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The Citizen, 1999-01-27, Page 2
PAGE 2. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1999. Donated Brussels Lions donated uniforms to the Brussels Novice Houseleague and Rep teams. From left: Adam Corbett, Lions Vice-President Greg Ducharme, Ryan Jutzi. Brussels Transport sponsored socks for Minor Hockey. (AshieyGroppphoto) WI learns about speech therapy Mom’s Pizza opens On Wednesday, Jan. 6 the Majestic Women's Institute held its monthly meeting at Brussels Library. President Edna McLellan opened the meeting. Secretary Kathy Bridge read the correspondence and treasurer Jean Bell gave her report. Majestic is responsible for the November birthday party at Huronlea. At this time the meeting was turned over to the convenors Leona Armstrong and Marie McCutcheon who promptly introduced their speaker, Leona's daughter, Leanne. She spoke on her position as a speach therapist. She has the option with this job of working in several settings in daycares, schools, hospitals. The largest number of speech and hearing impairments occur between the ages of five and 21. It makes the language difficult when words sound the same but are spelled differently. Several questions from the floor were dealt with. There was a reading about violence on TV. The powers that be know of the violent content but they simply can't remove it all. This then leads to parents' responsible for monitoring what their children are watching as Saturday morning cartoons have far more violence than prime time TV. There was a reading on the motto, "It takes a community to raise a child." Ruby Steiss had some smiles everyone enjoyed. Then members answered the roll call, "What you do to strengthen family and community ties?" Answers ranged from - set a good example to listen and participate. The next meeting will be Wednesday, Feb. 10 with a speaker Euchre results The monthly euchre tournament was held at the IOOF Lodge, Brussels Jan. 18 at 8 p.m. There were seven tables in play. Lucky winners were: high lady, Eluned McNair; high man, Luella Mitchell; low lady, Mary Love; low man, Mervyn Schneider; most lone hands, lady, Isabel Craig; most lone hands, man, Allan Edgar; most zeros, Freda D'Arcy. on tax reform. On Thursday, Jan. 21 the Majestic WI held a soup and sandwich luncheon which was enjoyed by many. Following this five tables of euchre were played with prizes going to the following: high lady, June Jacklin; high man, Harold A Note from Betty I've had a thinking week - you know the kind - things happen that get you thinking in a different direction. First of all the snow went, as fast as it came - and so, thoughts were of melts, floods and wet feet and not of whiteouts and glorious snow folk. Then I had two afternoons in funeral homes, one, a quite interesting combination funeral home and hardware store. I won't even begin to tell you what I thought while sitting there. I tried to keep my thoughts on the jolly cousin who had died but light bulbs, shovels and fuses did interrupt! In a comfortable, familiar - no hardware - funeral home my thoughts went to earlier days that involved my dad - good times, fine folk and memories. Both funeral homes were places of good thoughts - what a legacy from these two men. And we're into birthday season on Tory Hill and that gets one thinking again - good friends, good times, good years! In case you haven’t bought Joan's gift yet - she's looking for plastic lawn ornaments, especially flamingos - to sprout Feb. 1. Happy thoughts now! Bye now, Betty. NOTICE TO BRUSSELS PUC CUSTOMERS The monthly water flat rate will be increased from $10.50/month to $11.00 effective on the January billing due February, 1999. All multiple rates will change accordingly. The increase is necessary due to increased maintenance costs. There has been no increase since January 1, 1993. BRUSSELS PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Reunion Hockey Game 1986-87 Brussels Bulls OHA Jr. D Semi-Finalists VS 1998-99 JR C Brussels Bulls Saturday, Feb. 6th 7:30 p.m. Brussels Morris And Grey Community Centre Make the most of your stopover Special Rate. © $ $ Steffler; low lady, Viola Adams; low man, Doug Hemingway; lone hands, Erma Brighton, Neil Hatt; lucky tallies, Yvonne Knight, Jeanne Ireland, Iona McLean, Elunid McNair, Vi Howes, Doris McCall, Dorothy Steffler. The next regular euchre will be held Wednesday, Feb. 3. $ $ $ A new business is set to open its door this weekend in Brussels. Heather Stewart is expanding her Mom's Pizza and Subs in Seaforth, which she has operated for a year, to a location al 421 Turn berry St., north of The Citizen. Offering eat-in as well as take out, Stewart said she decided to open the second eatery because they were already delivering to Brussels so figured they might as 'well serve the community even bet ter and put in a store. "And I love the business," she said. NOTICE Brussels Variety will be closed on Sunday, January 31 at 6:00 p.m. We believe... in helping. Anyone. Anywhere. PLEASE GIVE 1 888 321 3433 a Blues Sale Q: January 27, 28, 29 & 30^ 10-30% off ) I throughout the store > 50% off Christmas £ \ items, including Christmas > Cherished Teddies