The Citizen, 1997-06-25, Page 19THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25,1997 PAGE 19. SERVICES REAL ESTATE ALUMINUM AND CUSTOM welding, ornamental railing, trailers, custom hitches, pigs/cattle penning, machinery repairs and fabricating. Call Peter de Jong, 523^4816. tfn CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country"c. eo. uimitco <• Real Estate s SMALL ENGINE REPAIRS - all makes and models. Phone 523- 4309. 25-2 LORETTA LYNN, PRAIRIE OYSTER, GEORGE FOX, Hank Williams III, Blue Rodeo. Camping. Aug. 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th. Havelock Coun­ try Jamboree. Havelock 1 -800-539-3353. Tickets.VCR REPAIRS AND ON-SITE computer service. Call HVS 887- 9434. 25-tfn CUSTOM ROUND BALING, John Deere 435 baler, 4' x 3' to 4' x 6', $ 1/ft. Phone 526-7286. 24^p HELP YOUR CHILD TOWARD a successful, happy school year. I am accepting students for summer tutoring in all subject areas from Grades 1 through eleven. I offer phonics based individualized reading programs, remedial math programs and confidence building. I have a small number of classes available for July and August. Call Doreen Raymond at 887-6703. 24-2p GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government assistance programs information available. For your new or existing business. Take advantage of the government grants and loans. Call 1-800-915-3615. WANT TO GET PAID FOR WHAT YOU ARE WORTH, your experi­ ence. Four year old Canadian company looking for networkers. Repeat consummable. Exceptional payplan. Phone 1-800-272-4478. OWN YOUR own Health Club and Pro-shop. Gators Gym International is currently offering a limited number of licenced turnkey operations in select areas of Canada. Ideal business for smaller community. Financ­ ing available OAC. Phone: 1-800-580-2261. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING. Classes held Aug. 16-22 and Nov. 15- 21/97. For information contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auc­ tioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9 (519)537-2115. WANTED . OPPS. COMPUTERS. No previous computer experience necessary. Exciting opportunities now available in computer programming. We will train suitable applicants. Call CMS toll-free1-800-477-9578. TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED. A major carrier is accepting applica­ tions for our Graduates. No experience required - excellent pay. For interview or application contact Ontario Truck Driving School (London) 1-800-2634777. FOR SALE WANTED TO BUY: SCRAP CARS and trucks. L & B Auto Wreckers, 1/2 miles south of Brussels. Call 887-9499. tfn SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, planks, beams. Large capacity. Best sawmill value anywhere. Free information 1 -800-566- 6899. Norwood Sawmills, R.R 2, Kilworthy, Ontario POE 1G0. WANTED: Hardwood Logs prompt payment Pannill Veneer Co. Ltd. 340 Louisa St., Kitchener N2H 5N2 tel. (519) 742-5887 fax. (519) 742-3872 Car hits hydro pole Alcohol was a factor in a serious accident, June 19, on Hwy 21 at the Colbome/Ashfield Townline Road. Joel W. Mitchell, 20, of Kincar­ dine Twp., was driving a 1988 Ford when it left the road, travelled into the east ditch and struck a hydro pole. Mitchell received minimal injuries while his passenger, Peter T. Hanbey, 21, of RR2, Tiverton sustained major injuries and was take, by ambulance, to Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich. The vehicle was severely dam­ aged. Mitchell has been charged with impaired driving. • It's Affordable • It's Fast • It's Easy • One Bill Does It All ♦ Northern Ontario $76 • Eastern Ontario $138 • Western Ontario $130 • Central Ontario $134 • All Ontario $390 • National Packages Available • Call this paper for details! Elections go hi-tech Municipal elections are going hi- tech. The Ontario Municipal elections Information Web Site is online at www.municipal97.com and is available for use by any candidates. Not only can candidates from across the province display their platforms and pictures on the inter­ net, but they can poll voters on issues with the Citizen Feedback Form, as part of their web page. Information from the poll can immediately be fed back to the can­ didate through his personnel or municipal web site or via an e-mail address, through links. E-mail addresses may be estab­ lished through the web site. Candidates may submit informa­ tion by accessing the Ontario' Municipal Information Web Site or by phoning Affirmative Communi­ cations from a fax headset to request a registration form. Anyone wishing more informa­ tion may contact Affirmative Com­ munications by phone at 905-637- 0512; fax, 905-637-8541; e-mail, info@affirmative.com or internet, www.affirmative.com. PERCENTAGE BOER CROSS GOATS from Ram H. Breeder's - well bred proven stock. Doelings $250.00. Papers available. Kerith Farms, Grandview, Manitoba. Phone/Fax: 1-204-546-3133. ANNOUNCEMENT HELP WANTED WORK AT HOME part time, full time. Health industry. ABOVE AVER­ AGE INCOME. Ask for FREE BOOKLET. 416-631 -4152. SALES HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars. New products available. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1-800-383-3589 MEDICAL SNORING PROBLEMS?? Unique, effective. ’NEVER SNORE" pro- vides quiet sleep!!I New to Canada - Doctor tested herbal formulation - safe, natural - complete Money Back Guarantee. Call anytime 1 -888- 4144224.TONY VANDEN HENGEL Wilfred Mclntee & Company is pleased to welcome Tony Vanden Hengel to their Clinton office. Tony comes with a wealth of Agricultural knowledge having Dairy farmed in McKillop township for 28 years. Tony is married to Mary who has been with our Company for 8 years. Together Tony and Mary will help you with all your real estate needs. You can reach Tony at the Clinton office at 482-5991, or at home at 233-3168. PERSONALS MALE IMPOTENCE prevented and corrected at any age, even with medical problems like medications, surgery, diabetes and injury Free information/advice: Performance Medical Ltd., Box 418, Valemount, B.C.VOE 2Z0.1-800-663-0121. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS FOR SALE... Ends included 16 x 24 $2,988.00. 21 x 30 $3,760.00. 25 x 40 $5,624.00. 32 x 44 $6,835.00. 34 x 56 $8,360.00. 40 x 60 $9,988.00. 46 x 70 $13,044.00. 56 X 90 $22,888.00. Others. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS. Durable, Dependable, Pre-engineered, All-Steel Structures. Custom-made to suit your needs and require­ ments Factory-Direct affordable prices. Call 1-800-668-8653 ext. 536 for free brochure. A-Z PRE-ENG BUILDINGS INC. Farm, storage, commercial industrial. New Types, steel/wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action and answers - Wally (416) 626-1794, fax (416)626-5512. FREE brochures. CLIP-SAVE. To List or Buy give us a try. 19 ALBERT ST. CLINTON 482-5991 A little mouth action helps Tyler Schott of East Wawanosh Public School pays close attention to his art work during author's day, last Friday. Illustrator Jane Stryker of Auburn was giving the Grade 1 class a few pointers. Pond overflow causes problem Continued from page 3 mately $457. Joe Hallahan spoke with council about a water problem on his prop­ erty and that of neighbour Eugene Gore, as the result of an overflow from a pond on adjacent land. The land, which is part of the abandoned rail bed, is leased by the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, for use by the Blyth Greenway project from the Ontario Realty Corporation. Greenway committee member Scrimgeour said MVCA did no want the pond drained, but the Greenway committee would be willing to discuss owner solutions. Hallahan said he, Gore and the Ontario Realty Corp, would be willing to pay a portion of the cost to make improvements. Councillor Lawrie said it was pri­ vate property and council should not be contributing public money to fix a problem. Council agreed to hear a proposal by the landowners and reiterated it would be up to them to cover the cost.