HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1999-05-12, Page 9THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1999. PAGE 9. Brussels council briefs Village to post school crossing signs Despite continued efforts to slow oncoming traffic, the Brussels school crossing guards still have safety concerns. Clerk-Treasurer Donna White told council at the May meeting that Village Road Superintendent Hugh Nichol was working with the county to see about having a school crossing sign installed north of the bridge on Turnberry Street. *** A letter has been sent to George Cousins in response to concerns he brought to the April session of council. *** A letter has been sent to the Min­ istry of Health in support of the Seaforth Clinic. *** The business group has received a grant of $2,000 as part of the Huron Partnerships for Job Cre­ ation program. The plan is to update the industrial video and pamphlet. A survey will also be conducted of village residents and businesses. *** Brussels will receive $19,000 for the Special Circumstances Grant. *** White told councillors that the compost pile at the dump has been spontaneously combusting. With the dry w'eather there is concern of it spreading as the pile is quite sub­ stantial. Council will investigate the price of removing it and spreading it at the Industrial Park. *** A complaint had been received about backyard burning. A copy of the fire code will be sent to the landlord of the building and council will continue to monitor the situa­ tion. *** Three benches, at a price of $125. will be constructed by Ken White for downtow n. *** White told council of a resident's suggestion that the stumps from cut down trees be carved like the one in front of Debbie Trollope's home. White obtained prices and infor­ mation. but council felt that despite the fact this would be something to attract people to the village, it was not the way to spend taxpayers' money. "We can't take taxpayer dollars and carve a tree," said Councillor Joe Seili. *** With regards to the letter from Morris Twp. about the landfill agreement. Councillor Greg Wilson asked for more specifics. "Are they saying if we amalgamate with Grey that we can no longer put our garbage there? What does the letter theyysent us really mean?" Should this be the case a letter is being sent to Grey Twp. formally requesting consideration to use their landfill site. *** Council agreed to match $1,000 funding for the Main Street Ontario grant. The business group will be approached for ideas. *** Requests for support from the Seaforth Girls Band and the Huron County 4-H Leaders Association were rejected. *** Bruce Hahn was appointed as the village's representative to the Wingham and District Hospital board for a two-year term. *** The village will be a patron of the Blyth Festival for $125. Ontario Energy Board Commission de I'Energie de I’Ontario Ontario Blyth council briefs Lions to build walking trail During restructuring talks at the May 3 meeting of Blyth council, it was agreed that a three-ward sys­ tem should be implemented for rep­ resentation. Using current municipal bound­ aries, each ward would have two representatives with the head of council being elected at large. *** Blyth Lion Charlie Shaw request­ ed permission for the club to con­ struct a walking trail from the existing Greenway Trail to Drum­ mond Street, along the unopened portion of Anne Street. Council approved the plan. *** To aid in the future development of facilities at the new Threshers' shed, Association President Gary Courtney asked council to consider running a sewer line to the build­ ing. The shed will be expanded to the south this year and to the north next year. At that time, the Threshers would like to install washrooms and showers. These facilities will not only ben­ efit the Thresher Reunion but soc­ cer players and campers who use the park at other times of the year. A dumping station may also be considered for the park area. Council instructed Clerk-Trea­ surer John Stewart to investigate the matter and report back. ***■ Council discussed the concern expressed by some residents and councillors about the frequency of the sidewalk washing. Noting that Blyth is a tourist community and asking if all other work was being completed, council agreed to let staff use their own judgement as to whether or not washing was needed. *** Council authorized Reeve Mason Bailey and Stewart to sign indem­ nification agreements with Peter and Tony Uyl and Murray Siertse- ma regarding the old rail bed prop­ erty. *** Authorization was also given for the signing of a document acknowl- edging the transfer of Blyth Wastewater Treatment Plan and Collection System to the village from the Ministry of the Environ­ ment. *** There were no objections to the Leukemia Research Fund of Cana­ da selling raffle tickets in the municipality. *** There were no objections to Brad Montgomery starting a taxi service in the village. The appropriate bylaw will be drafted. *** In reporting on the Greenway committee. Councillor Doug Scrimgeour said a community gar­ den is being developed on property owned by Murray Siertsema. NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND NOTICE OF WRITTEN HEARING FRANCHISE APPROVAL FOR THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT An Application dated December 3, 1998 has been filed by Union Gas Limited ("Union") with the Ontario Energy Board under sections 9 and 10 of the Municipal Franchises Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.55, as amended. Union has applied for an order of the Board approving the terms and conditions upon which and the period for which the Corporation of the Township of Hullett ("the Municipality") is, by by-law ("the By-law"), to grant to Union rights to construct and operate works for the distribution of gas and to extend or add to the works in the Municipality ("the Franchise Agreement"). Union has also applied for an order of the Board declaring and directing that the assent of the electors of the Township of Hullett to the By-law is not necessary. Currently, Union is serving the Township of Hullett and it has a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (F.B.C. 252) and a franchise agreement which will expire on July 31, 1999 for the Municipality. The Application covers the same territory as the original franchise agreement except for one boundary change where part of Lot 22, Concession 1, originally in the Township of Hullett, was annexed to the Town of Clinton. Union also possesses valid Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity and Franchise Agreements for the Townships of Goderich, McKillop and Tuckersmith which are immediately adjacent to the Municipality. Enbridge Consumers' Gas is the nearest other utility and it serves gas in the County of Dufferin. The Board intends to proceed in this matter by way of a written hearing. How to see Union's Application Copies of Union's Application are available for inspection at the Board's offices, at Union's head office, at Union's divisional office in Waterloo, and at the office of the Clerk-Treasurer of the Corporation of the Township of Hullett (addresses below). How to Intervene If you wish to intervene (i.e. actively participate) in the proceedings relating to this Application, you must file a letter of intervention within 14 days of the publication of this Notice. Your letter of intervention must be delivered or mailed terthe Board Secretary and to Union at the addresses below. The letter of intervention must state: 1. your name, address, telephone and facsimile numbers; 2. your interest in the Application; 3. your intention to participate in the written hearing; 4. the issues you intend to address in the written hearing; and 5. whether you intend to seek an award of costs. If you wish to participate in the French language in the proceeding, your letter must state this. Written Hearing The Board intends to proceed in this matter by way of a written hearing. However an intervenor may request the Board to proceed by way of an oral hearing by writing to the Board Secretary within 21 days of the delivery of this Notice, RP-1999-0019 Notice "B” explaining why an oral hearing is preferable to a written hearing. The Board will consider all such requests, and will notify intervenors of its decision. All Intervenors and Board Staff must file any written submissions with the Board and with Union by June 2, 1999 at 4:45 p.m. Union must file any reply submissions by June 9, 1999 at 4:45 p.m. Other procedural orders as to how these matters will proceed may be issued by the Board from time to time. Copies of any procedural orders will be sent to all intervenors. How to Observe If you do not wish to actively participate, but wish to monitor the proceeding and receive Board issued documents, you may request observer status in the proceeding, by writing the Board Secretary within 14 days of the publication of this Notice. How to Comment If you wish to comment on the Application without becoming an intervenor or an observer, you may write a letter of comment to the Board Secretary stating your views and any relevant information. All letters of comment will be provided to Union and will become part of the public record in the proceeding. All letters of comment must be filed with the Board Secretary within 21 days of the publication of this Notice. IMPORTANT IF YOU DO NOT FILE A LETTER OF INTERVENTION OR A LETTER OF COMMENT, OR IF YOU DO NOT FILE WRITTEN SUBMISSIONS OR OBJECT TO THE MATTER PROCEEDING BY WAY OF A WRITTEN HEARING, THE BOARD MAY PROCEED IN YOUR ABSENCE AND YOU WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO ANY FURTHER NOTICE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS. ADDRESSES Ontario Energy Board P.O. Box 2319 2300 Yonge Street 26th Floor Toronto, Ontario M4P 1E4 Attn.: Paul B. Pudge Board Secretary Toll free: 1-888-632-6273 The Corporation of the Township of Hullett P.O. Box 226 Londesboro, Ontario N0M 2H0 Attn: Tel: Beverly M. Shaddick Clerk-Treasurer (519) 523-4340 All documents sent by mail should be directed to the following address: Union Gas Limited 50 Keil Drive North Chatham, Ontario N7M5M1 Attn: David Kunsch Solicitor Tel: (519) 436-5396 Fax:(519)436-5218 Union Gas Limited 603 Kumpf Drive P.O. Box 340 Waterloo, Ontario N2J 4A4 Attn: Bob Adie Tel: (519)885-7400, ext. 425 DATED at Toronto April 29, 1999 ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD Peter H. O'Dell Assistant Board Secretary