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The Citizen, 1997-04-16, Page 22
* PAGE 22. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16,1997 •Farm -Home •Commercial - COMPLETE MECHANICAL SERVICE - COMPUTERIZED TUNE-UPS - TIRES - BRAKES MUFFLERS - VEHICLE INSPECTION STATION DAN'S AUTO REPAIR a total, reliable fuel service r Owned and Operated by Dan & Heather Snell J. Richard Elliott (519) 523-9725 paRTiupacnon . The movement for active healthy Irving BELGRAVE CO-OP \357-2711 OR 1-800-267-2667 C GENERAL 1 iZnTJ Ta fl pflRm POLDER ©"© WAYNE JEROME - SALES & SERVICE AUBURN CO-OP 526-7262 J Large & Small Trucks fridgecarts - piano dollys - moving blankets Complete Selection of Cars Our rates qualify for Insurance replacement Passenger Vans full size or mini STRICKLANDS X^GODE RICH Rd 524-9381 y 'Help fair child paRTicipacnon . ffte movement tor active nealthy living r CaCdzueCC Construction • residential & agricultural structures • framing • siding • drywall • roofing & trim Estimates & Prints R.R. # 3 Blyth < 523-9354 J ^Jacquie Gowing'' Accounting Service Computerized Accounting & Tax Preparation Personal, Farm, Business & Corporate Electronic Tax Filing Service available<•< < 887-9248 J f keepphysicalI IN EDUCATION 20 years serving Brussels & area xS? R.R. # 3, Brusselsk 887-6867 J A DRAPERIES 887-9415 or 1-888-541-4300 Custom-made draperies & blinds plus alterations & repairs RR 3, Blyth, Ont. NOM 1HO (on the Westfield Rd.) DAN SNELL, Automotive Technician 523-4356 ' Blyth > Construction Ltd. GENERAL CONTRACTOR DWIGHT CHALMERS 523-4766 R-2000 HOMES AND RENOVATIONS WINDOWS, DRYWALL, SIDING \J Donald Ives General Contractor Berg Farm Equipment Brussels 887-9024, Little ‘Darlings dfcur Studio Hairstyling for men and women Call Karen 477 Turnberry St. N. ^Brussels 887-6942^ rlr RURAL VOICE j[\ THE MAGAZINE OF THE AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRY Don't Delay - Subscribe Today The Rural Voice Produced by people with farming in their blood. Serving more than 15,000 readers In the region. One year for $16.05; two years for $26.75 (GST included In prices above) The Rural Voice Box 429, Blyth, Ont. NOM 1 HO V 519-523-4311 > < INSTANT FAX \ AS F.A.S.T AS PHONE 77ie movement for active, healthy livingy ^helping theA world write now CODE Self-sufficiency through literacy in the developing world \For information, call 1-800-661-2633^/ - xtsiotxrm. comm»cuu..mucuuuul Complimentary Estimates, Drawings and Consultation • Custom Homes • Renovations • Additions > Kitchens • Baths • Trims* Porches * Decks • Sunrooms * Window & Door Sales & Installations * Siding • Soffit • Gingerbread • Farm Buildings & Renovations Over 22 years experince - Licensed Carpenter EVERT STRYKER RR #4 BRUSSELS (519) 887-9291 r LIFE ) R. John Elliott (519) 523-4323 ELLIOTT INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES ESTABLISHED 1910 BLYTH, ONTARIO NOM 1HO 519-523-4481 w_________ Livestock Mortality Insurance J ( DAVIES A ACCOUNTING SERVICES r c ON ‘3.00 THURSDAYS Drop Into either of our otllces any Thursday with your word classified (maximum 20 words) and pay only $3.00 (paid In advance). That's $1.00 off regular rates. Citizen yy ACCOUNTING & TAX PREPARATION Farm, Business, Personal & Corporate 887-9595J The Mort h Huron v CLASSIFIEDS Send your paperwork by FAX instantly! eg. statements, contracts, auction ads, favorite recipes, obituaries, messages... The Citizen has a FAX machine in our office that lets you contact any other FAX machine in the world ... instantly. Our FAX number is also your number so if you want to be reached instantly -- we will receive your messages as well. Call Us Today For Details 523-4792 or 887-9114 FAX 523-9140 or 887-9021 yCitizen^ Phone The Citizen 523-4792 or 887-9114 \JPeadline: Monday at 4 p.m., (2 p.m. in Brussels)^/ (d&jA CONSTRUCTION r— •General Carpentry • Roofing • New Buildings & Renovations McKILL0P\ MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 91 Main St. South, Seaforth Office 527-0400 1-800-463-9204 FARM, HOME, COMMERCIAL AUTO COVERAGES Doug Machan 887-9345 \Jim McDonald 887-9607J WARD \ WUPTIGROVEV' Chartered Accountants Listowel 291-3040 C. D. Newell, C.A. R. E. Uptigrove, C.A. R. H. Loree, C.A. G. J. Martin, C.A. N. M. MacLennan, C.A. T. Soltys, C.A. 7 887-9381 527-1571 482-9976 -------------AGENTS Graeme Craig Bob McNaughton Donald Taylor Banter & Mac Ewan & Feagan Insurance Ltd. 524-8376 John Wise Insurance Ltd. Exeter Insurance Brokers, Exeter Cockwell ^nsurance Brokers 482-3401 235-2211 356-2216^