HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1997-07-30, Page 2PAGE 2. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30,1997
Thank so much
Self Glided
August 2,1997
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Tickets & Map
$3.00 per person
at Brussels United Church
King Street, East
Brussels Clerk-Treasurer Donna White, on behalf of village council presented North Huron
Publishing Co Inc. Publisher Keith Roulston, left, and longtime Brussels resident, Gerald
Gibson, with gifts of gratitude for their efforts in compiling the village history book. Roulston
received a complimentary book for putting it all together, while Gibson, with assistance from
his wife, Isabel, volunteered hours of reading, proofing and researching, along with
contributing a good deal of information.
A chance to visit some
of the village's lovely
gardens and other
garden treasures.
Sponsored by Brussels
United Church
Open Jlouse
Homecoming ‘97
King Street, East
August 2,1997
10 a.m. - 4 P.M.
Light Lunch -
11:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m.
Come, see and explore
our church and our
historical display
Everyone Welcome
Fireworks close cermonies
Continued from page 1
afternoon at the school.
For the youngsters, Turnberry
Street will be turned into a chil
dren's playground, filled with face
painting booths and games, from 1
p.m. to 3 p.m.
A hardy beef barbecue will tempt
any palate when the Brussels Agri
cultural Society lays out the Satur
day evening meal at BMG
Community Centre, beginning at
4:30 p.m. and running though 6:30
p.m. The cost is $10 for adults, $5
for children 12 and under and
preschoolers are free.
Music will resound from every
comer of Brussels that evening as
the pre-teen dance begins at the
Ark at 7 p.m. and continues to
crank out the tunes until 10 p.m.
For the country and western fans,
CKNX Bam Dance, featuring well-
known local talent as well as a
glimpse into the past, will draw the
U-10 team
wins 6-0
Brussels U-10 I took on Newton
I, July 22.
Brussels started the scoring with
Cory Chapman passing the ball to
Justin Mayne who kicked it past
the Newton netminder. Before the
first 25 minutes were over, Matt
White took the ball down the field
and scored another point.
The second half was again in
Brussels favour. White returned the
ball to Keisha Bishop who passed it
back. White then passed it to the
other forward Drew Thomas, who
kicked it by the unsuspecting
Newton goalie.
White scored twice more in the
second half and Mayne scored once
The final score was 6-0 for
Netminders for Brussels were
Tate Stephenson and Chapman.
The shutout was made possible by
the great defensive moves of
Garrett Backhaus, Tyler Jutzi,
Candice McLellan, Baylie Thomas
and Mary Aitchison.
The team played a great game
with lots of passing between the
lines, said coach Laurie Chapman.
crowds to the community centre, ,
beginning at 7:15 p.m. Tickets are
$10 for adults and $5 for children
12 and under.
Fresh air enthusiasts can enjoy a
street dance at the main ball park,
at 9 p.m. Music will be provided by
Mikey's Party Patrol. Donations
will go to the Food Bank.
After recovering from foot
stomping and toe-tapping the night
before, visitors are invited to an
ecumenical church service at
Melville Presbyterian Church at 11
Sunday afternoon is packed with
activities, beginning with the Har
vard air show and parade, which
leaves the community centre at 2
Immediately following the
parade, the new ball park behind
the community centre will be dedi
cated. The tri-county reunion base
ball players will take to the field to
christen the newly-dedicated dia
A selection of fish fry or pork
chop barbecue is available Sunday
evening. The Shriner's Fish Fry at
BMG Community Centre will cost
$9 for adults and $5 for children,
Preschoolers are free. The barbecue
will be held at the Anglican
Church. The prices are the same.
Both meals are offered between 5
p.m. and 7 p.m.
A co-ed three-pitch tournament
kicks off at 6 p.m. on the new ball
diamond, at 6 p.m.
Following a Mennonite outdoor
Country Inn
BBQ Pit and Tent
during Homecoming Weekend
August 1* - Karaoke 9 -1 a.m.
with Rod and Suzy
August 2nd - Karry on Karaoke 9 -1 a.m.
with Allan and Chris
August 3rd - Backup & Push 3-7 p.m.
Singing and playing instruments
887-9035 J BRUSSELS 887-9514
church service at 7 p.m., visitors
and residents are invited to take
part in the shirt tail parade and
dance, at 8:30 p.m. Participants will
walk from the dam to the commu
nity centre.
Closing ceremonies will be
brought to a resounding conclusion
by a fireworks display at dusk.
Though the official closing cere
mony has been completed, activi
ties will continue on Monday. The
co-ed three-pitch and men's fastball
tournaments will wrap up and
draws will be held for a gas barbe
cue and flag.
The Lions Club annual duck race
participants will take the plunge at
2 p.m. as friends and neighbours sit
by the Maitland to watch the rubber
ducks float down stream.
Youth enjoys
Ark programs
By Brent Wheeler
When we were finished school in
June, my Mom asked me if I would
be interested in making some
money by taking my little sister to
the Junior Summer Recreation
Program at the Ark. I said, "Sure".
Last week I said, "Mom, you don't
need to pay me because I am
having so much fun". Let me tell
you a little bit about it.
July 8 was the first day. It was
titled "Birthday Day" - complete
Continued on page 15
V happy to serve you
during Homecoming ’97
For a cool lunch
are available 5
Friday & Saturday *■
11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Turnberry St. South, Brussels
Don, Jill, Enos, Beth, Scott & Michelle
hope you have a safe and happy weekend
Happy 125th Birthday Brussels!
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