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The Citizen-38Th Reunion, 1999-09-08, Page 35
THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBERS, 1999. PAGE A-15. 61999 Huron Pioneer Thresher Reunion & Hobby Show^ Special events test skills of young Reunion visitors STEADY HANDS With the agility, speed and steadiness of any good farm hand, this youngster uses those skills to compete in the children’s special events. It is fun for all ages at the 38th Annual Huron Pioneer Thresher and Hobby Association Reunion, Sept. 10-12 in Blyth. With special events for adults, great music and memories for everyone, committee member Fred deBoer is organizing special events just for the children. The events are generally aimed at children 10 years and younger though some older children may be included. Children’s games will begin at 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, at Radford’s ball diamond. The youngest group will be for four year olds and under with each other age group including two years (ie. five and six-year- olds). The number of classes will depend on the number of children who wish to participate. A fun activity will be the obstacle course which will challenge the children in skill, balance and ability to have a lot of fun. There will be prizes awarded for all events and there is no cost to parents. Youngsters should look for other displays set up just for them. For the second year, youths between eight and 15 will have the opportunity to get involved in the antique garden tractor pull on Saturday and Sunday, starting around 3 p.m. Adult events will be held both days, at 1:30 p.m., just west of Radford’s diamond. A few of the fun attractions will include log sawing, belt setting, bag tying and tractor pull competitions. Also returning this year will be the horse demonstrations at 3 p.m. on Friday and 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Saturday. The border collie show will take to the Building Sufl would like to * welcome you to the 38th Annual Pioneer Thresher Reunion September 10, 11 & 12 Blyth SUVtRlINt STEFFENAUTO SUPPLY Box 861, 100 Pine St., Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0 CROUP • Hydraulic Hose from 1/4 to 2 inches Trucks, Tractors, ATV's & Boats • Batteries • Bolts • Tools Farm & Auto field at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. of Friday, 11 a.m. and 3:15 p.m on Saturday and noon and 3:15 p.m. on Sunday. Threshing demonstrations will take place throughout the weekend. 523-9305 ZJ Play recreates era for silver season CONTINUED FROM A-14 very tall, but I could throw as high as anyone else. It was as close to a sport as you could get.” His uncles, however, believed everyone should do all the different tasks and sent him out to load sheaves. “I seem to remember when the horses turned the comer to come became Barndance Live in 1996 and with Booze Days in a Dry County, he recalled life here during the times of Temperance, Explaining his relationship to Blyth, Thompson says, “There’s something addictive about creating shows for this audience.” It is one, he says, which is a blend of culture and agriculture. Whatever you need give us a call (519) 357-1550 or fax (519) 357-2549 1 up the gangway that it (the load) only hung on by the merest thread.” In re-creating this era for Blyth Festival’s 25th anniversary season, Thompson comes back to those early rural roots, near to his old hometown and his country home near Brussels. At Blyth he has used his collective talents to revisit many familiar stories. His recollection of the famous CKNX Bamdance £Craig Hardwoods Limited J. ALLAN CRAIG Bus. (519) 526-7220 Fax. (519) 526-7370 Res. (519) 524-1799 P.O. Box 70, Auburn, Ont. N0M 1E0 Timber Purchasing & Resource Management o Quality Sawn Hardwood Lumber With over 130 years in business we join our neighbours in celebrating the 38th Anniversary of the Huron Pioneer Threshers Association. ©Government Certified Crews 4 Body Wood, Slab Wood, Sawdust