HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1999-04-14, Page 24WANTED ZJ Walton PS students plant seeds LONDESBORO MEN'S SLOW- pitch League is seeking new teams for the upcoming ball season. Anyone who might be interested should contact Terry Greidanus at 523-9390 evenings. 15-1 WANTED TO BUY: SCRAP CARS and trucks. L & B Auto Wreckers. 1/2 mile south of Brussels. Call 887-9499. tfn Continued from page 9 with MS and what her life was like. The total amount collected will be announced next week. The kindergarten class welcomed new student Jessica Baer to class this week. They also studied the letter Q this week. They had fun quacking like ducks and making rubbings of quarters. They experimented with moving quietly and quickly. Grade 1/2 has started to Pengelleys return Rev. Peter and Mrs. Nancy Tucker, Elliott Lake spent several days at the home of Mrs. Mabel Wheeler. Gord and Myrtle Pengelley have returned home from a stay at Coolidge, AZ. Dinner guests after confirmation and communion at Knox, at the home of John, Linda, Jeremy and Justin Campbell were Rev. Mary- Jane Hobden, Rev. Alan Rush and Stephen, Lome and Lillian Campbell, Bruce, Andrew, Matthew and Travis Campbell. Bob and Jane Gras by and Laura Johnston spent Easter weekend with George and Mary Johnston of Ilderton and Gary and Donna Leitch of London. John, Linda, Jeremy and Justin Campbell spent Easter weekend at Grand Bend and were dinner guests at the cottage of Bob and Heather Maass. Jim and Irene Lamont were Easter dinner guests at the home of Mike and Donelda Cottrill and family. The following weekend Dale and Colleen Lamont of London visited at the home of Mike and Donelda Cottrill and family. Me Arter, Hopf share wealth Continued from page 10 Isabelle Elston, J.D. Shiell, Trevor Hoff, Cathy McCracken, Bob Brown. Bingo winners include Matt Cowan, Isabelle Craig, Matthew Cottrill, Muriel Taylor, Jack Shiell, Laura Johnston, Keith Black, Loma Cook, Rhonna Shaw, Irene Lamont. Florence McArter and Maureen Hopf were Share-the-Wealth winners. investigate the earth and its systems by seeing how plants, animals and humans adapt to daily and seasonal changes. They're keeping a daily record of the flower seeds they have planted. Each day they are recording the temperature and the time the sun rises and sets. Congratulations to the Grade 3 class who got perfect dictation review this past week. The 3/4s are busy making costumes for their medieval feast that will take place at the end of the month. Mrs. Haney has been going room to room preparing the kids for education week in which the farm theme is Old MacDonald had a farm. The students will be singing some pretty fun songs for the event. 143 Josephine St., Wingham (519) 357-2191 Just what you will be looking for this spring Mouth Watering & Hot - Fish Dinners - Poutine Fries - Rib Burgers - Cappuccino Shakes - Battered Vegetables and more If the cold's got you shaken, Try something with bacon NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS in the TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS 1999 dog tags and licences are now available at the: Township of Morris Municipal Office, R.R. 4, Brussels, Ontario. Telephone 519-887-6137 (Located on Huron County Road No. 16) All dogs must be licenced in compliance with By-law 7- 1998. A copy of the complete By-law is available for review at the Municipal Office. All dogs must be identified by means of a tag and licence, issued for a one year period, BY APRIL 30, 1999 The fee schedule shall be as follows: 1) All dogs - males, females, spayed females 2) Kennel Licence Fee (for a kennel of dogs that are registered or eligible for registration under the Animal Pedigree Act). 3) Late Payment Charge Shall be assessed in addition to the licence $20.00 each $75.00 $20.00 fee, if the licence and or tag is not purchased by April 30th. The By-law requires dog owners to forthwith remove excrement left by a dog, from property other than the premises of the owner of the dog. Any person contravening this provision is subject to a $50.00 fee. Nancy Michie AMCT Clerk-Treasurer Township of Morris, CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" AGRICULTURE WANTED: HARDWOOD LOGS Prompt payment for hardwood logs, prepayment for timber stands. Veneer log pnces Provincially licensed tree markers and certi­ fied equipment operators. Special care taken in harvesting. Pannill Veneer Co. Ltd. est. 1927, 340 Louisa St., Kitchener (519)742-5887. FOR SALE SAWMILL S4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, planks, beams Large capacity. Best sawmill value anywhere. Free information 1-800-566-6899. Norwood Sawmills, R.R 2, Kilworthy, Ontario POE 1G0. BUSINESS OPPS. MOMS replace your current income and stay home yvith your family. Call now for FREE information 1-800-851-5996. CASH IN/CASH OUT Coke, Pepsi, Hostess, M&M. Re-stock established unique vendors in your area. No selling. Full-time, part-time. Minimum investment $13,980.1-888-503-8884 24 hours. IT'S LEGAL! Coming to Canada. Our service to consumers offers extensive Legal coverage - Almost FREE. Managers • agents urgently required. Work from home. Toll Free message. CALL 1-877-410-5293. HOME-BASED TRAVEL CAREER TRAINING. Earn money while learning the travel business working from home. 100% daily support. CALL Travelsource: 1- 800-561-9999. Ontario license #2122091. 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HELP WANTED CARE FOR VACANT HOMES part time in YOUR AREA weekly visits, grass/snow, light cleanup. Must be bondable, have own equipment, car and access to fax. Monthly commission. THE HOUSESITTERS, 1-800-304-6873, Ext. 802. SALES HELP WANTED $$CHOCOLATES$$ Spring is coming. Make lots of money selling chocolate bars. New products available, fast delivery. Fund Raising available. Call now 1- 800-383-3589 HORSES >2: Join us for the 9th annual FLAME OF HOPE TRAIL RIDE AND CARRIAGE DRIVE, Saturday May 29, 1999 in Elmira! A non-competitive event on horseback to raise money for Diabetes Research! Awesome prizes! Call 1-519-848-5337 today! PAY TELEPHONE SERV. CANADIAN PSYCHICS • Uncover secrets of your future. Know what the year will bring. Accurate and Affordable 1-900-451-7070 $2.89/minute 18+. HIMALAYA PSYCHIC ANSWERS. Guidance from above. 1-900-677-7979. 18+, $2.99/minute, 24 hours. PERSONALS Unwanted emotions, fears, self-doubts? Find out for yourself. 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