HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1999-06-02, Page 18THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1999. PAGE 19. REAL ESTATE R REAL ESTATE Prudential 519-482-3400 Heartland Realty 1 Albert st >Clinton _______________________________See our website: www.phr.on.ca Let Prudential Heartland's Unique Ads Talk to You! Dial 1-800-463-7363 and enter the property's extension # k24J ;Hours ■ CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" COMING EVENTS EDUCATIONAL OPPS. COME TO THE BIGGEST LLAMA & ALPACA sale in Eastern Canada . June 19 Morrisburg Arena (Highway 401, exit 750) information Tuxedo Llama Ranch 613-543-4442 GOVERNMENT OF CANADA AUCTION. Friday, June 4, Halifax, NS. RCMP vehicles, champion grader, 3 grove cranes, dump truck, runway sweeper, loader. Canadian Auction Group 1-800-661-4227. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute of Canada offers on-campus and correspondence courses toward a Diploma in Counselling Practice, to begin June 30/99. Free catalogue, call 24hrs. 1-800-665-7044. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. 170 King Street, Blyth. Beautiful 2 storey brick home on a large lot in Blyth. Kitchen and 2 bathrooms totally renovated 9 years ago. Renovated family room. Propane fireplace. Hanover cupboards, pine floors and ornate trim throughout. Call Fred. Amazing view and striking architecture! 335 Queen Street North, Blyth. Spacious 4 bedroom home with unique design and open concept. Replacement windows, extra insulation. 1.15 acres. Call Fred. AGRICULTURE X, A"; SWISS AU PAIR agency seeking au pair/nannies. Travel to Europe, learn a language. Sunshine Au Pair, telephone +41 22 756 82 03 (Switzerland). Fax +41 22 756 82 00. E-mail: sunshine©pbc.ch. 482-3400 WANTED: HARDWOOD LOGS. Prompt payment for hardwood logs, prepayment for timber stands. Veneer log prices. Provincially licensed tree markers and certified equipment operators. Special care taken in harvesting. Pannill Veneer Co. Ltd, est. 1927, 340 Louisa St., Kitchener (519)742-5887. FOR SALE SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, planks, beams. Large capacity. Best sawmill value anywhere. Free information 1-800-566- 6899. Norwood Sawmills, R.R 2, Kilworthy, Ontario POE 1G0. ANNOUNCEMENTS § BAILEY REALESTATE LTD. Mason Bailey 482-9371 BROKER (24 Hour Service) VILLAGE OF BLYTH: North end, 4 bedrooms, roomy home on 1 acre lot, new gas hot water heating system, large steel shed. Zoned Highway Commercial. FOR RENT: Heated workshop, Clinton. BLYTH: 1 1/2 floor frame home with 3 bedrooms on large lot, Morris St. BLYTH: 1 1/2 floor frame home with 3 bedrooms on large lot, Morris St. COUNTRY HOME: On 3 1/2 acres.County Rd. 25, 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath, attached garage, new drilled well. CLINTON: Income property, Albert • St., 2 apartments, and commercial unit. LISTINGS WANTED: Homes and Farm Property for serious purchasers. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL- MASON BAILEY 519-482-9371 SERVICES COMPUTER SALES, SERVICE and upgrades, VCR repairs and mini dish installations. Call Steve Blake at Huron Video and Sound 887-6710 or email blakey@wcl.on.ca tfn BALE WRAPPING, ROUND and big square with new tube line wrapper. Call Mike at 482-7587. 21-tfn ON $3.00 THURSDAYS Drop into either of our offices any Thursday with your word classified (maximum 20 words) and pay only $3.00 (paid in advance). That's $1.00 off regular rates C itizen I 1 • _________I VEHICLES FOR SALE 1992 GEO STORM, RED 5 SPD., A/C, AM/FM cassette, 135,000 kms. $4,500 o.b.o. Call 887-8005 leave message for Dan. 22-2p WANTED WANTED TO BUY: SCRAP CARS and trucks. L & B Auto Wreckers. 1/2 mile south of Brussels. Call 887-9499. tfn We believe... in helping. Anyone. Anywhere. PLEASE GIVE 1888 321 3433 a You Can Make .a Difference XXT HUNTINGTON ? DISEASE . HUNTINGTON SOCIETY OF CANADA 1-800-998-7398 St. Brigid School, Nakina, invites staff/students (1974-1999) for farewell reunion June 4/99. For more info, call 807-329-5375 or e-mail stbs@nakina.lakeheadu.ca BUSINESS OPPS. CASH IN/CASH OUT Coke, Pepsi, Hostess, M&M. Re-stock estab­ lished unique vendors in your area. No selling. Full-time, part-time. Min­ imum investment $13,980. 1-888-503-8884 24 hours. (Member of B.B.B). INTERNET BUSINESS ONLINE No adult or 900 numbers. Y2K ready systems. Training & installation provided, E-commerce set-up provided. No experience necessary. No selling required. Spend only 20 min- utes/day on your automated system making money. Minimum invest­ ment $30K+ Toll Free: 1 -888-622-0122 or 416-213-0528. HOME-BASED TRAVEL CAREER TRAINING. Earn money while learn­ ing the travel business working from home. 100% daily support. CALL Travelsource: 1-800-561-9999. Ontario license #2122091. Exclusive, massive home business opportunity. Information Call Toll Freel-800-200-8023 Extension 1003. Reception 1-877-263-7940 FREE INCOME tax franchise territories. Selected areas throughout Canada. Low start-up costs. Limited time offer. Existing locations also available. Call 1-877-215-3984 for more information or visit our website www.libertytax.com SIX FIGURE POTENTIAL. Town directors needed for turnkey operation in an explosive industry. Royalties, car allowance and residual income. $2,500. required, financing available.403-301 -0298. : CAREER OPPS. LEARN AUCTIONEERING. Classes held August 14-20, '99. For infor­ mation contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9.1 -888-673-6999. Exciting well paid careers in computer programming. We will prepare suitable applicants. Ministry of Education Registered Home Study Diploma Program. Financial assistance, loaner computer systems and job placement tools available. No experience necessary. CMS 1-800- 477-9578. HELP WANTED Technology Manager required by large Eastern Ontario Printer. Experi­ ence with Scitex Equipment and Macintosh Computers. Resume to: Rick Astley, Performance Printing, P.O.Box 158, Smiths Falls, Ont, K7A 4T1.Fax (613)283-7480 SALES HELP WANTED $$CHOCOLATES$$ Spring is coming. Make lots of money selling chocolate bars. New products available, fast delivery. Fund Raising available. Call now 1-800-383-3589 PLEASE MUM. The leader in providing quality, yet affordable children's and ladies clothing through home presentations has opportunities avail­ able for FALL. Earn 40% commission selling kids wear, ladies wear or both. Call today for a free catalogue and business package. 1-800-665- 9644. DIVORCE RIP OFF! Men helping men fight an unjust system. Tactics & strategies to protect your kids & $$. Free call: 1-877-BREAKUP, Ext. 95. Are You Paying Too Much Tax? Interested in Ideal, Passive Florida Real Estate Investment, 25% Below Replacement Value? Invest $50,000 + 100% finance, Great Tax Shelter, Positive Cash Flow, Excel­ lent Capital Gain Potential. Extraordinary Track Record, 10 years, 1600 units, 600+ Canadian Investors. $125 Million Success Story. Toll-Free 1-877-888-8428 for package. www.usdirectfinance.com/Jaymor NEW STEEL BUILDINGS....Go Direct and Save. 4:12 roof pitch. 25 x 30 $3,900.00. 25 x 40 $4,900.00. 30 x 40 $6,500.00. 35 X 50 $7,600.00. 40 x 60 $10,800.00. 45 x 80 $18,400.00. Others. Pioneer.... 1-800-668- 5422. ARGUS BUILDING CLEARANCE various models 20' to 150' wide from $3.00 sq. ft. Commercial, Industrial agricultural limited quantities call now toll free and save 1-877-898-0508 • It's Affordable • It's Fast • It's Easy • One Bill Does It All • Northern Ontario $76 • Eastern Ontario $138 • Western Ontario $130 • Central Ontario $134 • All Ontario $390 • National Packages Available • Call this paper for detailsl 17 bulls on offer range from $64.50 to $73 Continued from page 15 consigned by Normangrove Farms, Wingham, averaging 1,213 lbs. sold for an average of $66.70 with sales to $79. Two holstein cows consigned by Lome Behrns, Gowanstown, averaging 1,303 lbs. sold for an average of $61.38 with sales to $76.50. Four holstein cows consigned by Joe Louwagie, Mitchell, averaging 1,335 lbs. sold for an average of $65.86 with sales to $73. There were 17 bulls on offer selling from $64.50 to $73 to the high of $84.50. One blonde bull consigned by Howard Weber, Neustadt, weighing 2,225 lbs. sold for $80. One charolais bull consigned by George Mannerow, Chesley, weighing 2,045 lbs. sold for $78.50. There were 262 veal on offer: Beef sold $90 to $136; Holstein, $75 to $85; Plain Holstein, $55 to $70. Four veal consigned by Richard Horst, Listowel, Averaging 576 lbs. sold for an average of $123.47 with sales to $136. Eight veal consigned by John Verburg, Londesboro, averaging 639 lbs. sold for an average of $101.61 with sales to $125.50. Four veal consigned by Mike Stroeder, Walkerton, averaging 611 lbs. sold for an average of $87.77 with sales to $110. Note: Over 700 lbs. veal will be sharply discounted due to a new government ruling of hides having to be removed. Lambs, 50 to 64 lbs. sold $130 to $138; 65 to 79 lbs., $118 to $130; 80 to 85 lbs., $118 to $131. Sheep sold $20 to $105. Goats sold $12.50 to $135 per head. Steers, under 400 lbs., sold $104 to $147.50; 400 - 499, $1 14 to $142; 500 - 599 lbs., $111.50 to $138.50; 600 - 699 lbs., $108 to $123.50; 700 - 799 lbs., $102.75 to $1 15.50; 800 - 899 lbs., $93 to $111; 900 lbs. and over, $93 to $112. Heifers, 300 - 399 lbs., sold $123 to $131; 400 - 499 lbs., $103 to $139; 500 - 599 lbs., $107.50 to $122; 600 - 699 lbs., $102 to $1 17.25; 700 - 799 lbs., $89 to $110.75; 800 - 899 lbs., $93.25 to $107.50; 900 lbs. and over, $81.50 to $96. Plain stockers sold $48 to $65.