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The Citizen, 1997-09-24, Page 28
PAGE 28. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1997. Trustee supports teachers Continued from page 1 wreak havoc on an already chaotic environment." As for other factors under review by the provincial government, Dyck said he does not agree with the ministry's notion that a longer school day or year would allow the children to learn more. "As a teacher with 27 years expe rience, children learn more and have a better opportunity to achieve their best by lower class sizes, and teacher-to-student ratios as well as having fewer special needs children in the class. We have more children in each class and more special needs children." The Education Improvement Committee, established by the gov ernment to make recommendations for reform, has suggested para-pro fessionals be put in the classroom to teach such things as physical education, said Dyck. "We need certified, qualified teachers who get the professional development needed, as well as the training in the new curriculum and report cards. We need reduced class sizes and an improved funding model which would be fair to small, rural boards." Through the transition to amalga mated boards, education reform and adjustments to taxation control, Van den Broeck says, "It is the teachers who are the bright light. They will not abandon the children. They won't lose heart and we have to support them." Battered landscape High winds, heavy rains and a booming thunderstorm contributed to many fallen trees and broken branches when the fierce weather roared through the area Friday. A large section of this tree fell across Victoria Street in Blyth, downing hydro lines and causing smoke and sparks. Damage in Brussels included a large section of a tree taking out a portion of the tennis court fence at the BMG Community Centre as well as blocking roadways. Grey Central Echo Trails get repairs done By Katy Sproul and Cheryl Armstrong We have three new staff members and we are currently conducting interviews with them. Last week we introduced Mr. Perrie, our new Environmental Science Teacher. This week we'd like you to know a few things about benefit. With the help of some willing students, we have made new steps going down into the bush beside the river so that it will be safer for our runners and they won't slip. We fnay be expanding on these renovations in time. TERRY FOX RUN The Terry Fox Run, which was and Angie Stratton. All these people did excellently in their preparation and speeches, but only one of each could be chosen. The student council is as follows: President, Matt Adams; Vice-President, Tyler Campbell; Secretary, Nicki Hallman, Treasurer, Cheryl Armstrong. PRESERVE YOUR FAMILY HISTORY We will professionally transfer your home movies onto VHS video cassettes 34 Newgate St., Goderich 519-524-7532■. . ________ Mademoiselle Owen. She is the school's new French teacher, taking over for Madame Colquhoun who is on sabbatical. When,asked what inspired her to become a French teacher, she said, "French has really opened some doors for me and I had some really great French teachers growing up. So I would like to give others the same opportunities I've had." She said she hopes that the Grey students learn, not only the basics, but understand and appreciate why they are learning French in the first place." She said she is really happy to be here and that Fall Fair day was especially interesting. CROSS COUNTRY TRAILS We have made a good start in beginning to fix up the cross country trails for the students' held on Monday, Sept. 15, was a success. Students in every grade were escorted by their teachers and all walked or ran the trail, including ~ the staff. A total of $50 was raised, which will be donated to The Terry Fox Foundation. We are all proud to have participated in raising money for this foundation. STUDENT COUNCIL Student Council speeches and elections were held Friday, Sept. 19. The candidates for president were Matt Adams, Heather Armstrong and Sarah Brubacher. Candidates for vice president were Stacy Stewart, Cassie Fischer and Tyler Campbell. Candidates for secretary were Nicki Hallman, Mark Hunter and Michelle De Wit. Candidates for treasurer were Cheryl Armstrong, Kevin Smith Q-Q-Quick! Ch-Ch-Change y-y-your f-r-furnace MAKE YOUR HOME A COMFORT ZONE LENNOX Internet info meeting, Sept. 25 Continued from page 3 ments. Blyth is the largest community in Huron County not on the internet, said Taylor. The CAP grant, to be matched by local donations or fundraising, would allow for the set up of a pub lic access internet site for both per sonal and business use. In an effort to inform the com munity about the program, the committee is hosting a public meet ing at Bainton Gallery, Thursday, Sept. 25, at 7:30 pm. They will discuss the benefits to the community at large as well as business people, encourage support whether monetary or through a let ter, offer information regarding budgets and the current proposal. It is hoped organization represen tatives, business people and resi dents will attend, said Taylor. By acquiring a public access internet site, the committee hopes to offer training for personal or business use, website preparation and information on how to get on line. "We hope to be able to hire a part- time person to provide assis tance as well as to supervise the use of the internet," said Taylor. The Huron County Library is also supporting the project, provid ed one site is in the Blyth Library. A second site may be set up in Blyth council chambers were some supervision is nearby. The committee will also be look ing for volunteers to supervise or assist residents going on-line. Everyone is invited to attend the Sept. 25 session or offer a letter of support to the program. Terms and Conditions f Deterred payments available to Union Gas residential customers on approved credit through Union Gas and Member Union Gas Fireplace Dealers. All other otters not applicable. Otter valid from Aug. 18 to Oct. 18, '97. There are no set-up fees or early payment penalties lor financing. ▲ Residential customers only, on approved credit and only I’ financed through Union Gas and Member Union Gas Fireplace Dealers. © Union Gas Limited 1997. Bringing energy into your life Natural Gas Furnaces No payments until March’98+ Convenient billing options* MONTGOMERY'S Comfort Centre Ltd. 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