HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1997-09-10, Page 17Walton PS news Children get into swing It was back to school this week and back to the old routine of getting to bed early and getting up early. After seeing some tired looking children on Friday afternoon it was clear that it has been a little difficult getting into the swing of things again. I know that has been the case at our house. Mrs. Crocker reported that it had been a great week, things running smoothly with 96 students enrolled, the same number as last year. Things to look forward to are Hot Dog meet the Teacher Night on Sept. 11 from 5:30 - 7 p.m. and the Terry Fox walk on Sept. 12. Parents are invited to join in the walk around the school grounds with the children. Walton was the first school in this area to participate in the walk and now two other schools have joined in. Wanting to know how the first week of school went I talked to Jamie Mitchell, Jessica Berlett- Kuntz, and Nicholas Durrell all of Grade 1. They said that French was Walton Compiled by Patty Banks Pastor talks of James Margaret and Ross Bennett were greeters at Duffs United Church on Sept. 7. Rev. James Murray welcomed everyone and opened the service with the Call to Worship. After singing The Lord's Prayer people greeted each other, then James delivered the announce­ ments. There will be no service next Sunday as it is the Bluevale Anniversary. Sunday school will be in full swing Sunday, Sept. 21 and children in the community are invited to attend. Monday, Sept. 15 the Walton UCW is hosting the East-Huron UCW Fall Rally. The theme is 'Music to Live By' with guest speaker Dorothy Chapman with Mary Moffatt. There will be a book display at 7 p.m. and everyone is more than welcome to come and listen to this dynamic speaker. Gloria Wilbee came forward and sang, / Believe, then Rev. Murray called Bruce and Katrin Godkin and their infant son Mitchell Alexander up to the front of the church where the sacrament of baptism was performed. Standing up with them as godfather to Mitchell was Michael Khella. Children were invited to come forward for children's time and Rev. Murray asked each of them what they did this summer. He told of his time away and how he was able to go fishing. We learned from his son Nathan that he ONLY caught three or four fish. We're not sure of the size however. Rev. Murray's sermon was called, 'Faith Works'. The book of James, (the brother of Jesus) was perhaps the earliest book in the new Testament, he said. It was written before Paul was converted and long before the gospel writers ever dreamed of writing down the story of Jesus. James does not place belief or faith on a pedestal, as Paul does, but figured what you believe and the best thing about their week. Scott Somerville from Mrs. Vivian's Grade 2/3 said that his week was good, fine, awesome and he was all the way to 1800 in his number book! Crystal Gibbons from Grade 4 said that it was good to be back with all of her friends. Mrs. Scott said that she has 26 SK and JKs. Out of the 14 SK only two are girls. Their unit this week was about pigs. The children drew pictures of pigs, cut out pictures of pigs and talked about pigs. They even had conversations with Miss Piggy. Some of the children fixed up her hair so that she could meet her boyfriend Kermit the Frog. They spent a lot of time just getting used to the routine of being in school. Mrs. Bennett has a split class of Grade 1/2. She said that they are a nice group and she noticed how helpful they are with each other, lending a hand to other children. Their theme is 'community' and they will be working on what it means to be a community. The news from Business relocates to Brussels Phone 887-6156 what you do are two sides of the same coin. For him, a person without faith was dead, and a person who had faith, but did nothing to live out that faith was also dead, he said. Rev. Murray asked if faith alone is enough to make for a Christian Life? "Do we need good deeds as well? Can you consider yourself a Christian if you never help another person? If you never show charity or forgiveness?" Rev. Murray said he believes that faith needs works to be made real and true. "Our good deeds need our faith if they are to have any real meaning or purpose," he said. The importance of faith and of works can never be underplayed in any person's life, said Rev. Murray. "Unfortunately, we often wait to the end of a life to take stock of what good has been accomplished. We have been witness to a lot of such evaluating this past week with the tragic death of Diana, the Princess of Wales." There was a lot more to this woman than a smiling pretty face in a glittering gown, he said. Shfe was the first Royal to take up the cause of AIDS, which caused some of the rift between her and the palace. She broke down many of the myths and misconceptions people had about this deadly virus. She was questioned about her campaign against land mines. Now, said Rev. Murray, it looks like the Ottawa process may even succeed, al the talks in Oslo this week. There is talk that if the treaty (which seeks to ban land mines) is signed, it will be dedicated in Diana's memory. The royal family does have incredible privilege, wealth and power. But with that privilege comes the great responsibility to help others. It is a rare person who uses that privilege to increase the good they can do, and exceeds all our expectations. "The devotion we Continued on page 25 some other new Mrs. Vivian's split 2/3 has 23 students and they all worked on 'all about me' and made personality plates and few introductory ideas. The school welcomes students, Cassie, Terry and Kristen Bressett and Cody Wilkins. This week the Second Step program was introduced to the Grades 1-4. It is a program which teaches skills that can help all children get along with other people and do better in school. The program is divided into three different areas - Empathy, Impulse control and Anger Management. They have been learning how to identify their own and other's feelings, how to predict feelings, learning the difference between accidents and things done on purpose, sharing feelings and understanding and accepting differences in others. Listening and talking about feelings helps children to be more understanding of others. It can help to create a more positive classroom environment. For three years Derek Pilatzke, owner of the Walton Auto and Small Engine Repair, had set up shop in Walton. This week he moved to Brussels on 809 Tumberry St. South. His new shop is still going by the same name and he is hoping that his regular Crimestoppers NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETINGS FOR THE NEW COUNTY OF HURON OFFICIAL PLAN Take notice that the Corporation of the County of Huron will hold statutory public meetings under the provisions of Section 17 (15) of the Planning Act to receive Input on the proposed County of Huron Official Plan. THEFT OF TOOLS Thieves entered a bam and stole some tools at Cone. 3, Hullett Twp. on Aug. 25. The tools included a Hausfeld air compressor, an Alljack jack, and heavy duty extension cord. BREAK AND ENTER Sometime over the long weekend, culprits broke into a residence in Londesboro and stole a JVC television and VCR, an RCA dish, a Kenwood stereo with CD player, tape deck, receiver and surround-sound speakers and 30 CDs. The value of these items is approximately $3,700. STOLEN VEHICLE A 1987 Oldsmobile stolen from the Cambridge area was located in a field in Grey Twp. on Aug. 29. The vehicle was engulfed in flames. A red ATV was seen leaving the field approximately 15 minutes before smoke was observed coming from the vehicle. If you have information about these or any other crimes call Crime Stoppers of Huron County, 1-800-222-8477 and you could receive a reward of up4o $ 1,000. Remember crime doesn't pay Crime Stopper does. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10,1997. PAGE 17. Logo winners Souvenir t-shirts, sweatershirts and ball caps for the '99 IPM in Huron County featuring the official logo and slogan were unveiled at a recent meeting at the Walton-area farm of IPM '99 Chair Graeme Craig. From left: Barb Durand, Zurich, winning logo; Marageret Mclnroy, Blyth, winning theme ("Cultivating Ontario's West Coast"); Claus Breede, who designed the final logo from the winning logo and slogan; Les Falconer, Clinton, winning slogan ("See Huron Shine in ’99"); Diane Thiel, chair of the logo contest. customers will continue to be served by him in his new shop. Derek said that the Walton people were very supportive of him and he enjoyed his time there, but by moving into a bigger shop with more modem equipment he will be better able to service their vehicles. Three public meetings are scheduled at the following locations: Date:Wednesday, October 1,1997 at 8:00 p.m. Location:McKay Hall, 10 Nelson St. E., Goderich Date:Wednesday, October 1, 1997 at 8:00 p.m. Location:Town of Wingham Council Chambers, 274 Josephine St., Wingham Date:Thursday, October 2, 1997 at 8:00 p.m. Location:Hensail Community Centre, 157 Oxford St., Hensail Purpose & Effect of the Plan The Huron County Official Plan applies to all lands within Huron County. It is a statement of the community and provides direction for the activities of Individuals and community organizations. It provides guidelines to local municipalities for the development of local official plans. Copies of the Plan Copies of the proposed Huron County Official Plan are available for review at the Huron County Planning and Development Department, Court House Square, Goderich. Copies will also be available for review at all local municipal offices within the County of Huron. Notice of Decision If you wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed Official Plan, you must make a written request to: J.A. Murray, Clerk-Administrator, County of Huron, Court House Square, Goderich, ON N7A 1M2 Ontario Municipal Board Powers If a person or public body that files a Notice of Appeal of a decision of the County of Huron in respect of the proposed Official Plan, and does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the County of Huron before the proposed Official Plan Is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. If you have any questions concerning the County of Huron Official Plan contact Gary Davidson, Director of the Planning & Development Department at (519) 524-2188. Now he can do front-end alignments, full tire sales and balancing, brake rotor and drum machining, computer diagnostics, safeties and much more. Don't forget to take in his grand opening on Sept. 13. Good luck Derek!