HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1997-05-07, Page 21THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1997 PAGE 21. Home & Garden 1997 Association selects perennial plant of the year The Perennial Plant Association announced that Salvia 'May Night' ('Mainacht') has been selected as the Perennial Plant of the Year for 1997. Salvias, members of the large mint family, are known for their aromatic foliage, attractive leaves, and long season of bloom. May Night is one of the most versatile cultivars. Bred and introduced in 1956 by the famous German plantsman and philosopher Karl Foerster, it is thought to be a hybrid between S. prate ns is and S. nemerosa. It has the typical square stem of the mints, deliciously fragrant foliage, and its flowers are attractive to honey bees and other garden-flower pollinators. Leaves are slightly blue-gray in colour, finely toothed, hairy, and about 2- 3" long. Salvias love sun, and May Night is no exception. It will grow in a variety of soils, but does best in moderately rich soils, and even dry ones that occasionally stress the plant during short-term summer droughts. The growth habit of 'May Night' is distinctively stiff and upright, forming a small mound. But it is the gorgeous floral display that sets this gem apart from its plainer cousins. Florets are borne on upright spike-like inflorescence which are deep, rich, indigo-black, outlined with delicate Feeder function first Continued from page 20 fence or pole mounted feeders attract cardinals, chickadees, wrens, sparrows and grosbeaks. If seed spills onto the ground, don’t worry. Ground feeding birds, such as blue jays, sparrows, juncos, towhees and mourning doves — not to mention squirrels — will clean it up. Finally, when selecting a feeder, be sure form does not interfere with function. The purpose of a feeder is to attract birds, the experts point out, not to mimic bams or covered bridges. Be sure the feeder is attractive and easy to use by birds. Too many feeders discourage birds because they are beautiful to behold, but impossible to use. Now, position your feeder where you can see it, fill it with seed, sit back and enjoy year-round fun and excitement watching the antics of your new backyard guests. purple bracts. When mature, this plant will be 2 - 2 1/2 feet tall and 1-2 feet across. The main flowering time for 'May Night' is in May/June and the bloom time extends into July. Place 'May Night' in the middle of the perennial border, or use it as a specimen plant. 'May Night' does best in hardiness zones 4 through 8, and it likes a winter mulch in colder areas. However, as with so many perennials, placing it in soils that are well drained during the winter increases plant vigor and extends its life. It has no serious disease or pest problems, although in hot humid areas it will occasionally be attacked by spider mites. Propagation 'May Night' is moderately easy to propagate either by division or by cuttings. If dividing is done, it is best to do it in the early spring bet ore the shoots start to elongate. If propagated by cuttings, it is important that it be done before the hot weather of June arrives, and the moisture content of the propagation bed is critical. Intermittent mist can be used, but be sure that the cuttings are misted only for a few days, or just enough to allow the plant to form new adventitious roots. Then turn the mist off and syringe by hand once per day while providing light shade. Rooting hormones are generally not necessary, but if they are used, a concentration of no more than 1000 ppm IBA is all that is required. Cultivation In northern gardens, Salvia prefers sunny locations, but would probably benefit from light shade in the more intense summer heat of southern gardens. Plant 'May Night' in a soil that is moderately well drained, especially during the winter. 'May Night' can be easily established from container-grown plants anytime during the growing season, or from bare-root field divisions during spring. When planting, be sure to dig a hole twice the diameter of the plant, and place at the same depth as it was in the container or in its previous location. Firm the soil around the plant and water-in thoroughly. Salvias do best in a moderately rich soil, so a spring application of an organic fertilizer or general purpose fertilizer such as a 10-10- 10 or a 10-6^4 at the rate of 1-2 lbs. per thousand square feet is adequate. Landscape Uses In the perennial border, 'May Night' is especially good in combination with the yellow Achillea 'Coronation Gold' or with pink or red herbaceous peonies. Quality Pools At Affordable Prices Middegaal POOlS & SpOTtS SALES SERVICE INSTALLATION. 527-0104 234 MAIN ST. N. SEAFORTH Beetle problem serious By H. J. Smith Agriculture & Rural Representative The Colorado Potato Beetle (CPB) is a serious pest of concern to both the commercial potato grower and the home gardener. These beetles are striped yellow and black and about 3/8" long. The grower will control the CPB by using plastic lined trenches, propane burners or Admire, a newly registered insecticide. These are not practical alternatives for most gardeners as the cost cannot be justified for a small plot. All is not lost, however, as there are alternatives. The CPB overwinters in the soil and begins "□lBRIAN BUFFINGA • Residential • Agricultural • Commercial • Home Security Systems • Pole Line Services fFree 'Estimates (519) 233-3340 VARNA emerging when the air temperature rises to 70°F and starts looking for a potato plant to lay eggs on. There can be up to 400 orange coloured eggs laid on the underside of leaves by each female. The next stage, the larvae, are brick red with rows of black dots and cause the most damage. 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