HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1999-05-19, Page 11THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1999. PAGE 11. CranbrookThe news from No increase in Morris budget Compiled by Peter Hagedoorn Phone 887-6935 Community raises $1,044 for cancer Yvonne Knight acknowl­ edges the people in the Cranbrook area who helped canvass for the Cancer Society. A total of $ 1,044 was collected. On May 20 the Cranbrook Walking Club had its first trek. This club meets Monday through Thursday at 8 p.m. at the hamlet crossing. Participants, encouraged to set their own pace and dis­ tance, appear to be enjoying this community outing. The group is made up of people, walkers, baby strollers, dogs, roller blades and cyclists. A few neighbourhood kids came to the Saxon house recently to help devour a chocolate fire engine, raffled by Sparkies of Seaforth, won by John Saxon some weeks ago. Mothers, topic ofWMS meeting On Tuesday, May 11, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith opened their home to the ladies of the WMS. Eight women took advantage of the lovely, warm evening to gath­ er together. Mrs. Stewart Steiss took charge of the meeting, focussing • attention on “Mothers”. She honoured “Moms” with three readings and acclaimed them for the outstanding dedication they give to their children. There are no part-time mothers. Scripture reading was from Proverbs 31: 10-31. Mrs. Leslie Knight, presi­ dent, asked for the reading of the previous minutes and the treasurer’s report was given by Mrs. Jack Knight. A total of five cards and 26 visits had been accomplished to shut-ins during the month of April. The topic, taken by Mrs. Murray Crawford, dealt with the topic of “Mission Partnerships”. This chapter emphasizes that all are a rela­ tionship of partners whose mission in the world of many nations and people is to leant from one another. The objec­ tive is to work together for the healing of all nations. Time was taken to plan the ham and turkey supper to be held in the community hall on June 8. Morris council held a spe­ cial meeting, May 11 to approve the budget and dis­ cuss rezoning matters. A 1999 budget with no increase was approved by council. An application had been filed to rezone the south part of Lot 3, Cone. 4 from Restricted Agriculture to Restricted Agriculture- Special Provisions. Owners Calvin and John Nixon intend to process meat and food products and have accessory retail sales. Approximately 297 square metres of the home will be used for industrial purposes. A decision on the rezoning will be deferred until com­ ments from the health unit are received. A rezoning meeting was also held for part of Part Lot 29, 30, Cone. 1, regarding a request for a change from Restricted Agriculture Special Provisions to Institutional. The zoning would allow the proposed uses including a ball booth with washrooms, pavil­ ion, banquet hall and other recreational uses. A bylaw was passed Morris says to Grey and Morris council received news of government funding at the May 4 session. approving the rezoning. Consideration was given to a minor variance for North Part Lot 16, Cone. 2, owned by Gregory Antoniadis. After review of the case, it was determined a minor vari­ ance was not needed to con­ form with township bylaws. In response to a letter from the county requesting permis­ sion to connect into the Blackhall Drain, council said the proper channels had to be followed. A motion from Councillors Kevin Pletch and Edna McLellan stated that connec­ tion would require a new branch or the alternative would be to proceed with drainage across County Rd. 4. A new branch would require a drainage petition. A bylaw was passed asking for a deferral of the education levy due to the tax deferral. A notice will be sent to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. Councillor Neil Warwick will attend a Court of Revision for the Johnston Drain in East Wawanosh Twp. Mabel Wheeler was chosen as a Senior of the Year. no thanks Brussels leukemia research. The week of Nov. 1 -7 was declared Recycling Week. Quick moves A Wingham player flies by defender Cassie Fischer of Grey Central Public School as the six North Huron Schools met at East Wawanosh, May 13, for a three-on-three tournament. BMG arena orders cigarette disposal At the BMG Rec Board meeting of May, there was discussion about purchasing an outdoor cigarette disposal unit for the arena. It was agreed that one should be ordered. The board is still interested to hear further details from representatives of the men’s fastball league regarding their playoff tournament. The fast­ ball league is going to try to have a couple of representa­ tives present at the next recre­ ation meeting. Abi Corbett informed the board she is waiting on a con­ firmation and a price from Mike’s Party Patrol with regards to the music for the 1999 New Year’s Eve dance. Paul Gowing reported that swimming lesson registration appeared to be busy on Tuesday evening. Heather Blake the head lifeguard at the pool will be present at the next recreation meeting to provide further details regard­ ing registration. Middegaal’s Pools will be opening the pool on May 25. Alvin McLellan informed the board that new adult life­ jackets and floatation belts are needed for the pool this year. Secretary-Treasurer Shelly Pryce will check to make sure the board received credit for the belts that were ordered and returned to Middegaal Pools last year. Arena Manager Murray McArter reported that the benches at the pool need repairing. He was told to go ahead and fix them. It was the consensus of the board to follow the 1998 pro­ cedure to have the ball park booth open for tournaments only. McArter requested the board hire a part-time staff member to help at the arena since Heather Blake decided to return to her position as the head lifeguard at the pool. George Langlois reported that the new back stop at the ball diamond has been com­ pleted. McLellan informed the Board that the BMG Catering group donated a generous $12,000 to the board. McArter informed the board that the Optimist Club donated $250 toward the new air conditioning unit from the profits they raised at the Stagette they hosted. Mary Stretton indicated that the sign at the front of the arena needs repaired because the Morris Twp. sign is tilted. McArter is going to fix it. The township will receive $22,000 from the Special Circumstance Fund. A letter will be sent to Brussels and Grey Twp. councils thanking them for an invitation to discuss amalga­ mation but that the township will continue talks with Tumberry Twp. Morris councillors agreed to support the Seaforth All­ Girls Band. However, with amalgamation future support could not be guaranteed. The letter from the Huron Bruce Complex was signed, committing financial support to the project. Councillor Neil Warwick said the committee was stay­ ing with the original site for the complex as long as the soil samples were acceptable. Full support was given to the Official Plan amendments and zoning bylaw amend­ ments for Turnberry Twp., Part Lots 5-9, Cone. 1. The grass cutting contract for several township proper­ ties was awarded to Clark and Son. The prices were: Jewitt Cemetery, $15; Sunshine Cemetery, $20; McCrea Cemetery, $25; municipal office, $25 and the MTO Park, $25. All prices exclude GST and the MTO Park is conditional on county approval. Council agreed to replace the gate at McCrea Cemetery and straighten the fence at Sunshine Cemetery. The Huron County Road Superintendents Association was granted $60 for the annu­ al membership. The Belgrave Community Centre agreement was approved. There were no objections to the sale of lottery tickets for FOR MORE INFORMATION C ALL US AT 1-888-ONT-VOTE (668-8683) OR TTY 1-888-292-2312 VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT www.electionsontario.on.ca ONTARIO PROVINCIAL ELECTION You Can Vote Before June 3rd If your name is on the Voters List but you expect to be away or unable to vote on election day, you can take advantage of any advance poll in your electoral district. Ballots cast at the advance polls will be counted at the close of the regular polls on election day. Eligible voters who wish to vote at an advance poll, but who have not yet received their Notice of Registration confirming that they are on the Voters List, may obtain a Certificate to Vote from the revision assistant at the advance poll location prior to casting their ballot. Advance Poll Voting Will Be Held At The Following Locations I Published on behalf of Electoral District returning officers by Warren R. Bailie, Chief Election Officer If you have friends or relatives who have difficulty reading, please make them aware of the information in this notice. At Area Advance Polls from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday May 26th, 27th and 28th In the electoral district Returning Office from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday, May 22nd and Monday through Friday May 24th to 28th, inclusive In the Electoral District of HURON-BRUCE 0 Elections Ontario (519) 235-4718 425 Main Street South, Exeter • Port Elgin Fire Hall, Port Elgin • Davidson Centre, 601 Durham, Kincardine • Wingham Council Chambers, Wingham • St. Georges Parish Hall, Goderich • Clinton Council Chambers, Clinton • Municipal Office, Seaforth • Community Centre, Lucknow Elections Ontario A non-partisan Agency of the legislative Assembly. Keeping you informed. AP3/37