HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1997-11-12, Page 21REAL ESTATE TENDERS PAGE 22. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1997. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Q Countrywide HEARTLAND REALTY INC. 1 Albert St., Clinton 519-482-3400 See our website www.countrywideheartland.on.ca Serving Huron From The Heart Member Broker A The Huron County Board of Education invites tenders for LIBRARY ALTERATIONS at CLINTON PUBLIC SCHOOL and STEPHEN CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL A NEW SERVICE ■ 24 Hour Real Estate information at no cost to you: Dial 1-800- 463-7363 plus the extension number of the property that you want information on. R.R. #3 AUBURN: 125 acres, 100 workable. 18 acres of hardwood bush. Good beef barn and storage shed. 5 bedroom bungalow with finished basement. Call Fred at 482-3400 or 1-888-482-3400. LARGE 1600 SQ. FT. BUNGALOW: in Londesboro on a spacious lot. Has a basement and a 2 car garage and drilled well. Garage with workshop. Ideal for the hobbyist. Call 1-800-463- 7363 ext. 5155 or call Fred Lobb at 482-3400 or toll free at 1-888-482-3400. 482-3400 □ VEHICLES FOR SALE Sealed tenders addressed to The Huron County Board of Education, will be received at the office of The Huron County Board of Education, 163 Princess Street, East, Clinton, Ontario, NOM 1L0,-until 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 20, 1997. A Bid Bond amount of $18,000 is required to accompany the tender. The successful bidder will be required to provide a 50% Performance Bond and a 50% Labour and Material Payment Bond. A limited number of tender documents will be available to General Contractors only, from the office of Garratt & Marklevitz, 516 Huron Street, Stratford, Ontario. N5A 5T7, after November 13, 1997, upon deposit of a certified cheque in the amount of $50.00 per set. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. Carter Chair P. Canoil Director ALUMINUM AND CUSTOM welding, ornamental railing, trailers, custom hitches, pigs/cattle penning, machinery repairs and fabricating. Call Peter de Jong, 523-4816. tfn COMPUTER SALES, SERVICE and upgrades, VCR repairs and mini dish installations. Call Steve Blake at Huron Video and Sound 887-6710 or email blakey@wcl.on.ca 44-tfn 1985 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX, good condition, V8, $795 as is 887- 6710. 44-lb Goderich lights up for season The Christmas season is approaching and with it, Goderich Festival of Lights Celebrations. The celebrations begin on Nov. 21 with the annual Angel Tree Ceremony, Jingle Bell Walk and Christmas Carol Sing at the Museum. On Saturday evening, Nov. 22 celebrate the Night Time Santa Claus Parade at 7 p.m., followed by the Tree Lighting Ceremony in Court House Park. Other events include family activities on the square during Saturday afternoon, a FREE movie matinee at the Park Theatre, AgVise Duck Rides and Face Painting. Goderich Little Theatre presents A Christmas Carol... Scrooge and Marley. "Sights and Sounds for a Winter's Night" will be presented at Knox Church. There will be a Santa's Breakfast and more. For further information, contact the Town of Goderich Tourist Department at 524-6600 or 524-8344. Goderich Festival of Lights is a non-profit endeavour. 1984 CHEV 18' CUB VAN, AS IS $1500.00 or best offer. Phone 482- 9371. • 44-lb 1--------------1WANTED Brussels council briefs Clerk reports quiet Halloween DAVE'S CAR OILING, Drummond St., Blyth, 523-4343. It's time to get your car oiled! Month of November - open Monday to Thursday evenings 7 to 9, Saturday 8 a.m. to noon, weather permitting. 43-4 CONSCIENTIOUS AND AMBI- tious woman has high standards for keeping a clean house. Will gladly provide references. Phone 887- 9841. 44-2p WANTED TO BUY: 150 BALES good first cut hay. Phone 887-9383. 44-lp WANTED TO BUY: SCRAP CARS and trucks. L & B Auto Wreckers, 1/2 miles south of Brussels. Call 887-9499. tfn WANTED TO BUY: GOOD USED piano. Call Debbie Seili 887-6289. 43-2 CRAWFORD S FLEA MARKET - Open Thurs. - Sunday 9-5. Vendors Wanted. 676 Lome Ave. East, Stratford, ON. 1-800-758- 6535. 44 & 48p Royal grows back to the future Do you need help completing the 1997 harvest? We are available with C.I.H. 2188 axial flow combine, tractor & buggy & trucking Contact Neil Hemingway 887-6444 Continued from page 18 Musical Ride, Heinz 8-Horse Hitch and Dr. Reiner Klimke, world renowned Dressage rider. Garden enthusiasts, awed by the beauty and vibrant colour of the Winter Garden Show, will be gathering fresh ideas for the next year. In honour of the Royal's 75th anniversary, the theme for this show is "Growing Back to the Future." We welcome your letters It was a different Halloween than - those of the past in Brussels. Clerk-Treasurer Donna White reported to council at the Nov. 3 meeting, that the evenings of Oct. 30 and 31 were extremely quiet, with no damage reported. With the majority of the leaves still hanging in there the leaf vac has been put on stand by. White said residents are being asked to get the leaves to the road as soon as they can. Animal Control Officer Bob Trick had visited the home of Doug Trollope regarding his pit bull. White said on Oct. 29, Trollope, who had attended the previous meeting of council to complain about the cost of a dog tag for a pit bull, had told Trick he wasn't sure what he was going to do about the dog. White told council that the dog had been loose for a few minutes and was chasing a truck. After Trick's most recent visit, however, Trollope said he had gotten rid of the dog.*♦* The total cost of the new side­ walks is $19,480.45. Infrastructure money is coming in the amount of $9,15*7, while the remainder is being transferred from reserves as the work had not been included in the budget. The balance in reserves will be $8,200, White said.**♦ The tender from Bauers' in the amount of $54 per hour and $30 per day for snowplowing was the only one received by council.**• Two tenders were received for the construction of an aluminum lank enclosure at the sewage stor­ age plant. Cousins Construction submitted the lowest tender in the total amount of $9,371.59. The other submission was from Henry Exel Construction for a cost of $11,289.46. The lowest tender was accepted. •** White asked Reeve Gord Work­ man and Councillor Ralph Watson for a report from the Who Does What meeting held in Goderich recently. Workman said, "It was interesting but it's the same old story. No numbers, no figures." "The only thing certain is we're getting downloaded on," added Watson.♦*» Council donated a history book to The Ark's silent auction. They have also declared Nov. 9-15 as Safe Week. Lisa Winger's contract with the clerk's office ends at the end of this month. White told council she could used her assistance on a part- time basis to help her catch-up with the workload. Council agreed to offer her three days a week for one month.♦♦♦ A request from the crossing guards for holiday pay during the strike was denied. Deputy-Clerk Lori Pipe said the guards had received their holiday pay in June. Workman said, "That's too tri­ fling to even bother with the paper work. When Pipe said she would nor­ mally give them the rest of the year's holiday pay at the end of the year, Councillor Mary Stretton said, "They'll have to wait until then." Council supported a resolution form the City of Stratford request­ ing some assurance from the province that the downloading will be revenue neutral as promised. The Medical/Dental board is looking at the possibility of reno­ vating the centre so the doctors could move their offices down­ stairs, so they would be accessible for wheelchairs. Pipe said this would proceed if it could be done affordably.♦♦♦ White will attend the AMCTO seminar on the Fair Municipal Finance Act, in London, Nov. 17 at a cost of $160.50. Go figure! If just 1% more Canadians were physically active, annual savings in health-care costs could be as much as $12,000,000. Sharing a Healthier Fufure'^^B .paHTicipacnan WHERE DO YOU TURN TO LEARN WHAT’S ON SALE? YOUR NEWSPAPER: The link to your community