HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1999-08-18, Page 16PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1999.
Invitation to Submit Proposals for
Construction of a Storm Water
Pumping Station and Forcemain
Contract No. 99064
Sealed tenders will be received until 1500 hrs., on
Wednesday, September 8, 1999. They are to be
addressed to Sandra Lawson, County Engineer,
Courthouse, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 1M2.
The tender will be for constructing a storm water
pumping station complete with automatic controls
and a forcemain to divert the flows from the
Courthouse’s roof drains to a storm water
manhole. The contruction is located within the
Square in the Town of Goderich.
Plans, specifications and tender forms may be
obtained from the office of the undersigned upon
payment of a non-refundable fee of $25.00, which
includes all taxes. A certified chque in the amount
of $1,000. must accompany each tender.
Consulting Engineers
62 North Street
Goderich, Ontario
N7A 2T4
Phone: (519) 524-2641
Fax: (519) 524-4403
The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
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Waterway Cruises Inc. 705-327-5304.
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McKillop Twp. council
to rent municipal office
Continued from page 11
from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2000.
There were no objections to Ken
Wilcox and Debbie Melady holding
a wedding reception next to St.
Columban Church, Sept. 18.
With the closure of the township
office July 12, McKillop council
agreed to put it up for rent at the
July 7 meeting.
There were no objections to an
application for a special occasions
permit for the Winthrop Communi
ty Centre committee ball tourna
ment Sept. 4-5. Proceeds will go to
minor ball and park maintenance.
KMM Drainage was awarded the
tender for the Hamilton Municipal
Drain with a price tag of
Permission was granted for Don
ald Dalton to amend his gravel
license on Lot 14, Cone. 12 for the
extraction of gravel below the
ground water table, pending
approval from the Ministry of Nat
ural Resources and that no dewater
ing of the pit occurs.
Council supported a resolution
from the Township of Front of
Leeds and Lansdowne petitioning
the federal and provincial govern
ment for the return of prayer and
bible readings to schools.
Support was also given to a reso
lution from the North Huron
Restructuring committee that
Huron County council hold full dis
cussions with local governments
before making any changes to
existing motions concerning