The Citizen, 1999-06-30, Page 6PAGE 6. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNfe 30, 1999. _____ _____ ___ Jdealth Sun a burning issue, while heat takes breath away It is a season of colour, a season of promise. It beckons outdoors for work and play. But despite the many enjoyable aspects of summer, the sun and heat can be hazardous. It has been predicted that one out of seven Canadians bom this year, will develop skin cancer sometime during his or her lifetime. This is the message from the Canadian Cancer Society’s SunSense. According to Dave Broadhurst, a volunteer, “One severe sunburn during childhood can double a child’s risk of develop­ ing skin cancer later in life.” The CCS states that in 1997 70,000 Canadians developed skin cancer and although most cases were not life-threatening, they are a sig­ nificant health problem because the cancer destroys tissue, usually around the face. It was estimated that by the end of that year skin can­ cer had killed more than 660 Canadians. Because of the depleting ozone layer over the past two decades, the ultraviolet radiation level reaching earth has increased. Ozone is a gas that filters much of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. Though the rays are invisible their -effects can be seen in sunburns and premature aging of the skin. UV rays also contribute to cataracts. The more UV radiation people are exposed to, the greater the risk of developing this problems. Because of the dangers the sun- kissed look is no longer in vogue. Marguerite Thomas of the Huron County Healthy Unit says, “Sunbronzed skin is not beautiful. It’s a walking sign of skin damage.” Skin is unforgiving and skin cancer is caused by years of repeatedaccu- mulated skin damage by ultraviolet rays. So who is at the highest risk. People working outdoors, fair­ skinned, fair-haired people, anyone who has previously had skin cancer, travellers soaking up the sun, people who use tanning devices, people who have had blistering sunburns in childhood and people who freckle easily or have many moles. However, though dark-skinned people have a greater amount of melanin, and therefore are better protected against skin cancer it does not mean they are immune. So with the warm, sunny weather beckoning people outdoors how do you protect yourself? The chief cause of skin cancer is exposure to the sun’s rays. To safely enjoy the days ahead there are some sensible rules to follow. Avoid the sun between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. • stay in the shade - spend less time in direct sunlight • avoid sun lamps and tanning par­ lours. There is no healthy tan. Protect yourself while in the sun, even on cloudy days. • cover up. Wear a sun hat and keep arms and legs covered with non-transparent clothing • use a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or more. Sunscreen should pro­ tect against both UVA and UVB rays. Apply 15 to 30 minutes before going into the sun. Reapply every two hours or after being in the water • wear sunglasses that block as much UV radiation as possible • take extra care around surfaces that reflect the sun’s rays like water, concrete and sand. • consult your doctor or pharma­ cist if on medication; some can make your skin more sensitive to the sun. Protect your children from the sun too! • keep babies under six months of age out of direct sunlight • do not use sunscreens on children under six months of age • choose sunscreens made for children. Test on child’s forearm • teach your children sun safety habits. Sunscreen should be standard equip­ ment for camp, school and the beach • be a good role model. Practise sun safety your­ self. Sunscreen tips. • if you have a reaction to a sunscreen, change it. • pay extra attention to ears, nose and tops of feet • protect lips and other sensitive areas with an opaque sunblock • avoid sunscreen oils, which can increase chances of burning • remember spend less time in the sun. No sunscreen offers complete protection from the sun’s rays. Working outside Many people who work outdoors need to take extra precautions. Of course, safety comes first. For example for construction workers not only would a wide-brimmed hat compromise the worker’s safety, but they are legislated to wear regula­ tion hard hats when on the job. However, there are other things to be done to protect yourself during long days outdoors in the sun: • Take breaks indoors or in shady areas • Wear clothing that protects as much of your skin as possible. • Wear a hat with a wide brim or neck protector (unless on construc­ tion sites when hard hats are required) • Put on UV protection sunglasses or safety eyewear • Use a sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher and UVA and UVB protec­ tion. Employees and employers can work together to build in as many sun safe practices to the worksite as possible. Thomas said anyone interested in information on the suppliers of emissions in their day to day life. For example, some workplaces pro­ vide incentives such as bike racks and shower facilities for employees who use alternative methods to get to work. Not only does this avoid smog build-up, it promotes an over­ all healthy lifestyle. Thomas reminds that the dog days of summer are not the time to get the job done. “The bottom line in the summer is to respect the weather and be sensible. It is not the time to exert yourself and increase the problem.” Tanning is Great Burning Isn't Prevent Sunburn Damage... Use a sunscreen! SPF 30 Face Guard Sticks SPF 25 Lip Balm Sunless Tan Formula SPF's 8 to 45 available in lotions or spray gels Aloe Freeze for sunburn relief clothes desinged to block the sun s rays can contact her at the health unit. Early Detection Skin cancer is preventable, visible and curable if detected and treated early. Practise monthly self-examina­ tions from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. Stand in front of a full-length mirror and examine your body from all sides. Report to your doctor immediately any changes in mole size, shape, tex­ ture or sensation. Use the ABCD method to remem­ ber what to look for: Asymmetry — one half is unlike the other Border irregular — scalloped or poorly-defined border Colour — varies from area to area with shades of tan, brown, black, white, red or blue. Diameter — larger than the diam­ eter of a pencil eraser Also report any sore that persists for more than four weeks or heals and then re-opens. Another summer danger Summer can present another dan­ ger, as well. High heat and humidity can cause problems for asthma and allergy sufferers as well as for the very old and very young. As the humidity index rises, so too does air pollution making it difficult for asthmatics and others with respiratory prob­ lems to breathe. With the warmer weather comes picnics, barbecues, pool parties with friends and family - and higher levels of smog. “Smog is a nasty mixture of chemicals in the air that can be harmful to your health,” says Ken Ogilvie, executive director of Pollution Probe. “As a community, we should be looking for ways to reduce harmful emissions that lead to smog.” some people, smog causes headaches, burning eyes, coughing and shortness of breath. The most at risk are young children, the elderly and those who suffer from asthma or respiratory illnesses. When planning outdoor fun during the summer months, it is important to check for smog advisories. During periods of high air pollution, it is best to stay indoors or at least avoid strenuous outdoor activities. Motor vehicles are one of the major sources of smog. Using non­ polluting or less polluting ways to get to work such as biking, carpool­ ing, in-line skating or taking public transit has a positive impact on air quality. To put this in perspective, a single bus can take up to 40 vehicles off the road, save as much’ as 70,000 litres of fuel and keep nine tonnes of' air pollutants per year out of the air. More and more corporations are encouraging their employees to be conscious of ways to reduce harmful Tips for Reducing Harmful Emissions: • Take public transit. On average, one passenger on public transit produces approximately eight times less carbon dioxide than a single driver in a car over the same distance. • Carpool when feasible. This saves wear and tear on your vehi­ cle and reduces fuel and parking costs. • Have your car regularly tuned. Regularly checking your car’s emission control system and keeping the tires properly inflated can reduce fuel consumption by 15 per cent. • Try walking, running, biking or in-line skating to get to work. This is also a great way to improve your health. • Plan your trips. Eliminating four short car trips every week could save up to 100 kg. of carbon dioxide emissions each year. • Don't idle. Just 20 seconds of idling consumes more fuel than restarting your engine. • Use cleaner fuels. Alternative fuels such as ethanol or methanol have fewer impurities than gaso­ line, therefore producing less emissions that contribute to smog. 222 Josephine St., Wingham earthward ’'■'BOUND'*'! MIND BODY & SOUL Celebrate the hottest time of year with hot deals! Remember to seek shade Slip on a shirt. Slap on a hat. Slop on the Sunscreen Nature's Gate Sunblocks Special Introductory Price! Sale ends July 10 When you're in check out our new Bath & Body Line starting at $1.99 Reg.Specif Lotion SPF 15 $10.45 $7.99 Lotion SPF 30 $11.95 $9.15 Dry Lotion SPF 15 $10.45 $7.99 All other sunscreens 15* off Hawaian Tropic SPF 45 Sunblock Lip Balm •$2.19 $1.49 5 5 Defend yourself from the damaging, aging effects of the sun. Buy Now And Save on all natural sunblock by Health Foods Health Related Books available at: Aesthetics & Electrolysis by Bonnie 56 King St., Brussels 519-887-6661 X/ APOTHECARY Queen St., Blyth 523-4210 5 5 Great Gift Ideas Supplements 40 East Street, Goderich 519-524-6651