HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1999-01-06, Page 15THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1999. PAGE 15.
and upgrades, VCR repairs and
mini dish installations. Call Steve
Blake at Huron Video and Sound
887-6710 or email blakey @ wcl.on.ca.
"Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country"
child willing to care for children in
my home. Child Care credits,
Babysitting Course, First Aid and
CPR, nutritious snacks and meals.
Will provide crafts, storytime, and
outside activities. Large yard. Non
smoking home. Contact Kerry
Hallahan at 523-4496. 49-4p
and trucks. L & B Auto Wreckers,
1/2 mile south of Brussels. Call
887-9499. tfn
ably priced air-tight wood stove.
Phone 887-9250 after 6:00. 01-lp
School bd.
Sup’t. of Ed.
The Avon Maitland District
School board has announced the
appointment of Marjatta Longston
as superintendent of education -
secondary effective Feb. 1.
Longston began her teaching
career with the Sudbury Board of
Education in 1970. She has taught
at the intermediate and secondary
level. During her career she has
been involved in many capacities,
including program co-ordinator and
administrator with the Sudbury-
Manitoulin Children's Foundation,
co-operative education co
ordinator, secondment as associate
professor, academic advisor with
Nipissing University, secondary
vice principal and principal.
Longston received her Masters of
Education Degree in 1994 and her
supervisory Officer's Certification
in 1996.
Over the years, she has
participated in many provincial
organizations related to education,
including many years involvement
with the Ontario Co-operative
Education Association, serving as
provincial director for four years.
Leadership activities with the
Sudbury Board of Education
involved chair of the Harassment
Policy Committee, chair of the Co
operative Education Policy
Committee, co-chair of the
Transition Years Committees,
Curriculum Council, Professional
Development Council, Vocational
Advisory Committee, and Future
Longston has also had extensive
involvement in the Sudbury
WANTED: HARDWOOD LOGS. Prompt payment for hardwood logs,
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COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute of Canada offers on-campus and
correspondence courses toward a Diploma in Counselling Practice, to
begin this month. Free catalogue, call 24hrs. 1-800-665-7044.
JOHNS MANVILLE requires electrician with instrumentation experi
ence. Requirements: Journeyman electrical ticket or AB equivalent.
Allen Bradley PLC-5-VFD. High voltage training/instrumentation or
electronics background is an asset. Willing to work shiftwork and over
time. If you are a highly safety conscious, self-motivated teamplayer
who possesses industrial plant maintenance experience, basic comput
er skills and are a non-smoker please mail resume by January 18:
Johns Manville Canada Inc., 4704 • 58 St., Innisfail, AB, T4G 1A2. Fax
403-227-7196. Attention: Human Resources.
BEST new video store concept in Canada. Director of franchising: Mr.
Hickey 1-800-998-2254. Portable: 705-446-4564. “Not Just a Video
SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, planks, beams. Large
capacity. Best sawmill value anywhere. Free information 1-800-566-
6899. Norwood Sawmills, R.R 2, Kilworthy, Ontario POE 1G0.
Community Newspaper management positions are available in editori
al, retail sales and circulation. Candidate must possess a thorough
working knowledge of the disciplines as they relate to the community
newspaper field. Located within 60 minutes of Toronto. Reply in confi
dence to: Human Resources, Suite 800,16715-12 Yonge St., Newmar
ket, Ontario L3X 1X4 by January 31.
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AMDSB superintendent resigns
At its meeting on Dec. 8 the
Avon Maitland District School
board received the resignation of
Marilyn Marklevitz, superintendent
of business - finance, transport and
special projects, from the Avon
Maitland District School board
effective Jan. 31.
Marklevitz has been appointed as
the superintendent of financial
services and treasurer with the
Waterloo Region District School
Board, with duties to commence
Feb. 1.
She began her career with the
Perth County Board of Education
in 1985 as accounting manager,
was appointed as acting
superintendent of business and
assistant treasurer in August, 1991
and, in April, 1992 was appointed
as superintendent of business and
finance and assistant treasure.
Janet Baird-Jackson,
superintendent of corporate
operations and information
technology, will assume the
leadership of the business functions
for which Marklevitz was
responsible on an interim basis in
addition to continuing her present
A revised senior staff
College offers prep program
Conestoga College will offer an
Employment Planning and
Preparation program, an eight week
program for out-of-school, out-of-
work youth (ages 16-24) beginning
Jan. 20. The program is free of
charge to participants.
The program aims to provide
participants with the opportunity to
improve their employability skills
and experience. Employment
Planning and Preparation focuses
on personal career assessments,
goal setting, accessing community
resources, communication skills,
organization, to be effective Sept. 1
will be developed, taking into
account the shift in emphasis, the
downsizing of the senior staff, as
well as the experience, individual
strengths and interests of the
incumbent supervisory officials.
vocational skills, and problem
The program will run on
Wednesdays and Thursday from 9
a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Wingham
HERC, 108 Scott St.
AMDSB correction
Due to incorrect figures in an
Avon Maitland District School
Board release, erroneous informa
tion appeared in the story headlined
"Schools get temporary reprieve" in
The Huron Tourism Association
(HTA) has established the new
executive for 1999. Newly chosen
President Laurel Armstrong along
with Vice-President Micheline
Notte will provide guidance for
their board and the 175 association
The HTA board members for
1998-1999 are: Joan Karstens,
Sybille Schaufler, Laurel Arm
strong, Cindy Fisher, Micheline
Notte, Pat Osborn, Judy Lecompte,
Kathy Nichol, Donna Watson, Jack
Gillespie, Dave Bushnell, Kathryn
Darby and Joe Wooden.
The Huron Tourism Association,
in partnership with the Huron
County Planning and Development
Department will continue tourism
development for the upcoming
season, along with implementing a
review of activities and marketing
promotions to extend the seasons in
the county, thereby contributing to
stronger seasonal employment. The
marketing of the popular slogan,
'Huron County - Ontario's West
Coast' will be continued, along
with the marketing of the new
'Huron Harvest Trail'.
The key tool of the marketing
strategy is the Huron County
Travel guide, a publication in wide
distribution to visitors exploring
the region. This travel publication
is a co-operative production of the
Huron County Planning and
Development Department, the
Huron Tourism Association and the
Huron County Plowmen's
For 1998-99, the International
Plowing Match will be featured as
preparations are made for this
mammoth event Sept. 21 - 25,
1999, near Dashwood.
Tourism and related businesses
are listed for no charge in the pages
of the travel guide and Huron
Tourism Association members are
given enhanced listings and HTA
logos to denote their support for the
tourism association.
Huron Tourism Association
members can take advantage of a
variety of marketing and
promotional benefits which include
enhanced listings and HTA logos in
the pages of the Huron County
travel guide.
This program is funded by the
Ministry of Education and
Training, under the Job Connect
For more information, contact
Joanne or Terry at 357-4995.
the Dec. 9 issue of The Citizen.
Capacity figures for Seaforth
District High School are not below
70 per cent, but may exceed 75 per