(Entrance off John St.)
Girl power
The imitators were in town on Saturday as Spice Power performed to a huge crowd at Blyth
arena. From left: Cecilia DiBenedetto (Baby), Dania Thurman (Ginger), Alexis Mandziuk
(Scary), Shannon Near (Sporty) and Jessica Morton (Posh) delighted the young fans with
their energetic performance.
Council hears from OCWA
By Janice Becker
Citizen staff
Faced with changing responsibil
ities as the re-alignment of services
continues, Blyth council was pre
sented with an option for water ser
vices once hydro services are
With the expected change in
municipal responsibilities follow
ing either the amalgamation of
hydro services in Huron County or
the takeover by Ontario Hydro,
council may assume control of the
water system.
Peter Harrison and Gord Eagles
of the Ontario Clean Water Agency
(OCWA) attended the June 22 ses
sion of council to discuss the opera
tion of the water distribution
system in the village.
OCWA would be interested in
providing the service, said Harri
son. Depending on the level of ser
vice required, Harrison believed
OCWA could do the job at or
below current costs.
Concerned with the possibility of
future amalgamations with other
municipalities, Reeve Mason Bai
ley asked how that situation would
be handled.
Harrison said OCWA was talking
with other municipalities as well
and hoped that any agreement
could be made all-inclusive.
“We want to organize it so we
are prepared (for amalgamations)
and not called at the last minute,”
he said.
“We think we are the best option.
Continued on page 16
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Specialized packages 8 gift certificates
Kathy’s Korner
By Kathy Bromley
The ears are a delicate and vital part of our body. Like everything else, we
usually take it for granted and therefore do not realize just how important
our hearing is to us.
I learned 23 years ago that even doctors can sometimes take things for
granted. It all started on a Friday night, when I had an earache which
continued on throughout the weekend. Finally my husband and my mother-
in-law took me into emergency at Clinton hospital. The doctor then
proceeded to clean them with a fluid. After that, I do not recall anything.
Apparently I was rushed to Stratford hospital where they discovered I had a
hole in my left eardrum. A tube was put in to cover the hole. It was stressed
that from then on I was not to get water in my ear. This is where I must
emphasize that although people will often throw someone into a pool,
problems can definitely result from what is intended as a joke.
You would be amazed at how many people have tubes in their ears for
various reasons.
On this past Wednesday, June 16 I was scheduled in London St. Joseph’s
Hospital for surgery on both ears this time - to replace the tube that had
shifted in my left ear and to remove what they could of a cyst located on my
left ear drum. Like the old cliche, I was literally getting it: “in one ear and
out the other!” Everything went well especially since I did not have any
dizziness or pain afterwards that I had been warned beforehand could occur.
I am feeling great and keen to get back to work.
Recently our oldest son Chris proposed to his girlfriend Cheryl. So I find
the following quotation appropriate.
Kathy’s Quote of the Week: If you wait too long to marry your dreamboat,
you may find by the time you have made up your mind, the cargo has
About Your
PROGRAM TOPICS: July 7/99- Want CPR ■ Choking
(Newborns - 3 months) & Safety
July 14/99 - Infant Car Seat Safety
July 21/99 - Cancelled
July 28/99 • Babysitters & You
Watch for further dates in your "About your Hospital" article
Inquiries: Veronica Farquhar - 482-3440 Ext. 304
1 mile west of Blyth on County Rd. #25
Phone 523-4383 or 523-9338
Raspberries will be ready this weekend
Our offices
will be closed
Thursday, July 1
Deadlines will remain
the same
Still time to enter
Blyth beauty contest
The Blyth Horticultural Society
is inviting Blyth residents to enter a
home beautification contest in sev
eral categories.
Those wishing to participate can
enter any or all of the following
classes: welcoming walkways,
attractive perennial garden, charm
ing planters and hanging baskets,
organized vegetable garden or last
ing impressions.
Awards will be presented in each
category after judging has taken
place during the week of July 12.
Entries must be submitted by
July 7.
To enter, call Bev Elliott at 523-
9187 or Luann Taylor at 523-4440.
will be taken
JULY 8th AND 9th
at the
Blyth Municipal Office
during normal office hours.
Children must be 3 ft. 2" to
chin. Registration fee is
$38.00 per child. Swimming
starts August 2 to August 13
Swim time 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Transportation to Vanastra
Recreation Centre provided
by the Blyth and
Londesboro Lions
The Village of Blyth
Public Works Department
will be flushing fire
hydrants on
Friday, July 2, 1999
commencing at 9:00 a.m.
Your co-operation is
greatly appreciated.
John Stewart, CMO
Village of Blyth
ready this weekend
You pick or we pick
phone for details
Blythe Brooke Orchards
Canada Day
and will re-open on Friday
as usual
C itizen