
within the county, other than the
boundary issue, he said.
The call for a commissioner cre
ated fears that the look would go
beyond the boundary adjustment
and could result in an imposed sin
gle-tier government for the county.
Shewfelt said discussions to find
a “local solution” will continue
with the Central Huron group of
Goderich and Hullett Twps. and
Serving Blyth and all of Huron County
Beattie-Falconer Funeral Homes
& Tasker Chapel
Bus.: 482-9441
Res.: 482-3664
Evening appointments available
Just beginning
As a farewell to her parisioners Rev. Chris Johnson commissioned the carving of a tree
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