HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1997-04-02, Page 17THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2,1997 PAGE 17. AUCTION SALES CARD OF THANKS COMING EVENTS HAY/STRAWBIRTHS BRIAN RINTOUL Auction Calendar Wed., April 2 Frank & Rea Van Dongen Hullett Twp. - Sat., April 5 Jim MacTavish Huron Twp. Wed., April 9 Harold Elliott Ashfield Twp. Sat.. April 12 Carl Bet Farms Ltd. Carl & Betty Hooey Huron Twp. Sat.. April 19 Stanley Farm Equipment Consignment Kitchener Stock Yards (Olex) Every Tues. & Thurs. Brussels Livestock every Friday RR «3 Wingham 357-2349 DOUG JACOB AND JOE ZEHR AUCTIONS 271-7894 OR 887-9599 Wed., April 2nd at 1:30: Real estate auction of 100 acres known as Lot 11 Cone. 4 Downie Twp. in County of Perth. Auction to be held at the Avonton Institute Hall in Avonton for Rosanne Eckmeyer and George Ridley. Wed., April 2nd at 4:30 p.m.: Auction sale of furniture, antiques & misc. household items to be held at the Tavistock Memorial Hall in Tavistock for the Estate of Bev Chesney of Innerkip plus con­ signments. Thurs., April 3rd at 4:00 p.m.: Auction sale of furniture, antiques & misc. household items at the Jacob Auction Centre, Herbert St. in Mitchell. Sat., Apr. 5th at 11:00 a.m.: Auction sale of tractors, com­ bine & farm machinery, 1 mi. north & 1/4 mi. west of Shakespeare for Geo. & Patricia Poetker. Wed., Apr. 9th at 9:30 a.m.: An annual auction sale of trac­ tors, combine & farm machin­ ery at the Jacob Auction Centre, Herbert St., Mitchell. Consignments welcome. (Call auctioneers). Frl., Apr. 11th at 11:00 a.m.: Auction sale of farm machinery and misc. equipment. To be held at Kintore for the Estate of Ron Sims. Sat., Apr. 12th at 10:00 a.m.: Auction sale of antiques, furni­ ture and misc. household items at 374 Queen St. in the Village of Lakeside for Jim Morrison. Celebrate National Wildlife Week April 6 - 12, 1997 For more information, call 1-800-563-WILD MEIER. Chris, Jane and Jason are pleased to announce the birth of Emily Margaret Johanna, born March 17, 1997 at 3:19 a.m. at Clinton Public Hospital. Proud grandparents are Fred and Hanny Meier, RR 4, Brussels, Jim and Margaret Howden, Caledonia. Special thank you to Dr. Raczycki and the O.B. nurses for the excellent care we received during our stay. Insured. 13-1 STEVENSON. Steve and Veronica are thrilled to announce the birth of Wyatt Russell Glanville on March 19, 1997 at 6:49 a.m. weighing 8 lbs. 7 oz. What a wonderful birthday present for big brother, Will. Second-time grandparents are Bill and Carol Stevenson, Brussels and Les and Cathy Glanville of Winthrop. 13-1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RAISE CHINCHILLAS AS profitable full or part-time busi­ ness. We provide graded animals, supplies, market, financing. Excellent tax benefits available. Canadian Chinchilla, P.O. Box 1684, St. Marys, Ont. N4X 1C1, 519-229-6117. 13-2 CARD OF THANKS BAKER. Thank you to everyone who came to our 50th wedding anniversary celebration and for the cards and gifts. Special thank you to our children and their families for the brunch at the Benmiller Inn and to Ed and Pat for hosting the evening get-together. Thank you Frank Phillips for the family photos, the Legion Ladies for the refreshments and to Marg Allan for the cakes. Aunt Minnie, it was good to see you again. Thank you all for the memories. - Meade and Dorothy. 13-1 GWYN. A sincere thank you to friends and neighbours for phone calls, flowers, cards, prayers, treats and visits for my brother Ross Gwyn, during his brief illness in Seaforth Hospital. Thank you for all our cards and phone calls in the time of our sorrow. Your much needed kindness will never be forgotten. - Carman and Ella Gwyn. 13-lp NELSON. I would like to thank everyone for their cards, flowers and visits while I was a patient in Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Bokout, Dr. Flowers and all the nurses on first floor. - Nancy. 13-lp THE ARK. Wingham Travel Ltd., in co-operation with the Brussels Agricultural Society, presented a slide show of a real-life cattle drive at the Brussels Legion. The proceeds of this event were donated to The Ark. The Ark expresses its appreciation to them for their support of its work with the youth of the area. 13-1 RUTLEDGE. A sincere thanks to our friends and neighbours for all the acts of kindness shown to Les and for phone calls and visits while Les was in hospital. Thanks for flowers, cards, donations to charitable organizations and food brought to our home during our sad bereavement. Thanks to Dr. Raczycki and the doctors and nurses for their special care while Les was in ICU in London. Special thanks to Rev. Stephen Huntley for his many loving visits and the ladies of the church for the lovely lunch. These kindnesses will all be remembered forever. - Shirley and family. 13-1 c COMING EVENTS WOMEN'S DAY OUT - 3RD annual at Blyth Memorial Hall, Saturday, April 12, 1997 (9:15 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.) Advance tickets - $15 at Blyth - Stitches by M.J., Luann's Country Flowers; Luck­ now - The Kids Shop; Wingham - Lauretta's Hug & 1/2 or call 523- 4366, 523-9725. Tickets purchased by April 4 put into Early Bird draw. 10-12-13b GAIL & BRAD'S MARVELLOUS Wedding Adventure Mystery Dinner/Theatre May 2 and 3, Blyth Festival. Tickets $15 and $25. Call Box office: (519) 523-9300. 12-6 BLYTH FESTIVAL PRESENTS The Pianoman's Daughter...and Others Wed., April 23 at 8 p.m. Tickets $28. Call the Box Office at (519)523-9300. 12-5 MUSIC FUN FOR PRESCHOOL- ers. A music program for 3 to 5 year olds with singing, moving to music, musical games and percus­ sion instruments. One hour per week for 10 weeks beginning in April. Classes held in Belgrave and Wingham. Call now to register, Anne Spivey ARCT BA Mus. 357- 3500. 12-2p LONDESBORO LIONS OLD Tyme Country Breakfast, Sunday, April 6, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Londesboro Community Hall. Proceeds to Blyth Fire Department new rescue unit. 12-2 SEAFORTH MINOR SPORTS Bingo, every Monday night, 7:30 p.m. Seaforth and District Community Centres. Over $2,000 in prizes plus Share The Wealth, $750 Jackpot must go. Doors open 6:30 p.m. eow COMMUNITY BRIDAL SHOWER for Christine Hallahan on Sunday, April 13 at 1:30 at Snell's Restaurant, Westfield. Everyone welcome. 13-2 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Huronia Br. of the OSPCA, Monday, April 7, 8 p.m., Children's Aid Building, 413 MacEwan St., Goderich. This year's speaker will be Dr. Wiley DVM from Clinton Veterinary Services. Topic: Animal Nutrition. Everyone welcome. 13-1 1997 BELGRAVE SOFTBALL Registration at Belgrave Arena: Saturday, April 5 - 9:30 - 11:30; Monday, April 7 - 6:30 - 8:30. Contact: Candace 357-1979, Donna 357-1609. 13-1 FOLK ART CLASS (Tole- painting). Learn basic techniques in folk-art painting. One day session, Sat., April 19, 1997, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. at Blyth Christian Reformed Church. $45 includes lessons, use of paint brushes, paint and finished project to take home (wooden flower box). Call Mary Slotegraaf 523-9020. 12-2p EUCHRE TOURNAMENT AT Walton Hall Thursday, April 10 and 24 at 8 p.m. Bring your own partner. Admission $5. Cash prizes of $ 100. Lunch provided. 13-4 SEAFORTH BUY, SELL, TRADE Day for Poultry and Small Pets, April 12, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Seaforth Agriplex 11 a.m. Rooster Crowing Contest, 1 p.m. Auction. For info please call 523-4458 evenings only. 13-2p TEDDY BEAR DREAM AUCTION and Second City Comedy Show, Saturday, April 19, Blyth Theatre. Silent Auction viewing and Wine and Cheese, 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $25 person. 524-2852 (9 a.m. - 5 p.m.). Support Huron County Community Child Abuse Co-ordinating Com­ mittee. 11-5 HAVE CAMERA, WILL TRAVEL to family reunions or special events. Photos and enlargements ready same day. 30 Minute Photo & Trophies, Wingham. 1-519-357- 4386. 10-4 SEAFORTH HARMONY KINGS Spring Show featuring the popular doo-wap group The Essentials, Saturday, April 5 at Seaforth Com­ munity Centres. Shows at 1:59 and 7:59. Tickets $10.00, students (under 11) $5.00. Call 887-6314. 11-3 MONSTER EUCHRE TOURNA- ment, St. Joseph's R.C. Church, Clinton, Wednesday, April 9, 8 p.m. Over $100 in prizes. Lunch provid­ ed. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus. 13-lp SONGFEST - LONDESBORO United Church, Sunday, April 13, 7:30 p.m. Featuring - Quartets, Choir, Soloist and Instrumentalists. 13-2p 12th ANNUAL EXETER HOME GARDEN & LEISURE SHOW Fri. Apr. llr iop m. Sat. Apr. 12 Noon-9 p.m. Sun. Apr. 13 Noon-5 p.m. SOUTH HURON REC CENTRE - Exeter, Ont. ADMISSION $3.00 Presented by the Exeter Optimist Club Children 12 & Under: FREE when accompanied by an Adult MANY DRAWS & PRIZES HAY FOR SALE - 4 £ 5 BALES of hay and straw. Hard core and priced to sell. 523-9279. 13-1 FOR SALE - HAY - SMALL squares, first and second cut, no rain, approximately 900 bales. Phone 523-9362. 13-1 RN OR RPN WITH VENIPUNC- ture experience for insurance requirements. Call 519-745-6971 between office hours. 13-2 H HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED FULL-TIME dairy and general farm assistant, required for modem purebred cow tie stall dairy and cash crop farm. Apply to Ray Devereaux, Seaforth 519-522-0458. 13-2 WANTED - PART-TIME YOUTH worker, 15 hrs./wk., must be energetic with good organizational and interpersonal skills. Please send resume to The Ark, Box 392, Brussels, Ontario. NOG 1H0. Only successful applicants will be interviewed. 12-2 □ IN MEMORIAM DOBIE. In loving memory of grandson Michael, who passed away April 5, 1993. Down the path of memories, We gently tread today, All our thoughts are with you, As life goes on its way. - Always remembered by Grandpa and Grandma Dobie. 13-lp LAWRIE. In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, James Lawrie, who passed away April 3, 1993. Death is a heartbreak no one can heal, Memories are treasures no one can steal. Silent thoughts of years together Hold memories that will last forever. - Sadly missed and always remembered by Janet, John, Linda, Rob, Carole, Agnes, Jack and grandchildren. 13-lp MITCHELL. In loving memory of Jack Mitchell who passed away April 1, 1993. Those we love don't go away, They walk beside us every day, Unseen, unheard, but always near, Still loved, still missed and very dear. - Remembered by The Beer and Mitchell families. 13-lp STEPHENSON. In loving memory of Robert who passed away 11 years ago, April 7, 1986. When thoughts go back as they often do, We treasure the memories we have of you, This day is remembered and quietly kept, No words are needed, we shall not forget. - Mom and Dad, Bill, Joan and family, Bonnie and Courtney. 13-lp