HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1999-09-15, Page 9Taking a swing
Thank you
The slo-pitch team A Few Good Men hosted a fundraising ball tournament this weekend,
with proceeds totalling $3,200 going to Jesse’s Journey, in which John Davidson, (front left)
walked cross country to raise funds for the muscular disease which struck his son Jesse.
Team member Greg McClinchey made the presentation. Also pictured, from left: Amanda
Anderson, Marg Anderson, Terry Greidanus, Chris VanLoo, Corry Truax, Ben Vanderhaar,
Kim Greidanus, Dennis Wilts, Lindsay Anderson, Candice Turner, Julie McNichol, Mark
Butcher and Tim Lyons.
It was a fun-filled game at Londesboro ball diamond,
Friday evening when the CKNX Try Hards took on
Londesboro’s A Few Good Men in a charity game for
Jesse’s Journey. CKNX radio personality Julie Bullivant
takes a mighty swing during the early innings.
B elgraveThenewsfrom A
Compiled by Linda Campbell Phone 357-2185
Club congratulates M. Wheeler
The September meeting of
Belgrave Community Club was
held Friday, Sept. 3 with a good
President Lome Campbell wel
comed everyone. Freda Johnston
played for the singing of grace. A
delicious potluck dinner was
Bert Elliott, reeve of Morris
Twp., presented Mabel Wheeler
with her citizen of the year award
from the township of Morris. She
was recognized for her many
kindnesses to others over the years.
President Lome Campbell
presented her with a small gift from
the club. Congratulations Mabel!
Donna Shaw accompanied her
two grandchildren, Stephanie and
Michelle Viglianti, for a couple of
entertaining songs.
Arnold Bruce played old time
tunes on the violin accompanied by
Alf Nichol. Freda Johnston and
Doris Michie read humorous
Members were reminded about
the fall rally at Dungannon on Sept.
30. Registration is from 11:30 a.m.
- 12:15 p.m. and $5 per person is
charged. Zone fees are $ 10 per
club. Each club is responsible for a
short program.
Loma Cook presented the slate of
officers from the nominating
committee: past president, Lome
Campbell; president, Mabel
Wheeler; vice-president, George
Inglis; secretary, Lorna Cook;
treasurer, Laura Johnston; bus trips,
Les and Donna Shaw; program
committee, Ada Taylor, Arnold
Bruce, Kay Roberts, Ross
Anderson, Freda Scott; lunch
(social) committee: Lois Chamney,
Lillian Appleby, Irene Lamont, Ivy
Cloakey, Jane Grasby, Mary
Taylor; shuffle board committee,
Lome Campbell, Laura Johnston,
Ivy Cloakey, Irene Lamont;
auditors, Norma Moore, Barbara
Anderson; nominating committee,
Bob Grasby, Ross Anderson, Loma
Bob Grasby moved a vote of
thanks to Lome Campbell for his
two years of hard work.
The remaining shoot party for
September is Friday, Sept. 24 at
l :30 p.m.
UCW hears poetry tribute
The September meeting of the
Evening Unit to Knox United
Church, Belgrave was held Sept. 7
at the home of Freda Johnston with
17 present.
Barbara Anderson welcomed
everyone and thanked Fred for
hosting the meeting. She opened
the meeting by reading, The Things
That Count.
Louise Bosman and Thelma
Pletch conducted the worship using
“New Beginnings” as the theme.
Scripture lesson was Mark 16:
l - 11.
Marie McIntosh read her poem
written in memory of the late
Mildred Yuill, a member who will
be missed.
The card report was given by
Jane Grasby. Two sympathy cards
were sent.
Barbara Anderson thanked all
those who helped with the Over-80
Birthday Party.
The UCW General meeting is
Sept. 30.
The anniversary service at Knox
United is Sept. 26 with lunch
following the service.
The October meeting will be held
at the home of Jane Grasby.
Doris Michie introduced the
guest speaker, Eleanor Ward who
recently travelled to Cuba with the
UFM field mission groups. They
were involved in helping to build a
She found the people warm and
friendly. They have suffered
greatly since the collapse of Russia.
She gave her general impression
of home life and conditions on the
streets. Their ration consists of
mainly beans and milk.
Louise Bosman conducted a
contest for everyone.
to grant
Hullett council agreed to a two
per cent per capita grant from the
township to the Association of
Municipalities of Ontario for the
Gas Franchise Defense fund, at the
Sept. 7 meeting.
Drainage Superintendent Geoff
King was authorized to attend an
information session on dredging
and municipal drain classification.
Clerk-Treasurer Rhonda Fischer
was authorized to attend the
Municipal Finance Officers’ Asso
ciation annual conference, Sept. 22-
24, in Mississauga.
All of council, along with Fisch
er, will attend the Ministry of
Municipal Affairs and Housing
annual conference in London, Nov.
A bylaw was passed regarding
the erection of stop signs.
Dan Haak will be asked to pay
$150 per top for 149 trees at Part
Lot 13, Cone. 2 and the tops are to
be moved by July 30, 2000.
Support was given to a resolution
from Saugeen Shores asking the
Minister of Municipal Affairs and
Housing, the Minister of the Envi
ronment and the Minister of Agri
culture, Food and Rural Affairs to
put in place the necessary regula
tions to ensure monitoring and
enforcement of intensive livestock
operations in order that rural
municipalities have the necessary
controls to effectively safeguard the
municipality from environmental
A resolution from the Twp. of
Severn was also endorsed. It peti
tioned the Minister of the Environ
ment to reinstate appropriate levels
of funding for water and sewer
infrastructure work to assist munic
ipalities in ensuring that the provi
sions for safe drinking water and
adequate sewer treatment are with
in their financial means.
Bills and accounts totalling
$1 19,381.01 were approved for
Ice in, Sept. 27
Continued from page 8
Pryce was instructed to place a
tender ad for snowblowing at the
BMG arena for the 1999-2000
winter season in the September 23,
1999 edition of The Citizen.
McArter indicated that the ice
will be ready for Sept. 27.
George Langlois reviewed an
idea concerning the prospect of
advertisement being placed around
the boards at the BMG arena. The
recreation board would purchase
the “case” to hold the sign at a cost
of $200. The advertiser would sign
a four-year contract for a total cost
of $500 to be billed over the four
years. The advertiser would also be
responsible for having their own
sign professionally made.
Tt-ie news from
Compiled by June Fothergill Phone 523-4360
Forward into the Sea, sermon topic
Greeters at church on Sunday,
Sept. 12 were Betty Dale and
Genevieve Allen. Ushers were
Thelma Dougherty and Jack Lee.
The sermon topic was Forward into
the Sea. The flowers in the church
were in loving memory of John
Sanderson, placed by Bob and
Sylvia Trick.
June and Ted Fothergill attended
a 40th anniversary supper at the
home of her sister, Marion and Jack
Simpson of Wingham. The guests
of honour were her younger
brother, Jim and Dorothy Marks of
The Corporation of the County of Huron
Take Notice that the land(s) described below
will be offered for sale by public auction at
10:00 o'clock in the fore noon on the
5th day of October, 1999 at
Huron County Court House,
1 Court House Square, Goderich, ON N7A 1M2
Description of Land(s)
1. Part of Lot 111 and Lot 112, Plan 192
As per Instrument Number 220185
Village of Brussels
County of Huron, Province of Ontario
2. Lot 52, Plan 192
As per Instrument Number 203103
Village of Brussels
County of Huron, Province of Ontario
3. Part Park Lot 6, Plan 136
Being Part 10, 22R-1660 West London Rd.
As per Instrument Number 251459
Township of Ashfield
County of Huron, Province of Ontario
4. Parts of Lot 10, West of Lakeshore Rd. Cone.
As per Instrument Number 311916
Township of Stanley
County of Huron, Province of Ontario
5. Part Lot 20, Lake Road West Concession
As per Instrument Number 303303
Township of Stanley
County of Huron, Province of Ontario
6. Lot. 5, Concession 2
As per Instrument Number 276987
Township of Turnberry
County of Huron, Province of Ontario
Minimum Bid $
(set out the cancellation
price as of the first day of advertising)
All amounts payable by the successful purchaser shall be payable in full
at the time of the sale by cash or money order or by a bank draft or
cheque certified by a bank, trust corporation or Province of Ontario
Savings Office.
The municipality or board makes no representation regarding the title to
or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for
ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Tax Sales Act and the Municipal
Tax Sales Rules. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the
amount bid plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax.
For further information regarding this sale, contact:
Treasurer, Corporation of the County of Huron
1 Court House Square, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2
Personal information contained on this form, collected pursuant to the
Municipal Tax Sales Act will be used for the purposes of that Act.
Questions should be directed to the Freedom of Information and Privacy
Coordinator at the institution responsible for the procedures under that