HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1999-07-21, Page 6PAGE 6. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1999. Don’t be too trusting when travelling By Bonnie Gropp Citizen staff Today's seniors are living longer, healthier, more active lives. And whether summer, winter, spring or fall, this busy generation is hitting the road and flying high. Travelling, though a wonderful pastime is not without its hazards no matter what your age. But seniors can be particularly vulnerable. OPP Sr. Const. Don Shropshall, who often attends meetings to advise seniors on safe travelling, says, “Seniors are too trusting and often can’t defend themselves. They need to take more care.” Precautions begin before you walk out the door, Shropshall says. “Before you leave the house on hol­ iday look for a family member or trusted friend to leave the key with.” He adds that this person should be told the duration of the trip and a phone number which they can con­ tact. Shropshall says it’s also impor­ tant to let the OPP know that you’re going to be away and who the con­ tact is. “That way if there is a break and enter we can get in touch with someone right away. We can have our people out looking for the guilty party earlier.” Shropshall recommends a motion detector light system be installed outside for those frequently away from home. A timer for indoor lights, which come on in different rooms at different times giving the empty house a lived-in look is also a good idea. Also, he adds, leave no window or door unchecked. “I once investigat­ ed a break in where the thieves entered through a third storey win­ dow that had been left open for air. For patio or slider doors and win­ dows, he advises a piece of wood be used as a block. Finally, Shropshall warns, “Don’t announce your absence.” On the road Once you have taken as many pre­ cautions as possible to protect your home, make sure you do the same for yourself. When traveling by car have your vehicle checked out by a mechanic before you leave. However, it’s a good idea to have a phone so that you can call for assistance rather then rely on a stranger, in case of emergency. Also, get a “Call Police” sign to be placed in your window in times of trouble. These are available — Travel Tips)— Travel Tips for people with special needs (NC) - Many countries do not provide access for people in wheelchairs or make allowances for those with special hearing, sight or other physical require­ ments. Contact your local access organization or talk to others who have travelled to your destination in the past. There are also several guides published about inter­ national travel and people with special needs. Check your local library or bookstore or the Canadian Transportation Agency Web site www.cta-otc.gc.ca - News Canada at the OPP detachment . If your car breaks down don’t put up the hood. “It blocks the view and draws attention.” Finally, if someone stops don’t get out and make yourself available as a victim, says Shropshall. Instead, roll the window down no more than an inch. “And keep in mind that this person will be a touch leery. He has no way of knowing if the police Improving your quality years (NC)—Being well-nourished doesn’t guarantee perfect health, however if you are poorly nourished, you greatly increase your risk of disease. Nor can you stop the clock, but regular exercise and a healthful diet can substantially extend your quality years. New research suggests that some of the physical changes and chronic diseases that used to be considered an inevitable part of aging may be the result of life-long diets deficient in key nutrients. Small dietary changes may make a big difference down the road. The immune system The immune system is one of your most vital defenses against disease and infection. The health of your immune system depends greatly on having enough protein, iron, zinc, vitamins A, C, D, and E, many B vitamins and several other nutrients. Help keep it strong by eating a balanced diet that includes enough milk products, vegetables and fruit, whole grain products, meat and alternatives. Eat three meals a day Don’t skip meals. Eating three good, balanced meals a day is the best way to ensure you get the nutrients you need to be healthy. Follow Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating to keep you on track. However, for those times when you don’t feel like a meal or you are pressed for time, try a high energy booster drink. They are quick to make, and can be made in larger batches and stored in the WINGHAM & AREA PALLIATIVE CARE SERVICES INC. Wingham, Ontario NOG 2W0 P.O. Box 1266 PHONE 1 -519-357-2720 SUPPORT SERVICES FOR THE CRITICALLY/TERMINALLY ILL AND FAMILY MEMBERS. VOLUNTEERS, CARE WORKERS... anyone wishing to enhance their understanding in grief and bereavement issues PALLIATIVE CARE TRAINING -- LEVEL 1 ■■ We Deliver Your Freedom DATE: Thursday evenings, Sept. 9 - Nov. 11/99 TIME: 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. PLACE: Wingham & Area Day Centre, 350 Josephine Street REGISTRATION FEE $25.00 For more information call: Wingham & Area Palliative Care Services, Inc. (519) 357-2720 Palliative Care Services is a volunteer-based program which seeks to enhance the quality of life of clients who are facing life-threatening illnesses. Volunteers offer a caring presence and support to these clients and their families. P.O. Box 100 26 Jordan Drive Belgrave, Ontario NOG 1E0 have already been called by another driver and are on their way.” On the road never let the fuel tank fall below the halfway mark. Vehicles should be locked at all times even when travelling. “It can happen in the cities that someone will yank open the car door when you’re sitting at a light and grab your purse or take the car.” When you park the car find a well- refrigerator for days. They make a great snack or breakfast on the go. Booster Drink: 1 cup (250 ml) vanilla yogurt 1 cup(250 ml) milk 1/2 cup(125 ml) skim milk powder Add your favorite fruit combination Mix ingredients in a blender until smooth. Makes 2-3 scrumptious servings Make daily deposits in the bone bank Some bone loss may be inevitable as you get older, but osteoporosis isn’t. To reduce your risk, eat 2-4 servings of Milk Products every day. Nourish your bones now and they will stand up for you later. Food over supplements Always choose food over dietary supplements. It’s the most effective way to get your nutrients. It is not proven that antioxidant supplements help protect against heart disease and cancers as well as actual fruits and vegetables. Why ? Because it is the combined effect of the thousands of substances in foods which may be more powerful than the antioxidant vitamins alone. Food is to complex to be reduced to a pill, or even a handful of pills. - News Canada Phone: (519) 357-3010 Fax: (519) 357-3143 lit area where you can see and be seen. Have the car keys in your hand when returning to the vehicle so that you don’t have to linger at the door. “Also, you can actually defend your­ self with them by jabbing or slash­ ing. It’s not going to stop them for long but it will buy some time for you to put space between you and them.” Before getting into the car, if pos­ sible, Shropshall recommends cir­ cling it so that you can look under­ neath and determine that no one is waiting to pull you down. If the car is a two door before you leave it make sure the seats are forward so that you can see when returning that no one is in the back seat. “If you are under a light, approach the vehicle from behind so you can check the back seat.” Be discreet Don’t advertise who you are. If travelling by plane or bus, make sure only your last name and first initial is on the luggage tag. Do not provide a complete address and use a phone number that’s vague. For example, Shropshall recommends a family member’s work number. “You have people who hang around airports FEEL SECURE There's no better feeling than being safe. Give yourself a sense of security with the best door and window locks, padlocks and -home security systems. We carry everything from heavy duty dead bolts to keyless entry systems, decorative door bells, and door chains, all at very reasonable prices. For your independence and comfort we carry safety rails, grab bars, slip resistant mats, canes and utility carts. Plus cellular phones and accessories Package pricing available. OLDFIELD PRO HARDWARE ran & RADIOSHACK ® f r i YTJ RadioShack. 887-6851 Brussels MED-E-OX 282 Suncoast Drive, Goderich (519) 524-2020 1-800-265-5500 and check out the luggage to find out what houses are likely to be empty.” In hotels While there may be a tendency to consider hotels a secure environ­ ment it is not a time to let your guard down. Upon arrival make sure your luggage is attended at all times to prevent theft. If travelling alone, ask to be accompanied to your room and have someone check to see that there is no one hiding. Don’t open the door to anyone who says they work at the establish­ ment without investigating. “Check with the front desk and see if they sent someone to your room. If yes, then find out the name of the person and verify that that is who is at your door. If the answer is no keep the person with whom you were speak­ ing on the phone until security arrives.” Finally, though these precautions are excellent advise for anyone to follow, Shropshall notes that the older and younger people are more susceptible and should be on alert. “Caution and a little common sense go a long way toward protecting yourself,” he says. with: IB Home Oxygen H Wheelchairs ■ Electric Scooters ■ Hospital Beds ■ Bathroom Equipment ■ Electric Reclining Lift Chairs