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The Citizen, 1997-08-27, Page 2
PAGE 2. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27,1997 Fire Dept, to get emergency van Brussels firefighters should soon have a new emergency van to ride in. At the Aug. 11 meeting of coun cil, Fire Chief Murray McArter asked if the village would fund the purchase of the van until the local service clubs had enough money available to finance it. McArter told council that the department was not having any luck in finding a used van from another department. The van would have to have 'swing out'; door at the back and a side entry door. It would be set up to seat six and carry all the emer gency equipment. Brussels council briefs Meeting troubles chief Fire Chief Murray McArter dis cussed with Brussels council al its Aug. 11 meeting his concerns regarding a July meeting between Morris Twp. council and the fire chiefs of Blyth and Wingham. It was reported in a newspaper article that the meeting was for the purpose of discussing Brussels' fire coverage area. It stated that the chiefs recommended a call go through Blyth and Wingham dis patch, then be relayed to Brussels for first response. McArter said he as disappointed that Brussels had not been aware of the meeting nor invited to have a representative present. A public meeting is being held in September to discuss the matter with the public, members of coun cils and the fire chiefs. McArter said it is hoped it will clear up any misunderstandings.**♦ Brussels was called to a fire at Dave Rapson's recycling shed in Moms on July 4. This area is actu ally outside Brussels' boundary area so is considered a mutual aid call. The bill sent to Morris for the call is to be disregarded.*** McArter advised that Seaforth Hospital is upgrading its dispatch system and will be allocating the costs among the municipalities using the fire-emergency dispatch system.*** Huronlea is looking into improv ing the alarm system in order to reduce the number of false alarms to the fire department.**» McArter received his Certificate of Achievement from the Office of the Fire Marshall for completion of the core module of the fire depart ment. Animal Control Officer Bob Trick was present to discuss any vrussds flcuj School ^Registration Creative play for 3 & 4 year olds September 4,1997 10-11:30 7 - 8:30 Brussels Public Library More Info, call B. Mutter 887-6117 In the rules set out by the Section 21 Committee of the Fire Marshal's office is states that firefighters in all departments can no longer ride on the back of a fire truck unless they are belted in and have a com munication system with the driver. Councillor Mary Stretton asked what would happen to the fire department after amalgamation, but no one had any answers. A resolution passed authorizing the purchase of a used rescue van up to $10,000 with a portion be recovered from service club dona tions. It was felt that other funds may be obtained through fundraising. problems with animals in the vil lage. Trick was told that a dog caught earlier in the day was tied at the PUC shed. He was to return the dog to the owner that evening and inform the owner that a dog tag must be purchased. It was reported that Homecoming '97 was a huge success, though the total raised would not be known until all bills had been paid. Once the final figure is reached, the com mittee plans to repay the funds used to start up and divide the remainder among the service clubs. The streetsweeper cleaned up the downtown core for just $20, coun cil was told, as it was Homecom ing. Carter's Waste Disposal donated bins and disposal service for the weekend. A memo will be sent to the com mittee and volunteers to thank them for their time and efforts. Councillors expressed their pride with the village's participation with clean up and decorating.♦♦♦ Clerk-Treasurer Donna White reported that several errors were discovered when providing com ment on a survey for the sale of Part Lot 408, Plan 192, the former Therrien property on Hawkes Street. Arrangements were made to cor rect minor infractions to the zoning bylaw, however, the garage is located in the exterior sideyard adjacent to Hawkes Street, which is to have a sideyard setback of six metres. The garage is set back 9.2 feet, so it doesn't meet the require ments. A motion passed that the garage did not need to be relocated, but if the building was destroyed it would Continued on page 19 Announcement Brussels Auto Sales & Service Ltd. wishes to announce that our service and repair department will be under the management of Mr. Derek Platzke of Walton Auto & Small Engine Repairs. 8 & R McCall Holdings Inc. have sold their real estate at 809 Turnberry St. to Mr. Derek Platzke, however, Brussels Auto Sales will continue to sell cars and trucks at the same location. We, at Brussels Auto Sales would like to express our appreciation to those who have called upon us for your service & repairs and we wish Derek the very best In his new endeavours and we are sure he will earn your continued support. Bruce Generations meet Four generations met at the home of Lillian and Bill Moses last week in Brussels. Seated is Ada Brittain. Left to right are: Lillian Moses, Ada's daughter, Rose Glanville, her granddaughter and Tina Glanville, her great- granddaughter. People George, Julie, John and Mike Ball from Stratton, Ontario visited with his mother, Lillian and Bill Moses last week. There was a get- together Friday to help celebrate Ada Brittain's 86th birthday and Lillian's birthday. Also attending were Rose and Dave Glanville and family from Lis towel. Q-Q-Quick! Ch-Ch-Change y-y-your f-f-furnace Bringing energy into your life Terms and Conditions f Deferred payments available to Union Gas residential customers on approved credit through Union Gas and Member Union Gas Fireplace Dealers. All other offers not applicable. Offer valid from Aug. 18 to Oct. 18, *97. There are no set-up fees or early payment penalties tor financing. ▲ Residential customers only, on approved credit and only If financed through Union Gas and Member Union Gas Fireplace Dealers. © Union Gas Limited 1997. NOTICE Brussels Licence Office will be closed for holidays from August 18/97 to August 28/97 inclusive. For more information please call 887-6377. Brussels Minor Soccer Thank you to all the people who contributed to the success of our tournament ******* September 7/97 Annual Meeting and Banquet at BMG Community Centre VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS TAXES DUE The 3rd instalment of taxes for the Village of Brussels Is due on Friday, September 5, 1997. Interest at 1-1/4% per month or any part thereof will be charged after this due date. Please note that people who have acquired properties and have not received a tax bill should contact the Municipal Office. Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve a taxpayer from responsibility for payment of taxes, nor from penalty for late payment. Donna M. White Tax Collector Village of Brussels MAKE YOUR HOME A COMFORT ZONE Natural Gas Furnaces Fireplaces No payments until March '98* (Sign up before Oct. 18) Convenient billing options A For all your Natural Gas needs call Your Union Gas Dealer: John Pennington Heating Brussels, ON 887-9233 phone 887-9654 fax Rental: gas water heaters