HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1999-09-15, Page 17THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1999. PAGE 17. - RATES - 20 words or less only $4.00. Additional words 15c each. 50c will be deducted if ad is paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114 A ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT 3 BEDROOM BRICK HOME IN Brussels, new gas furnace, gas hot water, hardwood floors downstairs, carpet upstairs, upstairs laundry, large yard. $500. Phone 887-9007. 36-tfn 3 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR RENT on quiet, shady street in Blyth. Large lot, insulated workshop. Hardwood floors, large enclosed front porch, main floor laundry - lots of character, plenty of room, excellent condition. Oil furnace. $475/month plus utilities. Avail­ able immediately. Call 523-4455. 36-tfn FOR RENT, VANASTRA, spacious l/2 duplex, 3 bedrooms, large private yard, insulated workshop and central air. References required. No pets please. Call 519-482-7190. 36-2 2 BEDROOM UPPER APART- ment in downtown Brussels, newly decorated, parking. $375. Refer­ ences. Phone 887-9007. 36-tfn 2+ BEDROOM HOME DOWN- town Teeswater, new gas furnace, gas hot water. $475 plus utilities or $650 included. Phone 887-9007. 36-tfn 1 - TWO-BEDROOM APART- ment in Blyth, available Oct. 1. Call 348-9541 (days), 345.-2363 (after 6 p.m.), ask for Hilda. 32-tfn A TWO-BEDROOM FARM- house in the Londesboro area, available Oct. 1. $400/month plus utilities. Phone 526-7204. 35-2p FOUR BEDROOM HOME WITH new windows and new insulation, heated with oil/wood combination modern furnace. Located on highway. Rent $500 per month plus utilities. Horse barn on property available for rent. Price to be negotiated. Available Sept. 15, references required. Telephone 519-887-6378. 35-tfn BLYTH. LARGE 3 BEDROOM, semi-detached, newly renovated, excellent location, gas furnace, available Oct. 1st. Rent plus utilities. References required. Call 523-4929. 33-4 IN CLINTON. NEWER 2 BED- room, quiet. 4 plex, controlled entry. 4 appliances, laundry facilities available, ideal for seniors. $450. Also second apartment available $475. Call 519- 685-2264. 28-tln 0 ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT CARD OF THANKS BLYTH - 2 BEDROOMS, IN- cludes fridge, stove, heat and hydro, no animals, references required. Contact 482-9371.' 12-tfn ARTICLES FOR SALE ONE SET OF STURDY WOODEN bunk beds, $50. One TV aerial (best offer). Call 887-6129. 36-1 NIPPON, NORITAKE, BLUE Depression, Occupied Japan, old pressed glass. Phone 519-887- 9016. 36-2 TREES FOR SALE - Colorado Blue Spruce, White Spruce, Scotch Pine, 2 feet to 10 feet, dig your own or will dig and plant. 887-9083. 36-4 HYDRAULIC HAIRSTYLIST chair, mirror, basin, hair dryer and small items. Phone 357-2139. 35-2 HEART HEALTHY EMU MEAT low fat, low cholesterol and Emu oil. Meat prices reduced by 50% and more. Summer sausage and smoked sausage. Adrian Vos 523- 4294. 24-tfn Hardwood Flooring For Sale: Quality 3/4 inch professionally made Beech flooring, 2 1/4 + 3 1/4 inch widths, 3 Grades to choose from. Call (519) 523-4767 Days or Evenings Prices/BFT 2 1/4 31/4 Select $2.25 $2.40 Mill Run $1.85 $1.90 Rustic $1.50 $1.65 Holistic Pork Pigs raised using Homeopathy Ron & Trudy Kassies 519-523-9484 Call for our weekly specials Frozen Pork Products Stuck with a spare tire around the middle? Leave the car at home and walk. _ pannapa man, 0 BIRTHS BRIDGE/WALL. Teresa Bridge and Jamie Wall are proud to announce the arrival of their daughter. Celeste Lynne, born on August 31, 1999 at 7:04 p.m. weighing 4 lbs. 3 oz. at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Fourth grand­ child for Jim and Kathy Bridge of Brussels and fifth grandchild for Bill Wall of Wingham. Great- grandparents are Bob and Helen Topham of Brussels.36-1 b ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ LARGE AUCTION SALE to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Building in Clinton for Fred and Mary Howson of Blyth plus good additions from Exeter, Blyth and Belgrave homes SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 AT 9 A.M. NEW CARPET: Approx. 25 pieces up to 12 x 50 ft. APPLIANCES: Inglis Superb fridge, Admiral 30" electric stove - 5 years old, 3 colour TV's, floor model stereo, air conditioner, water distiller. THREE ROYAL DOULTON FIGURINES: Victoria , Fair Lady, Shirley. ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, ETC.: Large antique bonnet chest, antique settee, white iron bed with mattress, 9 piece dining suite ornate design 61 years old in good condition, Vilas round kitchen table and 4 matching chairs, 2 caned seat nursing rockers, Victorian arm chair, antique sideboard, office desk, open washstand, small bookcase with glass door, vanity dresser and bench, wicker shelf unit, octagonal black glass table and 4 chairs, chesterfield and chair, chesterfield with pull-out bed, chests of drawers, queen size box spring and mattress, spool bed, lamp tables, small tables, upholstered chairs, odd wooden chairs, etc. DISHES AND GLASSWARE: 12 place setting of Paragon Athens pattern dishes, 12 place setting of Paragon Bridal leaf dishes plus serving pieces, many pieces of Corn Flower crystal, 7 crocks, wooden butter bowl and ladles, oil lamp, large silver coffee urn, silverware, silver pieces, plus dishes, glassware, cups and saucers, some paintings, 12 Chandler prints, modern slag glass light fixture, etc., etc. OTHER: Coleman canoe with motor mount, lawn bowling balls, vacuum cleaner good one, milk cans, lawn chairs, bug zapper, 18 ft. aluminum extension ladder, step shop vac, exercise bike, garden tools, etc. Two auctioneers selling starting at 9 a.m. Terms: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. Auctioneer: Richard Lobb Clinton 482-7898 www.auctionhotline.com EVENING AUCTION SALE Of home furnishings and antiques will be held for Mrs. Lorraine McDonald of Teeswater, the Estate of Mr. George Millen, (Teeswater), the Estate of Miss Marjorie O'Mara, (Teeswater), with additional consignments, in Teeswater Agri-Curl, Monday, Sept. 20, at 6:00 p.m. AUCTIONEERS: Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater ’ 392-6170 Grant McDonald, Ripley 395-5353 i want to breathe■ clean 31 f. CAN-DO THE 4^ LUNG association 0 BUTTON. Another Button has been sewn to the lives of Karla and Darryl. Brooklyn Anne arrived on August 25 weighing 8 lbs. 4 oz. Her two-year-old brother, Lukas welcomed her to their home in Prospect, Kentucky. Grandparents Joanne and Bill King and Frances and Doug Button are planning trips to Kentucky but not just to see the horses this time. 36-1 p McARTER. Laken is thrilled to announce the arrival of her new little sister at Clinton Public Hospital on Aug. 18. Hallie Calen was welcomed in at 7:15 p.m. by Kevin and Heather McArter, weighing 7 lbs. 5 oz. She was a special birthday present for Uncle Brian. Spoiling privileges go to Howard and Doreen Holtzman, Exeter and Mel and Lois McArter, .Brussels. 36-1 ♦ I ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ .♦ B McDONALD. She’s finally here!!! Mike and Michele are thrilled to announce the arrival of their first child, Jenna Patricia on August 26, 1999 at the Stratford General Hospital. A healthy 6 lbs. 15 oz. The first granddaughter for Brenda McDonald of Blyth and Joe and Heidi Manjin of Teeswater. Sure to be spoiled rotten by great- grandparents Patricia and Charlie Shaw of Blyth. Special thanks to Dr. Hillyer, Dr. Gear and all the nurses who took care of Jenna and Mommy. 36-Ip <37 Medic Alert SPEAKS FOR YOU 1-8aa-66B-15D7 www.medicalert.ca C I____ CARD OF THANKS BRICKWOOD/LOWE. We would like to express a big thank you for everyone who support us and came to our buck and doe. Thanks to our wedding party for doing such a great job in planning a terrific night. Thanks Lisa and John. 36-1 BRUN'KARD. I would like to thank the many people who phoned, sent cards and visited me during my recent illness. You each gave me a great lift. I’m finally on the mend. - Paul. 36-1 CAMPBELL. We would like to thank our relatives, friends and neighbours for the lovely cards, gifts and flowers for coming to our 5()th wedding anniversary party. A special thank you to our family and their helpers for all their hard work and to the Presbyterian ladies for the delicious meal. It made a day we will always remember. - Hugh and Mary Campbell. 36-1 p C CARTER. A sincere thank you to the Walton U.C.W. and all who organized and attended my bridal shower at Duff’s United Church. I was very overwhelmed by your thoughtfulness and generosity with all the useful and beautiful gifts we received. Thank you to everyone who participated in the very enter­ taining program which included a skit, singing, games and some special readings. That evening will be always cherished as a fond memory I have of the Walton community. - Glenda. 36-1 CRAIG. A big thank you to everyone who came to my 80th birthday party. Thank you to Helen and Graeme for all their work and to Sherrill and Shannon for coming home and helping. Thank you for the lovely gifts and cards. It will be a day to remember. - Margaret Craig. 36-lp GROPP. I would like to thank the Majestic Women’s Institute for sponsoring me and the Agricultural Society for giving me the oppor­ tunity to run for the Ambassador of the Fair. It was a great experience. I’d also like to thank all the local businesses for their donations to the contestants. I’d finally like to thank my fellow competitors for being friendly and helpful. Congratula­ tions to Katie Harrison, this year’s Brussels Fair Ambassador. - Ashley. 36-lp LINTON. We would like to thank our families and friends for making our 25th anniversary celebration a day to remember. The cooks were professionals. Thank you to our friends for the demonstrations of their artistic talents. The Blyth Festival may have an opening for such talent (or maybe not). Thanks to all of you. - Dave, Brenda and family. 36-1 MACHAN. I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone for the beautiful gifts I received at my bridal shower. Everything will help in making our house a home. It was nice to see so many familiar faces and to visit with everyone. A big thanks to the girls who hosted the shower for me. Thanks again. - Michelle. 36-1 McARTER. I would like to thank everyone who came to my shower on September I and for all the lovely gifts that I received. A special thank you to all the ladies for their work to organize the shower. Everyone’s generosity will always be remembered. Thanks. - Becky. 36-lb HUNTINGTON DISEASE You Can Make a Difference HUNTINGTON SOCIETY OF CANADA 1 -800-998-7398