HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1997-09-03, Page 27THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3,1997 PAGE 27. SERVICES VEHICLES FOR SALEs□ HOUSECLEANING SERVICES. Need some cleaning done on a regular basis? Call Pearl at 347- 2216. Years of experience and references. Flexible hours and days. 33-3 1994 FORD TAURUS GL, loaded, 72,000 kms. Phone 887- 6106. 34-2p COMPUTER SALES, UPGRADES and repairs. VCR repairs of all brands. Call Steve Blake at Huron Video and Sound 887-6710. 32-tfn 1985 OLDS ROYALE, 2 DR., p.s., p.b., $1,000. o.b.o. Good winter car. 482-3303. 34-lp 1985 3/4T CHEV PICKUP, 6.2L diesel, auto with O.D., $2500. 887- 6024. 34-1 ALUMINUM AND CUSTOM welding, ornamental railing, trailers, custom hitches, pigs/cattle penning, machinery repairs and fabricating. Call Peter de Jong, 523-4816. tfn 1982 VOLKSWAGON RABBIT, superb running condition. Interior is A-l. Easily certified. $1500 or best offer. Call 887-9536. 34-1 TENDERS WANTED TO BUY: SCRAP CARS and trucks. L & B Auto Wreckers, 1/2 miles south of Brussels. Call 887-9499. tfn WANTED - LAND TO RENT for fall wheat. Close to Blyth. Call Steve 523-4799 after 6:00 p.m. or leave message. 33-2p CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" NOSTALGIA-RAM A FALL SHOW SEPT. 7/97 10-4, 85 Dealers, buy­ ing, selling small antiques, glassware, coins, old advertising posters, tins, calendars, postcards, StarWars toys, buttons, Coke, books, docu­ ments, militaria, sportscards, tools, bottles, breweriana, automobilia, railroadama, sheet music, photographs, ephemera. Fairgrounds Audito­ rium, WOODSTOCK, Ontario. Dealer inquiries 1-905-278-7363. SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, planks, beams Large capacity. Best sawmill value anywhere. Free information 1-800-566- 6899. Norwood Sawmills, R.R 2, Kilworthy, Ontario POE 1G0. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT. Order the best videos by mail and pay less. FREE video offer! FREE explicit catalogue. Discreet. HMC Vioeo, 4840 Acorn 201-H, Montreal, Quebec H4C 1L6. BUSINESS OPPS. GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government assistance programs information available. For your new or existing business. Take advantage of the government grants and loans. Call 1-800-915-3615. CHRISTIAN FRANCHISE. Huge earning potential servicing the explo­ sive Christian market with today's technology. Home based. Full train­ ing and support. Call 1 -800-663-7326. EARN SUBSTANTIAL Earnings beginning 1st month! Program to drastically reduce taxes lawfully! Work from home. Will train. Not MLM. 1 -800-322-6169 Ext. 9903, 2 min. message. SELF MOTIVATED ENTREPRENEURS. Don’t spend a fortune on fran­ chise. Make franchise income from home. Not MLM. Training provided. Minimal investment Free info. 1-800-322-6169, Ext. 6697. !Bf HELP WANTED EARN EXTRA MONEY selling C & M Gifts' Unique Line of toys and gifts. Call 519-258-7905, fax 519-258-0707 to receive free catalogues and information about this wonderful opportunity. SALES HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTSS Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars. New products available. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1-800-383-3589. VILLAGE OF BLYTH CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWERS CONTRACT NO. 97036 SEALED TENDERS address- ed to the Village Clerk, John Stewart, 103 Queen Street South, Blyth, Ontario, NOM 1H0, will be received until 4:00 p.m.: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16,1997 For the construction of storm sewers. The work includes approximately: • 800 m of storm sewer ranging, in size from 300 mm to 525 mm diameter as well as other work incidental thereto. Plans, specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the office of the undersigned for a non- refundable fee of $30.00, which includes all taxes. A certified cheque in the amount of $6,000 must accompany each bid. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. B.M. ROSS AND ASSOCIATES LIMITED Consulting Engineers 62 North Street Goderich, Ontario N7A 2T4 Phone: (519)524-2641 Fax. (519) 524-4403 IN THE CLASSIFIEDS Give Someone a Second Chance. Discuss organ donation with your family and sign a donor card today. The Kidney foundation of Canada Farmers receive loader warning Farmers are cautioned to take safety precautions with quick- attach loader equipment, following two fatal accidents over a 14-month period. Some quick-attach loader equipment uses wedge-type locks which are held in place by hairpin clips. If these hairpin clips are not in place, the locks can .become dislodged, releasing the loader attachment. Other quick-attach designs are secured by pins which are engaged when an attachment mechanism is triggered. Louise Corput, chair of the Ontario Farm Implements board, urges farmers and operators of quick-attach loaders to check that the loader attachment is secure every time they engage it, and to also check periodically during operation. "There are many hazards in farming, and machinery accidents often result in serious injury," said Corput. "Farmers are urged to ensure their machinery is safe and that it is operated safely." Corput said that to prevent injury fanners should read the operator's manual and the safety decals on all equipment, and follow all recommended safety precautions. The Ontario Farm Implement board regulates the sale of farm machinery in Ontario and establishes safety standards. It also resolves disputes between farmers, equipment dealers and manufacturers. CAREER TRAINING CERTIFICATE COURSES! Learn income tax preparation or basic bookkeeping by correspondence. For free brochures, no obligation, U & R Tax Schools, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2B6, 1 -800-665-5144. Enquire about free franchise territories. EMPLOYMENT OPPS, TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED. A major carrier is accepting appli­ cations for our Graduates. No experience required - excellent pay. For interview or application contact Ontario Truck Driving School (London) 1-800-263-4777. PAY TELEPHONE SERV. LIVE GIFTED PSYCHICS. Problems in love/relationships? Friends/loved ones turn against you? Feel unlucky in business? Reunites loved ones/interprets dreams. Call 1-900-451-2787, 24 hrs, 18+, $2.75/min. ADVICE? HELP? Call today and talk to one of many psychics. Ifs your choice. Love, Money Relationships, General Advice. 1-900-451-7865, 24hrs, 18+, $3.99.mm. ADOPTION ADOPT FROM RUSSIA? The whole process takes only a few months and can be financed. Consult your specialists and adoptive parents al 905-528-2057. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS FOR SALE... Ends included. 25 x 40 was $5,624, now $4,988. 32 x 44 was $6,835, now $6,524 . 40 x 60 was$9,988, now $9,644. Many others. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. • It's Affordable * It's Fast * It's Easy • One Bill Does It All • Northern Ontario $76 • Eastern Ontario $138 • Western Ontario $130* Central Ontario $134 • All Ontario $390 • National Packages Available • Call this paper for details! Swine production Swine production practices continue to evolve. Segregated early weaning (SEW), multiple site production, and alliances are all relatively new concepts in hog production in Ontario. Have they really made any difference? Are traditional farrow to finish, farrow to feeder pig or finisher operations soon to disappear? The pros and cons of traditional and more recent pork production practices will be compared in an OATI-sponsored seminar for swine producers to be held at the Shakespeare Community Centre on Wednesday, Aug. 27, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Traditional and multiple site production systems will be compared in terms of costs of production, pig health, manure management, feeding, marketing, effects on rural communities and other pertinent issues. Featured speakers are Mr. Wendell Berry, farmer and author, Port Royal, KY and Dr. Kenneth Foster, agricultural economist, Purdue University. For registration or more information concerning the seminar, "Comparing Production Systems; What is the Future?", contact the local OMAFRA office or call Arlie Eriksen at (519) 846- 0965. Culligan REALESTATE LTD. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1997 10:00 - 11:15 AM. 500 DRUMMOND ST., EAST BLYTH $147,500! HOSTESS: MAUREEN WILDFONG Seaforth Office 519-527-1577 OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Brussels Livestock report Continued from page 23 weighing 540 lbs. sold for $108. Lambs under 50 lbs. sold $105 to $107.5u, 50 to 80 lbs., $130 to $16< and u5 to 109 lbs., $107.50 to $125. Goats sold $ 15 to $90. Steers, under 400 lbs., $110 to $140; 400 - 499 lbs., $98.50 to $135; 500 - 599 lbs., $99 io $139.50; 600 - 699 lbs., $93.50 to $115; 700 - 799 lbs., $91 to $112.50; 800 - 899 lbs., $87.50 to $102.50; 900 lbs. and over, $79 to $99.75. Heifers 300 - 399 lbs., sold $88 to $113; 400 - 499 lbs., $92.50 to $128; 500 - 599 lbs., $92 to $109.50; 600 - 699 lbs., $94 to $110; 700 - 799 lbs., $86.75 to $102; 800 - 899 lbs., $73 to $99.75; and 900 lbs. and over, $79 to $99.