The Citizen, 1997-06-25, Page 11THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1997 PAGE 11.
Brussels Livestock report
Fed steer, heifer prices up $3 on active trading
The sales at Brussels Livestock
for the week ending June 20 were:
fed cattle, 706; cows, 206; veal
calves, 292; lambs and goats, 247;
and stockers, 994.
The fed steers and heifers sold
actively at prices $2 to $3 higher.
The cows sold $2 to $4 higher. On
Thursday, veal and lambs sold on a
fully steady trade. On Friday calves
sold steady with yearlings selling
$2 higher.
There were 420 steers on offer
selling from $90 to $95 with sales
to $104. Thirteen steers consigned
by Schmidt Brook Farms Inc.,
Woodstock, averaging 1,442 lbs.
sold for an average of $93.01 with
sales to $104. Twenty-three steers
consigned by Terry Dalton,
Lucknow, averaging 1,203 lbs. sold
for an average of $92.80 with sales
to $101. Thirty steers consigned by
Cunningham Farms, Lucan,
averaging 1,431 lbs. sold for an
average of $93.11 with sales to
Four steers consigned by Alvin
Hershey, Mount Forest, averaging
F arm
Agri-tours offer variety
Residents and visitors alike are
being told to get out of town - to
participate in an agri-tour, that is.
Each Monday, throughout the
summer, Perth County is offering
day-long tours of agriculture sites
around the county, put together
through the co-operation of Perth
County council, Perth County Fed
eration of Agriculture, Perth Coun
ty Community Development
Council, Tourism Stratford and all
the farmers and volunteers.
The tours leave the Stratford
Tourism Information Centre at 10
a.m. for a family excursion to two
4-H club
beef setup
By Corey Rintoul
The Brussels, Belgrave 4-H Beef
Club had its second meeting on
Monday, June 9 at Paul Coultes's
The 4-H Club travelled to John
Haines and Mr. Frischknecht.
Haines’ setup was for beef animals.
After walking through members
asked him questions. He served pop
and donuts to all.
The club them moved on to Mr.
Frischknecht. Mr. Frischknecht has
a wonderful place for heifers and
dry cows. The club was amazed at
how he cleaned the bam.
The club got to find out what
heifers and dry cows eat.
The members are grateful to Mr.
Haines and Mr. Frischknecht for a
very interesting 4-H meeting. They
had a great time.
The next meeting for the
Brussels, Belgrave 4-H Beef Club
will be held on Monday, June 30 at
8 p.m. at Kim Higgins.
838 lbs. sold for an average of
$82.58 with sales to $100.00.
Twenty-one steers consigned by
Howard Martin, Brussels, averag
ing 1,385 lbs. sold for an average
of $92.29 with sales to $95.75.
Three steers consigned by Shirmac
Farms, Granton, averaging 1,265
lbs. sold for an average of $93.10
with sales to $95.50.
Forty steers consigned by Allan
Rundle, Exeter, averaging 1,278
lbs. sold for an average of $93.15
with sales to $95.25. Ten steers
consigned by Kada Farms,
Bluevale, averaging 1,348 lbs. sold
for an average of $93.53 with sales
to $95. Five steers consigned by
Bill Finkbeiner, Dashwood, averag
ing 1,283 lbs. sold for $94.25.
Twelve steers consigned by Ron
Codlin, Grand Valley, averaging
1,518 lbs. sold for an average of
$90.77 with sales to $94.25.
There were 264 heifers on offer
selling $90 to $95 with sales to
$96.75. Fourteen heifers consigned
by Mux Lea Farms, Woodstock,
averaging 1,204 lbs. sold for an
farms, historic sites and a country
lunch. The bus returns to Stratford
by 4 p.m.
Each tour offers a unique glimpse
into very different aspects of Perth
County. A sample excursion might
include a Mitchell walking tour, a
stop at Crossroads Restaurant, St.
Patrick's Church tour, a wander
through Brickman's Botanical Gar
dens and a visit to Emuzing Acres.
The cost of the tour includes bus
transportation, lunch, farm visits
and attractions.
The fee for adults (12 years and
older) is $40 and children under 12,
$35. A family rate for two adults
and two children is $110, with each
additional child $20. all prices are
subject to GST.
Tickets can be purchased at Strat
ford Tourism Information Centre or
the Victorian Inn.
Further information may be
obtained by calling 1-800-561-
SWAN, ext. 27.
TUESDAYS 9 a.m. Finished
Cattle & Cows
THURSDAYS 9:00 a.m. Bob Calves
Veals followed
by Goats
Sheep & Lambs
FRIDAYS 10:00 a.m. Stocker Cattle
1:00 p.m. Pigs
July 31/97 - 100 Suffolk X Sheep, open for
breeding, all vac., sheared
average of $92.57 with sales to
$96.75. Seven heifers consigned by
Karl Terpstra, Mitchell, averaging
1,133 lbs. sold for an average of
$89.52 with sales to $96.25. Five
heifers consigned by Graham
Clowes, Orangeville, averaging
1,142 lbs. sold for an average of
$87.43 with sales to $94.50.
Sixteen heifers consigned by Gord
Brown, Shelburne, averaging 1,196
lbs. sold for an average or $91.41
with sales to $94.25. Twelve
heifers consigned by Wayne King,
Gorrie, averaging 1,198 lbs. sold
for an average of $90.93 with sales
to $94. Seven heifers consigned by
Les Coleman, Kippen, averaging
1,049 lbs. sold for an average of
$93.24 with sales to $93.30.
Six heifers consigned by
Ephriam Hoover, Wroxeter,
averaging 993 lbs. sold for an
average of $90.10 with sales to
$91.50. Ten heifers consigned by
Sunnivale Farms, Stayner,
averaging 1,175 lbs. sold for an
average of $91.06 with sales to
$91.50. Five heifers consigned by
Ronland Farm, Stratford, averaging
1,111 lbs. sold for an average of
$90.26 with sales to $90.75.
There were 206 cows on offer
selling from $42 to $57 to the high
of $66. Two cows consigned by
Grant Rhody, Chesley, averaging
1,343 lbs. sold for an average of
$65.50 with sales to $66. On
Charolais cow consigned by Pine-
Lane Farms, Cargill, weighing
HCPP host
June 25
The Huron County Pork Produc
ers will be hosting their producers
meeting, tonight, Wednesday, June
215, at Hensall Public School, to
begin at 7 p.m.
Guest speakers will include:
Mary Lou McLeod, Ontario Pork
will speak on the "Futures" pro
gram and other risk management
tools; Cheryl McLaughlin, Ontario
Pork Grading Authority, will
explain the latest graphic results for
the new APHIN program which
monitors pork quality and Joe
Gleason, Hay Twp. resident, will
discuss the high levels of e-coli
bacteria in Lake Huron.
1,780 lbs. sold for $65. Four cows
consigned by Jim Whitley,
Creemore, averaging 1,360 lbs.
sold for an average of $58.95 with
sales to $65.
There were 15 bulls on offer
selling from $57 to $68.50 to the
high of $72. One blonde bull"
consigned by Ken Dettman,
Clifford, weighing 1,605 lbs. sold
for $72. Two blonde bulls
consigned by Kurt Delschlagel,
Clifford, averaging 1,070 lbs. sold
for an average of $70.10 with sales
to $71.50.
There were 292 veal on offer
selling from: Beef, $90 to $127;
Holstein, $85 to $100; and Plain
Holstein, $70 to $85. Eight veal
consigned by John Verburg,
Londesboro, averaging 671 lbs.
sold for an average of $99.36 with
sales to $127. Four veal consigned
by Lloyd Kacher, Mount Forest,
averaging 565 lbs. sold for an
average of $105.34 with sales to
Life’s Too Short
You work hard every day and always give your
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baler from New Holland. It makes perfect bales
every time.
• Roll-Belt™ design makes dense, uniform 4’x5’
bales weighing up to 1,000 lbs.
• Available Bale Command Plus™ monitoring
system takes the guess work out of making
great bales
• Available wide pickup for large windrows
Stop in today and check out the new Model 644.
After all, don’t you think you deserve the best?
527-0245 887-6365 hEW HOLLAND
$118.50. Two veal consigned by
Steve Layton, Clinton, averaging
603 lbs. sold for an average of
$105.17 with sales to $113.
Lambs, under 50 lbs. sold $147
to $162.50; 50 to 80 lbs., $145 to
$161; and 80 to 95 lbs., sold $135
to $150.
Sheep sold $44 to $70.
Goats sold $25 to $65.
Steers, under 400 lbs., sold $99
to $139; 400 - 499 lbs., $99 to
$132; 500 - 599 lbs., $95 to $121;
600 - 699 lbs., $89 to $112.25; 700
- 799 lbs., $70 to $107; 800 - 899
lbs., $95.50 to $111.50; 900 lbs.,
and over, $90 to $107.50.
Heifers, 300 - 399 lbs., sold $82
to $132; 400 - 499 lbs., $92.50 to
$115; 500 - 599 lbs., $85 to
$113.50; 600 - 699 lbs., $74.50 to
$103; 700 - 799 lbs., $81.25 to
$105.50; 800 - 899 lbs., $84.75 to
$100; and 900 lbs., and over,
$74.50 to $101.
Plain stockers, sold $45. to $53.