HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1997-11-12, Page 22Expanding the ranks of the Brownies
The Brussels Brownie troupe grew by 11 members when these young ladies joined in. They
are, in back, from left: Courtney Knox, Lindsey Watson, Janelie Bondi, Alicia Engel and
Davis Minielly. In front, from left: Jessie Sowa, Madelaine Deitner, Tamara Darling, Felicia
Souch, Tiffany Roetcisoender and Meagan Keffer.
Council argues for Huronview staff
Mickle says council
went too far to save
Issues of better treatment of staff
at Huron County’s homes for the
aged were raised by two council
lors at Huron County council on
Nov. 6.
Councillors Tom Cunningham of
Hullett and Brian McBurney of
Turnberry, reported on a tour of
Huronview they had taken after
hearing complaints from staff and
Cunningham worried that at
times (on lunch breaks, etc.) there
is only one person on duty in the
secured care unit, an area kept
locked because the residents have
memory lapses and are prone to
wandering. *
Saying that these patients, while
usually harmless, can sometimes be
violent, Cunningham said it was
unsafe for staff to be locked in the
room alone.
McBumey said he had been told
the situation was a direct result of
staff cutbacks.
Cathie Brown, homes administra
tor, said the 20-bed secured area
has two call buttons in each unit,
one by the bed and one in the bath
room. There is also a panic button
at the desk that unlocks the door
automatically, she said.
Still, she said, a unit meeting was
being organized shortly to see if
Waste management masterplan on hold
Arguing there is no hurry to
adopt the county’s Waste Manage
ment Masterplan, Huron County
council voted Thursday to delay
giving notice of adoption of the
plan until the new year.
Craig Metzger, co-ordinator of
the masterplan, had suggested
council could issue the required 60
days notice to adopt the plan which
would mean the earliest council
could approve it would be the
February meeting. But Bert Elliott,
reeve of Morris, said his council
wanted the whole process stopped
until after the new year. A new
council was being elected and the
Christmas holidays were nearing,
making it difficult to hold meet
ings, he said.
Morris and Exeter are integral
parts of the plan, with Morris’s
landfill to serve as zone landfill site
for the northejji part of the county
while Exeter’s site will serve the
staffing could be reorganized to
make sure people weren’t alone in
the secured area.
Cunningham and McBumey also
raised the issue of important family
calls not getting to staff. Cunning
ham revealed seeing a notice post
ed telling staff that if a personal
call is coming they might not be
notified until their break time.
Brown said management has
attempted to reduce the use of the
overhead paging system because
the home should seem like home,
not an institution, for the residents.
“We’ve been trying to reach a
balance between the residents feel
ing it is a home but we also have to
balance that the staff also have
She said a notice had been posted
that with the exception of an emer
gency, they would avoid using the
overhead paging system. Manage
ment had made an effort, she said,
to make sure that message had got
across to staff.
Cunningham and McBumey said
they were also not happy with the
cleanliness of the home but this had
been improved after they brought
the problems to the Health and
Seniors committee on Oct. 15.
After their report, the committee
had toured Huronview.
Bill Mickle, reeve of Exeter sup
ported Elliott’s call for deferral.
There could be a 70 per cent
turnover in the Exeter council, he
said, and the new councillors need
ed time to learn the issues involved.
Morris and Exeter had held one
joint meeting but their philosophies
are different. It would be nice if
they could agree to look at the issue
in the same way, but that would
take more meetings, he said.
“It is a complex exercise because
we’re looking way into the future
as to how to make it (the zone sys
tem) work,” Mickle said. It would
also be better for the county to
make sure everything was in place
so it wouldn’t have to go back and
make amendments to the plan, he
Their motion to defer was passed
by council.
Other councillors worried that
the county was getting involved in
Continued on page 28
Continued from page 1
going back (to the old system).”
He was supported by Bill Mickle,
reeve of Exeter, who also isn’t run
ning for office. “We as elected
members of this council need to
take hold of what’s happening,” he
said. “In the hope of saving money
we have gone too far.”
Mickle said he had shown a copy
of his agenda to some non-council-
lors and they had questioned how
councillors could make decisions
on important issues based on the
information they were given.
“I think we should make a rec
ommendation to the new council to
revisit how county council operates
and the committee system.”
Mason Bailey, reeve of Blyth,
agreed, saying he had been
involved in every kind of commit
tee from hospitals to credit unions
over 35 years and he had sadly
learned that “you don’t have to
know much to be part of county
There is an opportunity to give
councillors more information to
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allow everyone to be involved, he
But Jack Coleman, reeve of Stan
ley, said the comments about need
ing more people on more
committees drew into question
moves to amalgamate. “If we are
going to amalgamate there will be
fewer committees,” he warned.
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