HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1997-05-28, Page 14PAGE 14. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 28,1997
UCW leads Duff’s worship
Leona McDonald greeted
worshippers at Duff's United
Church on May 25.
This being Conference Sunday,
Rev. James Murray was away so
the UCW took over the service.
Gloria Wilbee started the service
by giving the call to Worship. The
Old Testament reading was read by
Olene Dennis and Heidi McClure
read the Gospel lesson.
The choir sang, Stay with Us,
then Gloria called the young
worshippers forward. She had a
little tricycle with her and asked for
volunteers as she began to explain
to them how they can understand
God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
She gave one child a circle that
represented the Son and he placed
it on one of the back wheels.
Another person put a circle
representing the Father on the other
back wheel. Then for the large
front wheel the circle that stood for
the Holy Spirit was put on.
There are three different wheels
on the tricycle, but yet it is a
tricycle. So it is important to think
of God in three different ways and
not just one way, she said. -
Gloria Wilbee then welcomed
Marjory Humphries to the pulpit
where she delivered her message
called, 'Conquering Obstacles.' She
defined obstacles as a hindrance or
impediment. They can be mental,
physical, psychological, personal or
community, provincially,
nationally or globally implemented.
She said when dealing with
obstacles people must maintain a
positive attitude and be responsible
for it. Attitude can make or break
homelife, schools, churches and
further afield. "We can't change our
past or our people, but we can
change our attitude to a positive
approach to our ordeals," she said.
At least ten per cent of life is
Grey banks
with CIBC
Grey Twp. council held its
regular meeting on May 20 and
passed a bylaw authorizing a
banking arrangement agreement
with the CIBC, Brussels.
A motion to purchase a new
pickup truck was defeated as
council decided that it was not
appropriate to purchase a new truck
with the ongoing discussions
pertaining to restructuring and
A letter from the Canada-Ontario
Infrastructure Works Program was
reviewed which indicted that Grey
Twp. will receive $10,475.
Council was advised of a special
textile collection from the
Bluewater Recycling Association
which will occur during the regular
collection on May 29.
what happens and 90 per cent is
how people react to it.
She wanted everyone to use their
imaginations and pretend that the
jar she held represented the world.
The world is made up of two-thirds
water, she said as she poured water
into the jar. She then said she
would discuss a few obstacles that
people face for obtaining world
peace and ask if solutions could be
The first obstacle is war. She put
some red colour into the jar.
Obstacle two was hunger,
poverty, homelessness, disease and
ignorance. The colours green and
yellow represented these and she
put them into the jar.
Number three was discrimination
and prejudice which was
represented by iodine. Fear was the
last obstacle and red/black was
thrown into the jar.
She pointed out what a sad
looking world it was beginning to
look. She then suggested some
solutions such as help from the
government - so she threw in a red,
blue and green book policy, and it
didn't seem to help much. She
suggested perhaps money would
Swat the bug
Through the efforts of Bruce Armstrong's students at F.E.
Madill and McNeil's Auto Body, a unique fundraiser will be
attracting attention at the Brussels 125th Homecoming
celebrations in August. For a small fee people will have
the chance to ’Swat the Bug or more aptly, slug it, using
a sledgehammer. The car is a bare shell that the students
sanded and painted before installing a moveable axle
underneath. Don McNeil, pictured, says the fundraiser will
be part of the classic car show on Saturday, Aug. 2. Until
then it will be displayed throughout the area to advertise
help but after putting in some
change it didn't do anything either.
What about education? Could it
clear up the ignorance in the world.
In went a newspaper and a book.
No change. Castor oil was put in
for medicine, and rice, com and
wheat went in for food. All the
obstacles were still there.
Then she held up another jar. She
said let this represent Jesus coming
into everyone's lives, their world,
and she poured bleach into the
world jar and it all became clean
and clear. He alone can make the
obstacle disappear.
She said to put JOY into life. J is
for Jesus, O is for others and Y is
for yourself. "Use the talents God
gave us and do the best with what
we have."
She said just think of snowflakes,
one of nature's most fragile and
delicate things, but just look what
they can do when they stick
She said "Give yourself a love
TAP, T - Target a need, A - ask
God for wisdom and P - proceed to
meet that need. We can conquer
and overcome the obstacles with
Jesus' help."
Compiled by Patty Banks Phone 887-6156
Athletes compete
It was track and field for the
Walton Grade 2, 3, 4s this week.
Mrs. Vandendool said that
everyone had a very successful day
and there were lots of winners. The
students showed good spirit, win or
The following will travel to
Seaforth to compete next week:
Scott Dalton, Kevin Hood, Mark
Wilbee, Greg Bowers, Andrew
McDonald, Matt Bolton, Josh
Baker, Blake, Griffiths, Mitch
Of Work
Despite the fact that both Liberal
and Tory governments have
promised jobs, jobs, jobs,
unemployment remains at record
high levels.
More And Better Jobs
Our tax relief will leave more
money in your pocket. That will
stimulate the economy, creating
more and better jobs - jobs that
will last.
Smaller Government
Step by step, we'll overhaul
government operations, saving
about $15 billion a year.
Big Government
Over the past 25 years, the
Liberals and Tories have increased
government spending by 624%.
Lower Taxes, After A
Balanced Budget
Reform will balance the federal
budget by 1999. Then, we’ll give
every single Canadian tax relief -
$2,000 per family by the year
Cut Health Care
Funding By 40%
The Chretien government has cut
social transfers, including health
by more than 40% since they took
office in 1993.
Rights For Criminals
The Liberals and Tories continue
to support a justice system that
puts the rights of criminals ahead
of the rights of victims and law-
abiding citizens.
Distinct Society
Both Jean Chretien and Jean
Charest support special status for
the province of Quebec.
Gold-plated MP Pensions
Liberal and Tory MPs continue to
draw millions from their lucrative
pension plan, while ordinary
Canadians will only get $8.800/yr.
in CPP benefits. For example Jean
Charest will receive $4.3 million
when he retires (and lives to age
History tells us that no platform or policy is worth the paper it
is written on if its author can not be held accountable for a
promise made.
Blake, Krista Shortreed, Lindsay
McNichol, Andrea Vander Veen,
Katie Williamson, Kelsey
Bennewies and Ashley Haley.
Congratulations and good luck.
The other grades will have a play
day next Friday. The Early Year
class worked on the letter B. They
had a ball blowing beautiful, big
bubbles and making butterflies.
The whole school participated in
bicycle safety by watching a video
and talking about it with Mrs.
$4 Billion More To Health
Our overhaul of government
operations will make it possible to
spend where it counts -
$4 billion more each year on
health and education.
Victims' Rights
Reform will shift that balance from
the rights of criminals like Clifford
Olson to the rights of victims and
law-abiding citizens like you.
Equality Of All Provinces
We'll give more power to all
provinces. Including Quebec,
through decentralization and a
greater emphasis on local control.
MP Pension Reform
50 Reform MPs have opted out of
the program, until it is brought
into line with private sector plans.
Deborah Grey opted out and it
cost her $1.4 million in pension.
We would allow Canadians to
invest in a personal CPP and
guarantee all existing benefits.
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Official Agent For Doug Fines