HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1997-05-21, Page 9The news from
[Compiled by June Fothergill Phone 523-4360
W7plants tree in memory
The May meeting of Londesboro
W.I. was held at the Hall on
Monday evening, May 12.
Lois opened with a poem, "The
Song of Spring".
Members repeated the Opening
Ode and Mary Stewart Collect.
Roll call was taken up on
"Resolutions". Renee Snell spoke
on Resolutions. Reta gave the
minutes of the April meeting. She
also gave the treasurer's report.
The District Annual is at
Londesboro Hall on Monday, May
26. Registration is at 9:15 a.m.
Lunch is $6. Lois read an article on
"The Oyster". A tree will be
planted in memory of Helen
Lunch was served by Annie
Vincent, Margaret Taylor and June
The cat in the hat...
... was Steven Dougherty, who along with Mom Thelma,
braved the cool Saturday to participate in the yard sale at
Londesboro. It was a busy day in the community with a car
wash and sale beginning themorning, a barbecue at supper
and a concert to wrap it all up that evening.
Council accepts tenders
Landowners in the proximity of
Part Lot 44, Cone. 14, gathered
with Hullett Twp. council, May 6,
to discuss the zoning bylaw amend
ment for the property.
A site plan, presented by engi
neer David Brohm for the Huron
Chapel Evangelical Missionary
Church, regarding storm water
management, lot grade and eleva
tions, will be forwarded to R.J.
Burnside and Associates for
review. Costs incurred for the
review will be the responsibility of
the applicant.
Approval was given by council
for the trailer to remain on Lot 40,
Cone. 14, until Sept. 30, unless
sold. All services are to be discon
nected and approved by the chief
building official by July.
Hearing no appeals regarding the
Daer Drainage Works, council
accepted the tender from Van Bree
Drainage, at a cost of $6,400, for
section A.
The report for Buffinga Drain
will be read June 3.
The tender from Da Lee Dust
Control, at a price of $205.62
including GST per flake ton for cal
cium chloride for the township
roads, was accepted by council.
Council authorized Reeve Tom
Cunningham to sign a work order
with Bell Canada for the relocation
of cables so maintenance work may
Continued on page 11
Seamstresses display work
Continued from page 2
accomplished seamstress and had
also included some dolls she'd
carved and dressed.
Marjorie Duizer had a display of
exquisite needlepoint and beautiful
cards with watercolour painting on
hem and on a few cushion covers
ind dresser scarves.
Brenda Cucksey had beautiful
delicate articles made of wood as
well as attractive needlework.
Norma Hamilton had a jogging suit
on display and Sharon McGrath
had a variety of lovely crafts in her
exhibit including a very nice quilt
which she said she'd pieced at the
age of 12.
The remarkable display went to
prove that the busiest people have
the most time.
Pastor talks of new life
Greeters at Londesboro United
Church on Sunday were Beth Knox
and Audrey Thompson. Ushers
were Jeff and Kim Roetcisoender.
Flowers at the front of the church
were in memory of Almeda
Johnston. Flowers on the memorial
stand were in memory of Bob
The choir sang Come to My
Heart. The sermon topic was "New
Hope, New Life".
May 25 is Promotion and Awards
Sunday. This will be followed by a
soup and sandwich lunch.
The total received for the
Manitoba Flood Relief Fund was
The official board meeting is
Monday, May 26 at 8 p.m. in the
Sunday School room.
The Committee of Stewards are
hosting a TGIF potluck supper at
6:30 p.m.. A collection for Mission
and Service Fund will be received
at the door.
The sympathy of the community
is extended to John and Barb Jewitt
on the passing of their son, Bill.
The Seniors' dance is on Friday,
May 23 al 8:30 p.m. at the hall.
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of East Wawanosh will hold a
public meeting on Monday, June 16, 1997 at 8:00 p.m. In the Belgrave Community Centre, Belgrave,
Ontario to consider a proposed zoning by-law under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as
This by-law amends zoning by-law 10-1987.
The location of the affected lands Is shown on Schedule "A" attached. The location map identifies
the lands within the Township.
ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation, either in
support of or in opposition to the proposed zoning by-law amendment.
IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY that files an appeal of a decision of the Corporation of the Township
of East Wawanosh in respect of the proposed Zoning By-law does not make oral submissions at the
public meeting or make written submissions to the Corporation of the Township of East Wawanosh
before the proposed zoning by-law is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of
the appeal.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed zoning by-law is available for Inspection during
regular office hours at the Township of East Wawanosh Municipal office.
Winona Thompson, Clerk-Treasurer
Township of East Wawanosh
Belgrave, Ont.
(519) 357-2880
This by-law proposes to amend zoning by-law 10-1987 for the following reasons:
A. to Incorporate the new minimum distance separation formula (MDSI & II) recommended by the
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. This amendment revises the current minimum
distance separation requirements for the establishment of new farm buildings and for the
establishment of non-farm related buildings and structures within the agricultural areas of the
township of East Wawanosh. Also Included are definitions for several terms used by the new
formula. This by-law also incorporates setback requirements for liquid manure tanks from wells
and watercourses and a minimum separation distance for the establishment of manure storage
facilities. These requirements have historically been part of a by-law to regulate the location of
manure pits.
B. Also under consideration at this public meeting are revisions to the current by-law to regulate the
location of manure pits. It is proposed that a Nutrient Management Plan shall be completed prior
to the issuance of a building permit for a new livestock liquid manure system to serve an
intensive livestock operation; or for an expanded livestock liquid manure system for an
Intensive livestock operation where the Intensive livestock operation Is being expanded by 20% or
more. An Intensive livestock operation has been defined as including 150 livestock units or 50 or
more livestock units on a land base which exceeds 5 livestock units per tillable hectare. The
Nutrient Management Plan shall be prepared by a consultant In agriculture and shall satisfy
terms of reference which are provided as
appendix A to the manure by-law. The
Nutrient Management Plan includes an on
site review of the manure system, the
available crop land and requires the design of
a manure management strategy that includes
safe application rates, recognizes crop
nutrient needs, and recommends appropriate
reductions in commercial fertilizer
applications. Also included is an emergency
action plan in the event of a spill or system
failure. A sample nutrient management plan
has been prepared by Ecologlstics Ltd.,
Waterloo, Ontario and is available for
Inspection at the township office.
C. In addition, one further amendment is
proposed to the Township Zoning By-law.
Provisions are proposed to regulate the types
of building materials to be used on the
exterior face of any building or structure on
lands designated for "Urban" purposes.
Further, the maximum height of an accessory
building on lands zoned VR1 (Village
Residential Low Density) shall be 4.5 metres.
The by-law presently includes a maximum
height of 6 metres. In addition, in the VR1
zone the total floor area of an accessory
building shall not exceed 75 square metres.
The zoning amendments are proposed as
amendments to by-law 10-1987. The changes to
the liquid manure by-law are proposed in