HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1997-11-12, Page 15« PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12,1997. Special day Marj and Ted East of Blyth were the guests of honour at an open house on Sunday at Blyth United Church, on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. (News-Record photo) Hullett deals with animal control issue Hullett council dealt with two animal control matters at the Nov. 4 session. Council agreed to monitor the animal control officer over the next 12 months for extra calls related to skunks and/or other wild animals, for extra costs that would be incurred. A bylaw licensing, regulating and requiring the registration of dogs, for imposing a licensing fee on owners and for prohibiting or regu­ lating the running at large of dogs within the municipalities, was passed. An agreement was entered into with McKillop Twp. for the winter maintenance of Cone. 4/5 from County Road 15 to the Hullett/ McKillop Townline. Council supported a requested amendment to the Huron County draft official plan, made by Morris Twp. The amendment would allow flexibility for each municipality to establish individual policies for agricultural areas defined as Class 1-6 land, in order to allow sever­ ance or restricted development. It would ensure agriculture was pro­ tected and not restricted. A resolution from Rockland was also supported by council. The res­ olution requested the OPP delay invoicing municipalities for service and that the invoicing be done in stages to allow for adjustment to the charges. Bills and accounts totalling $117,714.52 were approved for payment. In preparation for winter, Hullett council accepted a tender for snow- blowing at the Oct. 21 meeting. Bill Roy will clear Sideroad 20/21, Cone. 9 for $27 per hour and Donald Nott will blow the streets of Alma for $25 per hour. East Wawanosh Twp. will be hired to plow the Hullett Twp. streets in Auburn for $40 per hour. Council stated their agreement with the Huron County Road Superintendents’ Association regarding the Road Management System Options Study. Council also said there were more discrep­ ancies which require investigation prior to a final decision. The Ministry of Transportation will be informed of the townships concerns regarding the minimum standards for guardrails along municipal highways and bridges. They were concerned about the expense for townships with numer­ ous bridges to maintain. A bylaw was passed, authorizing the reeve and clerk to enter into an agreement with the province for a shared goal in providing sound investments in infrastructure to pro­ mote a competitive and productive economy, generate short and long­ term employment and accelerate economic recovery. There was an agreement that the responsibility of private sewage system planning should remain with the county and that the pro­ posed fee schedule be adopted for Jan. 1. A public meeting was set for Nov. 18, to consider a zoning bylaw amendment for Lot 22, Cone. 1. Auburn Phone 526-72641 The news Compiled by Kay Lapp from I. Cantelon Knox members remember The opening chorus on Sunday, Nov. 9 at 10 a.m. at Knox United, Auburn for Remembrance Sunday was O God, Our Help For Years To Come. Rev. Paul Ross then welcomed all, gave the announcements and invited everyone to worship the Lord. The opening hymn, The Lord's My Shepherd, was followed by prayers of confession and of God's pardon. The children were called to the front as the congregation sang Jesus Loves the Little Children. The children recognized the moccasin Rev. Ross showed them and knew that it was the footwear of Canada's natives. He spoke to them about the use and wearability of this footwear. "They may seem strange to us, but if wom our minds would be changed," he said. No one should judge unless they are sure that what they think is correct As the children went to Sunday School classes two verses of O God Our Help was sung. Scripture from the Old Testament was from Ruth 3. In this, Naomi tells Ruth to dress in her best and go to the threshing grounds where Boaz will see her. Ruth obeyed and out of this came love, marriage and from it the lineage of King David. The choir then favoured with a number. The New Testament reading was from Mark 12. Here the Lord spoke of those who appear lofty, but really are not. He spoke of the difference between giving of the rich to help others and of the poor — widow who gave all that she had to help. Following this the last verses of , O God Our Help was sung. Rev. Ross spoke of those who gave their lives in Flander's Fields. A time of silence was held and The Last Post played. Rev. Ross continued with the sermon. He spoke of those who simply felt they must go and serve their country. Some of them returned but not everyone. A number died so others might live. Throughout life there will always come conditions where one knows that what they do is the only thing that they can do. However, they must remember that God is always there to help, he said. Following the sermon Abide With Me was sung. Prayer was given to God for his concern and help, ending with The Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. Collection was received, doxology sung and offertory prayer given. The closing hymn was For the Healing of the Nations. Benediction was given and Amens sung to close a very worthwhile Remembrance Day. to speak at V/I meeting The guest speaker for the WI meeting on Nov. 20 at 2 p.m. will be Irene Cantelon from Clinton. She will be showing slides and speaking on her trip to Nicaragua. x Roll call will be "If you were doing missionary work what type of work would you like?" The Bible Study Group met at Kay Lapp's home on Tuesday, Nov. 4 at 2 p.m. The sun decided to come from behind the clouds and shine on the group. The scripture was Psalm 2. It was not planned, but was very appropriate as it concerns voting and election. God laughs at all who vote for a certain person because everyone else is. One should vote for the person or the article that they feel is best. Rev. Ross closed the meeting with an inspiring prayer followed by The Lord's Prayer. A number of Aubumites attended the reception held in Blyth United Church for Ted and Marjorie East on their 50th wedding anniversary. They were former residents in Auburn district and active in Knox United Church and village activities. Auburn wishes them many more happy years of wedded life. , n> tn tn.yfl LondesboroThe news from Compiled by June Fothergill Phone 523-4360 Community welcomes newcomers The community welcomes Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bernard and family from London to the village. They are the new owners of the Hillcrest Restaurant. Goodbye to Paul and Marg Brunkard former restaurant owners. Everyone wishes them all the best in their new home. Greeters at Londesboro United Church on Sunday, Nov. 9 were Bill and Irene Bromley. Ushers were Bob and Karen Trick. Music was provided by Kelly Bosman and Lisa Elliott. The sermon topic was "No Choices". Choir practice is at 10:15 a.m. Sundays, Nov. 16 and 23. Home hardware burner’s 3|otne ^arhtoare Come in and meet Donna Gall Employee of Turner's Home Hardware Our friendly service will keep you coming back kA'-YOUR SIMPLY MOBILE REP 24Albert St., Box 99 Clinton (519) 482-7023 LHEALTH on the HILL j A Review of activities at SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL TREES OF LIGHTS Seaforth Hospital Auxiliary invites you to “A Celebration of Sharing” Sunday, November 23, 1997 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. on the front lawn of Seaforth Community Hospital. Lighting Ceremony @ 7:00 p.m. Christmas entertainment, Hot Mulled Cider & Homemade Cookies served. Children, bring your letters and visit with Santa. Tickets: $5.00 each & available from Auxilians or at Hospital Switchboard. Donations over $10.00 will receive a charitable tax receipt. You may choose to purchase a ticket In Memory of/Gift For your loved ones. JUNIOR VOLUNTEERS ALL members please note CPR date change to Sunday, November 30, 1997 1-5 p.m. Conf. Rm. 2. Pre-register by contact­ ing Grace at 527-1650 Ext. 219 or leave a message with Switchboard Receptionist for Vai. Poisson. Opportunities for volunteer assistance include: - Christmas Decorating of Hospital Wed., Nov. 12 - Tree of Lights Celebration assist with refreshments & Santa Sun., Nov. 23rd - Come join the fun, be on Hospital Float in the Santa Claus Parade Fri„ Nov. 28 Contact Frances Teatero (522-1979) or Grace Dolmage indicating your avail­ ability. PUBLIC C.P.R, Saturday, November 29 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Please call 527-1650 to register. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP which may be highly beneficial to individuals who have experienced the death of a loved one. Confidentiality will be upheld in order to ensure a safe place where people may share their fears, loneliness and problems. It is sponsored by Huron Hospice Volunteer Service and will next be held Wed., November 19th (bi-monthly meetings will be held on the first and third Wednesday of every month) at 8:00 p.m. @ Maplewood Manor, Church Street, Seaforth (enter through rear door off parking lot). Anyone interested is most welcome to attend. For further infor­ mation, contact Joan Stewart 522-0897 or Shirley Dinsmore Office: 527-0655 Res. 527-1005. PERINATAL INFORMATION SESSION Thurs., November 20th at 7:30 p.m. Conf. Rm. 2. TOPIC: Pain Control in Labour & Delivery Presenters: Dr. H. Percival & Carol Bowker, Physiotherapist. Pre-repistra- tion requested and appreciated. 527-1650 Ext. 219. QBS PRE-ADMIT CLINIC if you are an expectant Mom 34-38 weeks pregnant and planning to deliver at Seaforth Community Hospital, you are encouraged to attend for sharing of admission information on Thurs., November 20th, at 7:00 p.m. in Conf. Rm. 2. Pre-reeistration requested 527-1650 Ext. 219. Information will also be available as to how Karen Searle & Pam Bieman, Breastfeeding Facilitators can provide breastfeeding support and problem solving if required. For further or immediate information, please contact (519) 522-0409 or (519) 237-3184.